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StreamFab v6.1.0.4 (Win) Amazon US - 4 different movies, all fail

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    StreamFab v6.1.0.4 (Win) Amazon US - 4 different movies, all fail

    As the title says, 4 different Amazon movies which all play fine in my Firefox browser, but all fail to download after lengthy "analyzing". I took a look at the logs because I realized that for some of these movies analyzing showed an audio size of "0" when selecting CVBR. But regardless of picking CVBR or CBR, they always fail. Logs are attached. At this point StreamFab is not really working anymore for Amazon downloads.
    Attached Files

    Tell us the names of the movies so we can try and see if it's just a problem for you.

    We cannot access your logs


      Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
      Tell us the names of the movies so we can try and see if it's just a problem for you.

      We cannot access your logs
      Restart Earth
      Alexandria: Cleopatra's Lost City
      Let Him Go

      Sorry I forgot to add the titles to the OP.


        It started downloading after less than 5 seconds of Analyzing

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	448
Size:	186.7 KB
ID:	420988

        I will upgrade to and try again...​


          Originally posted by oldschool View Post
          As the title says, 4 different Amazon movies which all play fine in my Firefox browser, but all fail to download after lengthy "analyzing". I took a look at the logs because I realized that for some of these movies analyzing showed an audio size of "0" when selecting CVBR. But regardless of picking CVBR or CBR, they always fail. Logs are attached. At this point StreamFab is not really working anymore for Amazon downloads.

          Hi Oldschool,

          I had no problem with these movies on StreamFab here in US - CST, No VPN.

          I will attach my settings in StreamFab, just in case.

          Also, did you install from a downloaded copy of the full release at

          Download full offline install of
          In DVDFab download center, you can find and download free full range of products including DVDFab 13, StreamFab, MusicFab, Passkey, UniFab, etc.


          US - CST, No VPN, Windows 10/64 Pro & Windows 11/64 Pro, StreamFab
          Attached Files


            Still works with

            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	450
Size:	257.4 KB
ID:	420997


              StreamFab v6104

              I report the same situation.

              StreamFab v6104 - Amazon Prime - Brazil

              I do not use VPN. Never have.

              All Amazon Prime Brazil titles, absolutely all. I get long analysis time and then it crashes. And it also happens that during download it crashes at a certain percentage. In this case the other downloads are prevented from continuing.

              This is a problem that has plagued me since previous versions.

              I have opened numerous tickets and never had a solution.

              Currently all the tickets I have opened have been closed by me, because I haven't had a conclusive answer.

              I reinforce that before installing a new version I do a complete deletion of the previous one. Automatic and manual uninstallation, because I know exactly where are all the folders that refer to the software.

              I will not post any logs here, after all, there are countless logs that I have posted in several tickets that I have opened about this subject.

              If the support team needs them, just access them in my member area.

              There are dozens of logs explaining about this issue exhaustively.

              I only have this problem with the Amazon Prime module. The other modules are in perfect functionality.


                Originally posted by Josephus View Post
                StreamFab v6104

                I report the same situation.

                StreamFab v6104 - Amazon Prime - Brazil

                I do not use VPN. Never have.

                All Amazon Prime Brazil titles, absolutely all. I get long analysis time and then it crashes. And it also happens that during download it crashes at a certain percentage. In this case the other downloads are prevented from continuing.

                This is a problem that has plagued me since previous versions.

                I have opened numerous tickets and never had a solution.

                Currently all the tickets I have opened have been closed by me, because I haven't had a conclusive answer.

                I reinforce that before installing a new version I do a complete deletion of the previous one. Automatic and manual uninstallation, because I know exactly where are all the folders that refer to the software.

                I will not post any logs here, after all, there are countless logs that I have posted in several tickets that I have opened about this subject.

                If the support team needs them, just access them in my member area.

                There are dozens of logs explaining about this issue exhaustively.

                I only have this problem with the Amazon Prime module. The other modules are in perfect functionality.

                I have had issues before when things analyze forever and i had to clear cache and temp and logout and log back in for it to work again...



                  I use the StreamFab version for Windows. I ratify that I have tried all the alternatives that have been passed on to me by support and none have worked.
                  If any user on this forum has a tip they can give me I'd be happy to hear it.


                    Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

                    I have had issues before when things analyze forever and i had to clear cache and temp and logout and log back in for it to work again...

                    I would really like this option to be a solution in my case. I have done this several times. Without success. To give you an idea of the situation I already went into the Windows registry editor and deleted all references to StreamFab (it took several minutes) before installing a new version, but to no avail.


                      Just some example to demonstrate the point.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	SF.jpg
Views:	442
Size:	18.6 KB
ID:	421005

                      It crashes at 21%. The task queue is discontinued. Nothing works.


                        Originally posted by Josephus View Post
                        Just some example to demonstrate the point.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	SF.jpg
Views:	442
Size:	18.6 KB
ID:	421005

                        It crashes at 21%. The task queue is discontinued. Nothing works.
                        do you still get the crash if you try only one movie at a time ??



                          And when I make another attempt, it fails. And the next one in line, freezes at 21% as well. And once again it crashes.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	SF2.jpg
Views:	424
Size:	18.6 KB
ID:	421008


                            Originally posted by october262 View Post

                            do you still get the crash if you try only one movie at a time ??

                            Unfortunately, yes. It happens.



                              Once again I ratify that I have sent several logs to support bringing up all these problems that I report here in this forum.
                              Please, analyze them again. And give us a solution, please. My case is the same as the user who made this post. This is ruining my experience with the Amazon Prime downloader.

