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StreamFab v6.1.3.6 APV: H264 Profile Defaults to CBR When Downloading H265 CVBR

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    StreamFab v6.1.3.6 APV: H264 Profile Defaults to CBR When Downloading H265 CVBR

    When downloading TV Shows in H265, there are some times where an episode is not available in H265 so StreamFab will download it in H264. No issue there. Annoyance is with the Amazon content handlers i guess.

    The issue is that, when the files are downloaded in H264, they are always in CBR when i selected H265 CVBR. I understand that H265 CVBR is not available but H264 CVBR is.

    So StreamFab should always respect the bitrate mode (or Bitrate Adaption, whatever that means...) and download in CVBR, no matter what codec is available, if that is what was selected.


    Bug Tracker Link:

    There are also other issues with Amazon, I was trying to download something with 55 episodes ( But only 25 are available on Stream Fab) , this is also evident on almost every title with more than 25 episodes. Tribunal Justice Season 1 has 55 episodes on Freebee, only 25 are downloadable, maybe you can add that to the fix-it list jpp72.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Tribual Justice Season 1 55 episodes.png
Views:	470
Size:	142.8 KB
ID:	429480

    Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


      Originally posted by Chameleon View Post
      There are also other issues with Amazon, I was trying to download something with 55 episodes ( But only 25 are available on Stream Fab) , this is also evident on almost every title with more than 25 episodes. Tribunal Justice Season 1 has 55 episodes on Freebee, only 25 are downloadable, maybe you can add that to the fix-it list jpp72.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	Tribual Justice Season 1 55 episodes.png Views:	1 Size:	142.8 KB ID:	429480
      try copying the URL from your regular browser and paste it into streamfabs browser.
      this URL - stice&qid=1692731480&s=instant-video&sprefix=tribunal+justice%2Cinstant-video%2C153&sr=1-1 shows all 55 episodes, but if you paste it into streamfabs browser, it stops at 25 episodess and you have to click show more to see the
      rest of the episodes.
      Last edited by october262; 08-22-2023, 07:29 PM.


        Originally posted by october262 View Post

        try copying the URL from your regular browser and paste it into streamfabs browser.
        this URL - stice&qid=1692731480&s=instant-video&sprefix=tribunal+justice%2Cinstant-video%2C153&sr=1-1 shows all 55 episodes, but if you paste it into streamfabs browser, it stops at 25 episodess and you have to click show more to see the
        rest of the episodes.
        That's not gonna work. I tried force showing all episodes and nothing. I tried setting the next episode to watch as episode 50, still nothing, i tried force analyzing episode 45, zilch.


          So can this go on your new ​ which I think is excellent jpp72?
          Last edited by Chameleon; 08-22-2023, 09:33 PM.
          Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


            Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

            That's not gonna work. I tried force showing all episodes and nothing. I tried setting the next episode to watch as episode 50, still nothing, i tried force analyzing episode 45, zilch.
            The Compertior already fixed it in their latest release, I dont need this anymore. Thank you jpp72 for all your help , you are an amazing fellow.
            Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


              Originally posted by Chameleon View Post

              The Compertior already fixed it in their latest release, I dont need this anymore. Thank you jpp72 for all your help , you are an amazing fellow.
              Ya i had an emergency yesterday and couldn't add it but i will do it today. It still needs to be fixed in StreamFab cause there are plenty of shows with more than 25 episodes


                Originally posted by Chameleon View Post

                Thank you jpp72 for all your help , you are an amazing fellow.
                Issue has been created:

                Thanks for the kind words


                  I am going to keep track of what they fix on your bug tracker. Things like not having 1080p on Max are not a bug, it's just purposely ignoring something that should, in all honesty, be included. They advertise it, so it should be available. There are many other instances of this here. I could go on and on, but I do not think it would help. Maybe your bug tracker will show what the real issues are to the potential customer, and just how long they have been an issue.
                  Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


                    Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                    When downloading TV Shows in H265, there are some times where an episode is not available in H265 so StreamFab will download it in H264. No issue there. Annoyance is with the Amazon content handlers i guess.

                    The issue is that, when the files are downloaded in H264, they are always in CBR when i selected H265 CVBR. I understand that H265 CVBR is not available but H264 CVBR is.

                    So StreamFab should always respect the bitrate mode (or Bitrate Adaption, whatever that means...) and download in CVBR, no matter what codec is available, if that is what was selected.


                    Bug Tracker Link:
                    I really like the "Steps To Reproduce" idea in the bug tracker, thanks jpp72.

                    About the log, I cannot download it, it asks for a pw.


                      The Amazon 25 max problem is known, it's been worked on.


                        Originally posted by Mona View Post

                        I really like the "Steps To Reproduce" idea in the bug tracker, thanks jpp72.

                        About the log, I cannot download it, it asks for a pw.
                        It's bizzare... I don't know why the link has the extra characters at the end...

                        This is the actual link:


                          Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

                          It's bizzare... I don't know why the link has the extra characters at the end...
                          Probably the same issue when I tried downloading one of your videos before you posted a new link here, lol.


                            Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

                            It's bizzare... I don't know why the link has the extra characters at the end...

                            This is the actual link:
                            Thanks, the QA team could duplicate the problem, it's now waiting for the developers to fix it.

