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i thought this did youtube

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    i thought this did youtube

    version, trying to download and i get analysis failed. it says m2u8 right next to analysis failed. I am a lifetime member back when this product was dvdfab and you only had 3 sites and i bought in back then when the offer was for any future sites. still i had to pay to upgrade for 4 different titles (drm m2u8, mpd, etc). and still this doesnt work??? what gives?

    Hi, purchased YouTube videos are not supported.


      Originally posted by buffyandsneaky View Post
      version, trying to download and i get analysis failed. it says m2u8 right next to analysis failed. I am a lifetime member back when this product was dvdfab and you only had 3 sites and i bought in back then when the offer was for any future sites. still i had to pay to upgrade for 4 different titles (drm m2u8, mpd, etc). and still this doesnt work??? what gives?
      The DRM modules is not included with the early lifetime membership, if you signed on early. You are still getting whatever new streaming sites for free. The DRM downloaders is not an upgrade, StreamFab works without them.

      Mona is correct in that YouTube rented and purchased videos are not supported. But the link you attached for 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' is a Free w/ Ads video and should work if you have the correct DRM Download module. There are two downloaders, DRM M3U8 and DRM MPD Downloaders and I have not seen many usages out of the DRM M3U8 downloader. (They work automatically by default in the background of Streamfab for I guess whichever site it uses, there was a request to be able to choose between the two, but I haven't seen that option to be able to do that yet)

      I tried the link, and it works for me with the DRM MPD Downloader. Do you have that one? If you do, for YouTube videos you need to highlight and copy the https/URL address and have Streamfab open, go back into Streamfab after highlight the address and hit download to download the video.
      Last edited by Down2Earth; 08-09-2022, 01:28 PM.


        I try the same link myself and it comes with an error about DRM protected. I don't have the license for either M3U8 or MPD, they both say "3 of 3 videos left".
        If one of those modules would work on that link, wouldn't it download it fine and then use up one of those 3 free trial?


          Yeah I purchased the group of 4 yesterday and they say they are active in the license. Is there a way to force the one you are talking about?

          i don’t mind paying the extra. I’ve had dvdfab for years and they’ve always had a good product


            Originally posted by buffyandsneaky View Post
            Yeah I purchased the group of 4 yesterday and they say they are active in the license. Is there a way to force the one you are talking about?
            There's is no forcing that I know of, as noted between the two it is done in the background, think there might be a bug where in some cases it picks up the DRM M3U8 module when it shouldn't.... this is why you should be able to have the option to change and force the correct module to use but I haven't had that problem to verify that issue yet.

            Since you have all DRM Downloaders, try this for the YouTube video you are trying to get....BTW...Showtime Anywhere works in the same way since it uses the DRM module.

            Open up StreamFab, it doesn't matter which Streaming service, just have it open.
            Now open up your main browser and go to the video you are trying to download on YouTube, click on the URL and highlight it, right click to copy that link.
            Click on StreamFab to Maximize StreamFab back onto your display and you should see a Paste URL(s) Download window popup box to download the video.

            This is done automatically, with no pasting, it should be picking up the correct DRM Downloader for you to download if you have it, if it's not doing this for that video on YouTube then you will need to get with one of the DVDFab Service Team for help.

            Last edited by Down2Earth; 08-09-2022, 08:03 PM.


              Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

              I tried the link, and it works for me with the DRM MPD Downloader. Do you have that one? If you do, for YouTube videos you need to highlight and copy the https/URL address and have Streamfab open, go back into Streamfab after highlight the address and hit download to download the video.
              Could you please give a step-by-step as I am trying to test your method without any success? As it is, your directions are a bit confusing to me. Are you saying that you are using a separate program called DRM MPD Downloader? As far as I know the MPD module is part of the StreamFAB64 (or 32, I guess) program. You say that you need to highlight and copy the URL address, is your address any different than the one that the OP provided? By "have open" do you mean click Enter and YouTube starts the display of the ads and the River Kwai video? Where am I supposed to hit "Download"?
              Here's what happens when I try to do it - I enter the URL provided by the OP and press enter. The display starts to show 2 ads followed by the movie. At same time, a reddish rounded box appears saying "Analysis failed" next to a grey rounded box saying M3U8 (see below). Usually if I am dealing with a MPD video the grey box would instead be blue and say "MPD." If I click on the M3U8 box, nothing happens. If I click on the Analysis Failed box, I get an Analysis Failed error message (see even further below.) Forward and Back arrows do nothing. Refresh does the 2 ads and the movie again along with the Analysis Failed and M3U8 boxes. There is nothing to start a Download. And yes, I do have the MPD module and have used it several times, almost to the amount that could be called "many". Also, I did test using the icon showing "Free with ads" rather than just going directly from the URL provided by the OP. Same results.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-08-09 3.26.57 PM.png
Views:	575
Size:	35.7 KB
ID:	413490

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-08-09 4.05.20 PM.png
Views:	449
Size:	16.8 KB
ID:	413491


                Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                Could you please give a step-by-step as I am trying to test your method without any success? As it is, your directions are a bit confusing to me. Are you saying that you are using a separate program called DRM MPD Downloader? As far as I know the MPD module is part of the StreamFAB64 (or 32, I guess) program. You say that you need to highlight and copy the URL address, is your address any different than the one that the OP provided? By "have open" do you mean click Enter and YouTube starts the display of the ads and the River Kwai video? Where am I supposed to hit "Download"?
                Here's what happens when I try to do it - I enter the URL provided by the OP and press enter. The display starts to show 2 ads followed by the movie. At same time, a reddish rounded box appears saying "Analysis failed" next to a grey rounded box saying M3U8 (see below). Usually if I am dealing with a MPD video the grey box would instead be blue and say "MPD." If I click on the M3U8 box, nothing happens. If I click on the Analysis Failed box, I get an Analysis Failed error message (see even further below.) Forward and Back arrows do nothing. Refresh does the 2 ads and the movie again along with the Analysis Failed and M3U8 boxes. There is nothing to start a Download. And yes, I do have the MPD module and have used it several times, almost to the amount that could be called "many". Also, I did test using the icon showing "Free with ads" rather than just going directly from the URL provided by the OP. Same results.
                Boy that was a mouthful...

                I had a bunch of downloads in the queue and didn't actually get to test or download Op's actually link, my bad, was going by actually past downloads but it seems there are changes in how the DRM Downloaders work and perform for YouTube, I am still on V5.0.4.0 and did not think it would be that much of a change with versions but apparently it is and I do not have the same windows or analysis failures as you're noted post but I am getting failures for the downloaded videos that Op's is trying to download, so it is failing no doubt the same either way. You have an M3U8 failure, I am not getting that with the version I am using and DRM MPD Download and M3U8 are different downloaders, I am not using anything different except my version.

                StreamFab DRM M3U8 Downloader (
                DRM MPD Downloader | Download DRM-protected MPD files in high-quality from various streaming platforms with no ads. (

                Thinking the issue might be because it is an UHD/4K video and is DRM protected differently, maybe the same as purchased and rented videos. After doing some research there are other ''The bridge on the river kwai' YouTube videos that do work.


                  Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

                  Boy that was a mouthful...

                  I had a bunch of downloads in the queue and didn't actually get to test or download Op's actually link, my bad, was going by actually past downloads but it seems there are changes in how the DRM Downloaders work and perform for YouTube, I am still on V5.0.4.0 and did not think it would be that much of a change with versions but apparently it is and I do not have the same windows or analysis failures as you're noted post but I am getting failures for the downloaded videos that Op's is trying to download, so it is failing no doubt the same either way. You have an M3U8 failure, I am not getting that with the version I am using and DRM MPD Download and M3U8 are different downloaders, I am not using anything different except my version.

                  StreamFab DRM M3U8 Downloader (
                  DRM MPD Downloader | Download DRM-protected MPD files in high-quality from various streaming platforms with no ads. (

                  Thinking the issue might be because it is an UHD/4K video and is DRM protected differently, maybe the same as purchased and rented videos. After doing some research there are other ''The bridge on the river kwai' YouTube videos that do work.
                  just wonder if the "Analysis Failed" error is due to the advertisements that appear before the movie gets a chance to start.
                  also, the movie is available on vimeo and can be downloaded.
                  Last edited by october262; 08-10-2022, 01:39 AM.


                    Originally posted by october262 View Post

                    just wonder if the "Analysis Failed" error is due to the advertisements that appear before the movie gets a chance to start.
                    also, the movie is available on vimeo and can be downloaded.
                    That's what I was thinking, as well. The ads might be messing it up but there doesn't seem to be a way to start the movie without getting the ads first. Even if you let the ads play through, there is no way to get StreamFab to do a manually requested Analysis. I may have been dreaming this but I seem to remember clicking the MPD box and it started the Analysis. But in this case all I have is a M3U8 box and clicking on it does nothing.


                      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                      That's what I was thinking, as well. The ads might be messing it up but there doesn't seem to be a way to start the movie without getting the ads first. Even if you let the ads play through, there is no way to get StreamFab to do a manually requested Analysis. I may have been dreaming this but I seem to remember clicking the MPD box and it started the Analysis. But in this case all I have is a M3U8 box and clicking on it does nothing.
                      It's not the ads. The MPD only references the actual video and not the ads. Either way, i tried by going straight to the video without the ads and it's the same issue.

                      If you are wondering how i was able to have no ads, several VPNs have an option to block ads and malicious scripts so i just turned on the ad blocking on my VPN and went to the URL. No ads.


                        Good job! So, that narrows it down to Down2Earth's 4k idea or some other unknown. I love your VPN ad-blocking idea. The VPN I use does offer ad-blocking but I don't use it because my browsers already have ad-blocking. I hadn't thought to use it with StreamFab since you can't add one directly to it. I'm still hoping the developer adds in the ability to use Chrome extensions.


                          Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                          That's what I was thinking, as well. The ads might be messing it up but there doesn't seem to be a way to start the movie without getting the ads first. Even if you let the ads play through, there is no way to get StreamFab to do a manually requested Analysis. I may have been dreaming this but I seem to remember clicking the MPD box and it started the Analysis. But in this case all I have is a M3U8 box and clicking on it does nothing.
                          It's not the ads. The MPD only references the actual video and not the ads. Either way, i tried by going straight to the video without the ads and it's the same issue.

                          If you are wondering how i was able to have no ads, several VPNs have an option to block ads and malicious scripts so i just turned on the ad blocking on my VPN and went to the URL. No ads.


                            Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                            Good job! So, that narrows it down to Down2Earth's 4k idea or some other unknown.
                            Yeah, good job on jpp72 part and thanks Cats4U but the 4K resolution isn't the problem either. I tried changing the download resolutions to 1080p, 720p and Best and they all failed the same with, 'This video is DRM Protected'.

                            With your Post #8, it shouldn't be picking up the M3U8 module to use but it looks like it is, I am not seeing that with the version I am using but clearly it is. There is another reference to that here. DVDFab Forum - How do I select DRM MPD rather than DRM Sure seems like it's the same issue......


                              As you can see we are having some problems trying to figure this one out. By all rights you would think that we should be able to download a video if it is listed as "Free with ads" even though StreamFAB usually can't download what this would normally be; a bought YouTube video. Do you want to go with your first reply, "Hi, purchased YouTube videos are not supported." or do you want us to send in our StreamFab.log files so the developer can take a stab at seeing why we can't download a "Free with ads" video?

