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Crunchyroll - Couple of issues

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    Crunchyroll - Couple of issues

    A few issues from the Crunchyroll side of things:

    !) Not sure of a good way to handle this but there are times where there are multiple type of subtitles going on at the same time. Say a character is speaking (showing in the subtitle) and then a drawing or card or something else on the screen is also translated. Crunchyroll handles this by putting the different items in different positions on the screen.
    After being captured to a file everything seems to be on the single track so sometimes a long dialog is onscreen for only a second and then it moves to the word or phrase for the rest of the time.

    2) I've noticed with subtitles recently pulled down that if the text is longer it has started putting a \ at the end of the line. Not sure when/why this happened (I tend to grab files and get around to watching them later).

    3) I assume the recent change impacting all of the others is impacting this as well? It used to grab at 1080 and is now pulling things down at 720.

    4) A rare item is that sometimes the picture will freeze/stop moving for the rest of a movie/episode but the audio continues normally. If I re-download that episode it works normally. I haven't seen any rhyme or reason as to why this happens and the best indicator I've seen to know it has happened is the file size is smaller than it normally would be.

    I am currently running (x64) on Windows

    Hi, please specify the names of some of the videos you encountered the problem with, and post the latest StreamFab.log file, we will check. Thanks.


      Bleach S2 Ep 29, video stops around 6:40 audio keeps going (date stamp on my file is 11/23/2021 1:43pm, in case that lines up with anything in the logs.

      Most every episode of My Hero Academia shows the subtitle bit. Example S5 Ep 101 around 2:51 shows the dialog quickly cutting away to a translation of their quirks (text on screen) while the person is still speaking

      I will try and find an example of the \ being added and mention here. I tried to attach my StreamFab.log but the file is 6.2 MB and it says the limit is 2MB


        Please use the Feedback option in StreamFab to submit the log files. Or you can delete the log folder, repeat the download process, which will generate new log files, try to post the latest ones. Thanks.


          Submitted the feedback with the whole log, the comment was to update to 11. I did that, had to pull down a new copy of an episode (the video stopped but audio & subtitles continued). On that new copy it has the \ in the subtitles a couple of times. New (smaller) log attached, the-aquatope-on-white-sand ep1: the-tropical-fish-ran-away
          Attached Files

