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Please Stop the Intrusive Ads!!

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    Please Stop the Intrusive Ads!!

    I expect that crap from shareware or donationware. Not from something that i spent $350+ on!

    I don't care about your sales. I bought the program i wanted already. If i am looking for other things, i know where to find it.

    You disguise it as "Your product is up to date"... I KNOW THIS! Who NOTIFIES you that no new version is available unless you SPECIFICALLY manually check for updates? So annoying...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	747
Size:	181.7 KB
ID:	422998

    The developer team and the marketing team will reconsider this part.


      Originally posted by Mona View Post
      The developer team and the marketing team will reconsider this part.

      Please also have the developers look at the timing of your ads when you're logging into a streaming service and putting in your username and password after launching StreamFab.

      Ads that popup right after I enter my username and before I enter password are annoying and interfere with access.

      As Jpp72 points out, the level of your advertising when using StreamFab is annoying and intrusive.

      Maybe you could add a setting in software to limit these?

      I get enough notice on your products via email that it should satisfy both of us that I am advised of new and on-sale modules.




        Originally posted by Mike_M View Post


        Please also have the developers look at the timing of your ads when you're logging into a streaming service and putting in your username and password after launching StreamFab.

        Ads that popup right after I enter my username and before I enter password are annoying and interfere with access.

        Hi Mike, to confirm, which one did you refer to? Please show us, thanks.


          Originally posted by Mona View Post
          Hi Mike, to confirm, which one did you refer to? Please show us, thanks.
          Hi Mona,

          Next time it happens, I'll screen capture it.

          Last time a StreamFab Ad did this it was when logging into Peacock.

          It locked up and I had to kill StreamFab because I had entered the username, got the pop-up ad, but could not proceed to password.

          I log off from the streaming service after downloading in StreamFab - so I do a lot of logging in and probably notice it more.

          The reason I do this is because this helps with not having to logon to a streaming service in the browser and killing all the devices.

          I only use logon for 2 TV's (living room/bedroom) and one computer at a time.

          Due to streaming services seeming to crack down on interactive/device logons (even with these few devices) I found myself having to logon via browser and logoff all devices.

          Most annoying part is having to re-login on TV's and type passwords.

          I think it's because when your close StreamFab and possibly when you power down the computer (which I do at night) it doesn't do a clean logoff from streaming services and retains the device as logged in when you check under account settings and creates new interactive device/logins the next time you use StreamFab.

          Sometimes there would be many listed from previous days/logins that are still listed by not really logged in.



            In addition to what the gentlemen have written above I'd like to propose a setting that would allow me to opt out of receiving an update pop-up, period. There are times when I purposely retain a previous version due to problems in newer releases. Since new versions do not seem to be beta tested fully by the developers I routinely wait a few days after release to see what problems are reported on this forum before I do an install. In that time I have to endure repeated "New versions of product(s) detected" pop-ups . I have to experience even more if I decide to forego a certain reportedly bad version(s) until a usable one comes out. And finally on the topic of this pop-up, I, like many, refuse to install using the online version of new releases. History has shown, for whatever reason, that the online version is less reliable then the offline version found in the release announcement in the stickie section of this forum or on the DVDFab website. I have zero need for this pop-up and therefore I would appreciate it if I could turn it off. And before anyone brings up creative ways to eliminate this pop-up, I am aware of them but I would prefer to work legitimately within the system if given a chance with a new setting.

            Furthermore, I do not see the need for a pop-up that appears while I am in the middle of entering my username/password that tells me that SF does not store username/passwords and that I have to enter them myself, thus blocking me from doing just that. A definite headslap moment.


              Could the developers add a link on the left hand side menu (near DVDFab Products or Discover) that is "Latest Specials" or "Latest Deals" ... that way those who want to see the deals can click there? and maybe an indicator on it to show when there is something new? Kind of like a notification icon I get in other apps, or like we have at the top of the forums.

              That would eliminate the pop-up but still give those who wish to see the specials the ability to do so.

              From a marketing perspective, I realize they prefer to push it in our faces so it gets our attention and we don't miss it, and potentially buy more.

              But from a user perspective, it is annoying to get a pop-up all the time on a piece of software I've purchased.

              OR maybe do like it is in DVDFab. Add a bottom bar, or an icon in the upper right, when there is a special. For example:.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	606
Size:	103.0 KB
ID:	423023

              Again, not great to get ads in an app we purchased, but maybe it could be a compromise to the pop-ups/pop-overs!​


                You know, i might be more forgiving if there actually were legitimate specials.

                From the time i bought this software, till today, i have never seen an actual special. How is it a special when the price is always the same no matter when you check?

                From February 2022 to November 2022, it was $259.99 and said it was 30% off.

                Since November 2022, it is $279.99, again at 30% off... Don't really understand that math but ok...

                You can see for yourself here:

                That little banner at the bottom left of StreamFab is all i can tolerate. Even then, i would prefer if it didn't show me "specials" for a product i already own.

                Show me ACTUAL specials for missing modules added after i bought my "LIFETIME ALL-IN-ONE" product. Just don't shove a pop-up in my face after i paid $260 + $89 for new modules + $10 for extended download + $40 for extra licenses.


                  Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                  You know, i might be more forgiving if there actually were legitimate specials.

                  I get a *lot* of them in email & can easily ignore/redirect them.

                  While using StreamFab (that's *not* shareware) it's very annoying and makes me *not* want to buy new products.

                  The Competitor does no in-program ads and no email ads or constant "specials".

                  Some other stuff that's annoying:

                  "Multiple Computer licenses" sharing one download limit

                  Currently selling Crackle module now on website for $49.99 when it hasn't worked for me and others for a while and gets error during analyzing and not giving updates when asked by multiple people.


                  StreamFab *seems* to add something to each file during processing or processes in such a way that increases the size of file vs. The Competitor when using the exact same formats for same downloaded files.

                  When I pointed out StreamFab's statement ( ~ 8/22 that they were adding the customer/account ID in the metadata of the files extracted from streaming platforms (see attached statement before they changed it) the statement was then modified to delete that sentence.

                  "Therefore we took one step further to help anyone who's willing to share content to think harder before deciding to do so. We've included the customer/account Id in the metadata of the files extracted from streaming platforms." - StreamFab Statement prior to change ~ 8/22

                  Is StreamFab adding/modifying something, which I would like to know exactly what is added to the files I'm downloading that increases the file size?

                  A couple of examples (see attached):

                  Amazon Carnival Row S02E03 709,840 KB StreamFab
                  Amazon Carnival Row S02E03 706,182 KB The Competitor

                  Disney+ Groot Takes a Bath 141,742 KB StreamFab
                  Disney+ Groot Takes a Bath 120,789 KB The Competitor

                  I noted the only difference in the Media Data files was the "Base Media Version" of the MPeg-4 with the Competitor using Version 2. I wonder if that makes a difference?



                  US - CST, No VPN
                  StreamFab Lifetime, The Competitor Lifetime
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Mike_M; 03-10-2023, 10:09 PM.


                    Originally posted by Mike_M View Post


                    I get a *lot* of them in email & can easily ignore/redirect them.

                    While using StreamFab (that's *not* shareware) it's very annoying and makes me *not* want to buy new products.

                    The Competitor does no in-program ads and no email ads or constant "specials".

                    Some other stuff that's annoying:

                    "Multiple Computer licenses" sharing one download limit
                    OMG don't get me started on that one. Tell me it's to fly under the radar of streaming platforms then i MAY give you a pass. But i am using 2 different accounts, on 2 different PCs, with 2 different IP addresses and you tell me no it's 100 downloads for Amazon Canada and Amazon US combined??? That is a pure cash grab.

                    Originally posted by Mike_M View Post

                    Currently selling Crackle module now on website for $49.99 when it hasn't worked for me and others for a while and gets error during analyzing and not giving updates when asked by multiple people.
                    Totally insane. Let's not forget Apple TV... Just those 2 and the FTC would fine them for false advertising if they were a US company (And if this software wasn't in that hazy ground between Fair Use and DMCA Violations).

                    Originally posted by Mike_M View Post
                    StreamFab *seems* to add something to each file during processing or processes in such a way that increases the size of file vs. The Competitor when using the exact same formats for same downloaded files.

                    When I pointed out StreamFab's statement ( ~ 8/22 that they were adding the customer/account ID in the metadata of the files extracted from streaming platforms

                    Is StreamFab adding/modifying something, which I would like to know exactly what is added to the files I'm downloading that increases the file size?

                    A couple of examples:

                    Amazon Carnival Row S02E03 709,840 KB StreamFab
                    Amazon Carnival Row S02E03 706,182 KB The Competitor

                    Disney+ Groot Takes a Bath 141,742 KB StreamFab
                    Disney+ Groot Takes a Bath 120,789 KB The Competitor
                    I can't believe i never even thought of doing that when i do diffs ALL THE TIME for other things. It's probably because i don't download the highest bitrate all the time with SF.

                    I don't know if WinMerge will work well on these so i will go check and see if i can find a good Hex Editor that can do proper binary diffs...

                    I am sure the fact that SF adds thumbnails adds a bit to the size but let's see!

                    Thanks for the tip Mike! Always appreciate your input.


                      Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                      Thanks for the tip Mike! Always appreciate your input.

                      Here's a couple of things that's have been bugging me recently about StreamFab/DVDFab.

                      1. Mona responded (in past few months) to someone (paraphrased) - that said he had trouble downloading a file with Mona having looked at his downloads on StreamFab and that they showed that he completed the download of that file.

                      (I'll try to search on forum and give try to give exact wording/reference to post, but it might be time consuming because it appears that the search only includes "member posts"? If I recall correctly, the poster may not have been a member ((unsure)) so I might have to look at page after page of posts to find it.)

                      This bothered me.

                      It made me think about this information that Mona said she looked at on StreamFab side for user/account.

                      Does StreamFab create log files of downloads from users that list the file name, service and other information and store it at StreamFab.

                      1. What information is captured - User ID/Account/Streaming Service/File name?
                      2. How long is this information kept on StreamFab servers (purge cycle)?
                      3. Do they include logs of sites I might use via Youtube module for Adult sites?
                      4. Who does/can StreamFab share this information for and who other than StreamFab/DvdFab "the company" have access to this data?

                      Number three above *may* sound a little bit funny, since I am very much an adult - but it's kind of stalky/creepy thinking of them keeping logs that might include information on me about my adult file viewing.

                      2. I use DVDFab a lot to batch convert to HEVC/H265 and when I use it it overwrites some of the detail such as various comments, Actors and other comments are deleted from the output file. I'd very much like to have a setting to keep that information - or DVDFab could keep it by default (preferred).

                      I posted about this at below link and have not gotten any response from DVDFab/Streamfab:


                      I'd also like to know if any other information is added to these files that I convert and if logs are kept on DVDFab's side and under what circumstances (Menu settings in software).


                      US - CST, No VPN
                      StreamFab Lifetime, DVDFab Lifetime

                      Last edited by Mike_M; 03-11-2023, 06:10 AM.


                        Originally posted by Mike_M View Post


                        Here's a couple of things that's have been bugging me recently about StreamFab/DVDFab.

                        1. Mona responded (in past few months) to someone (paraphrased) - that said he had trouble downloading a file with Mona having looked at his downloads on StreamFab and that they showed that he completed the download of that file.

                        (I'll try to search on forum and give try to give exact wording/reference to post, but it might be time consuming because it appears that the search only includes "member posts"? If I recall correctly, the poster may not have been a member ((unsure)) so I might have to look at page after page of posts to find it.)

                        This bothered me.

                        It made me think about this information that Mona said she looked at on StreamFab side for user/account.

                        Does StreamFab create log files of downloads from users that list the file name, service and other information and store it at StreamFab.

                        1. What information is captured - User ID/Account/Streaming Service/File name?
                        2. How long is this information kept on StreamFab servers (purge cycle)?
                        3. Do they include logs of sites I might use via Youtube module for Adult sites?
                        4. Who does/can StreamFab share this information for and who other than StreamFab/DvdFab "the company" have access to this data?

                        Number three above *may* sound a little bit funny, since I am very much an adult - but it's kind of stalky/creepy thinking of them keeping logs that might include information on me about my adult file viewing.

                        I searched for a while and finally found the post I was talking about.

                        Tied (s/b Tried) to download a Netflix movie. It says I have 0 of 50 available. - 1/30/23

                        kzajac: "Tied (tried) to download a Netflix movie. It says I have 0 of 50 available. Problem is I have downloaded NOTHING for a week???"

                        Mona:"There are download records, please check PM for more info."

                        I noticed kzajac did not submit any log files on this in his post, but Mona said there were "download records" on him.

                        I posted a question about these "download records" and didn't get any response.

                        Mike: Mona,

                        In what detail and how long does DVDFab/StreamFAb keep individual download records?

                        Do you have list of movies and websites accessed by individuals?

                        What is the purge cycle on these?


                        US - CST, No VPN, StreamFab Lifetime, The Competitor Lifetime​

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Mike_M; 03-11-2023, 10:58 AM.

