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Netflix going to download app

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  • Germania
    Originally posted by MrGrackle View Post
    So the providers only need to use the Widevine to lock everyone out basically?
    So much for a hijacked thread ..
    .. I'm afraid I don't understand the question.

    NF used Widevine since years, but earlier they offer 720p for everyone,
    if the Widevine version in the Browser isn't too old and no analog Video Grabber is connected.
    After that, Widevine (L3) could only be used for 540p (L1: 720p), but SD doesn't mean "lock all"

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  • MrGrackle
    Originally posted by Germania View Post
    Since mid Oct 2023 NF only offers 540p for Sony and Universal Movies, if Widevine
    Software Decryption is used. Better quality is only with Hardware Decryption.

    NF own Production are not affected (FullHD or more - depending on the subscription)​
    So the providers only need to use the Widevine to lock everyone out basically?

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  • Cats4U
    efk3 high jacked this Theard, if said wanted more responses would have said to open up a new thread for more responses on that topic.
    This thread, should have/probably would have been closed and locked after TheGoof wrote
    Thanks, that worked.
    had jpp72 not been ill and absent over the Holidays. He and the Staff are the only ones with that ability, and I don't remember the Staff ever doing that over the years.

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  • Down2Earth
    Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

    No, they haven't. Plenty of other people are trying to work on it as well. This is a Netflix/Sony/Universal-caused issue, not a StreamFab one. In my research, I came across this... They thought they had it figured out in the beginning, and then it all fell apart.
    efk3 high jacked this Theard, if said wanted more responses would have said to open up a new thread for more responses on that topic. Germania pretty much answered noted question, if it was understood what was said. But do agree with both responses and this is not a StreamFab issue, it only seems so bad because just about everything you download from it now is 960p x 540p, I'm getting some as bad as 480p other than as noted Netfilx productions. Like to add that Streamfab was late from other streaming services for this 540p downloads, but it caught up with them.

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  • Germania
    @efk3: Play a affected title in Chrome, Brave or Firefox and press ctrl+alt+shift+d
    You will see there is only 540p - more can't be downloaded:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	nf_sony_540p.jpg
Views:	655
Size:	128.7 KB
ID:	434972

    Edge can playing 1080p using PlayReady (if HDCP conform, i.e. no 2nd Monitor) ..
    .. but playing does not automatically mean being able to decode (getting Keys) !

    => No software I know can do this at the moment​

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  • Cats4U
    Originally posted by efk3 View Post
    Has StreamFab given any indication whether that limitation is ever going to change from anything developed from their end?
    No, they haven't. Plenty of other people are trying to work on it as well. This is a Netflix/Sony/Universal-caused issue, not a StreamFab one. In my research, I came across this... They thought they had it figured out in the beginning, and then it all fell apart.

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  • efk3
    Has StreamFab given any indication whether that limitation is ever going to change from anything developed from their end?

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  • Germania
    Originally posted by efk3 View Post
    Is 540p the best resolution we can download from Netflix at this time?
    Since mid Oct 2023 NF only offers 540p for Sony and Universal Movies, if Widevine
    Software Decryption is used. Better quality is only with Hardware Decryption.

    NF own Production are not affected (FullHD or more - depending on the subscription)​

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  • efk3
    Is 540p the best resolution we can download from Netflix at this time?

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  • TheGoof
    Thanks, that worked.

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  • knighter

    Please logout your Netflix account restart your PC and restart StreamFab to see if it back to work this time. ​

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  • TheGoof
    started a topic Netflix Netflix going to download app

    Netflix going to download app

    When i attempt to process an item on Netflix, it is attempting to force me to the windows app, and will not process to allow downloading.
