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Cats4u 3.0

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    StreamFab Forum Issue Cats4u 3.0

    Enough. If you are that annoyed at what goes on in the forum, don't come here. Simple as that. You wrote,
    I pointed out to you to stop, and you warn me without any reason. THAT is the reason why I'm complaining. As I said, if there hadn't been a warning, I would have left it at that.​

    But, what you fail to realize is that Jack and I and Management make the rules and enforce them here. You don't. Both Jack and I have provided you with written testimony that Management likes what we do and say, and in fact promoted us to Moderators (Administrator, actually) because of it. Furthermore, every reply from users here to your diatribes have been in our favor. The more that you continue, the more of a fool you make yourself. You need to chill out. This is the end of it. I've let you carry on for long enough to try to get it out of your system. This is not what this forum is for. I've already wasted too much precious time reading and replying to you. I'm closing this topic and that WILL be the end of it. Let me repeat, that WILL be the end. Don't make me have to ban you if you continue on. I don't want to do that. You've been warned. Enough said.

    You're saying that others should damn well follow it, but we are the higher authority, and we can do whatever we want.
    Sounds like a dictatorship instead of democracy and freedom of expression.

    You don't want to ban me? Yesterday, you wrote that you didn't ban me, thanks to Jack. Seems to be quite different now.

    I want you to apologize for the unjustified warning and behave better in the future accordingly. I'm not done with the discussion until then.

    In order to keep the forums running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules for the forums here. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact one of the DVDFab Support Members.

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    • We also do not allow posts that are sexual in nature or violate DVDFab community standards. The DVDFab team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.
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    • We also reserve the right to ban anyone who wilfully violates the forum rules, as access to our support forums is a privilege and not a right. A banned customer is still entitled to support from the support system.
    Any threads/posts of these types will be deleted.

    Last edited by Cats4U; 03-04-2024, 12:15 PM.
    DVDFab is the all-in-one software package for copying Blu-ray/DVD and converting video file.


      I try to stay out of things and only post if I have a question I can't find answers to, or to post info I think might be helpful. Very rarely I also drop in to call out blatant nonsense. This is one of those times. I've kept out of this up until now, but you really seem to be so self-absorbed that you aren't getting the message. It's actually astonishing that this has to be spelled out for you in so many different ways, and not just by mods but by multiple community members...

      It's not your place to tell mods/admins to do or stop doing something - what don't you get about that? Cats4U didn't warn you without reason - there are PLENTY of reasons - or are you so completely un-self-aware that you can't look at your posts and attitude from any viewpoint other than your own? I'm not a super-fan of how salty Cats4U or even jpp72 can get at times, but they are the ones calling the shots in the forum, they know their stuff, they are straight-shooters, and if management had a problem with their attitudes then they wouldn't continue to be mods/admins. This is NOT a democracy. This is a forum hosted by a for profit corporation, with mods that are probably volunteers. It's a good thing that they aren't white knights for the company and that the company itself supports that. If you don't like it then either buy the company and fire them or stop coming here and use the feedback feature in the software to report bugs instead.

      Do yourself and the entire community a favor - drop it and take some time get a grip on how this community works, rather that insisting everyone else fall in line with your self-entitled viewpoint. Seriously...get over yourself.​
      Last edited by Dog; 03-02-2024, 08:31 AM.


        Maybe it's time to ask yourself the question. Should I take some time off from the forum?

        This is a question everyone should ask themselves, including me! “Widevine” cabin fever is slowly breaking out.​
        NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


          Brozilla: I have been ignoring you for months now and seeing this is just baffling. From now on, all your posts will be moderated.

          This is my feeble attempt at staving off the Cats4U banhammer. Let's see if that is enough for him.


            I don't understand what you mean.

            It's not difficult to apologize for something you've done wrong​

            Why do I always get an error message??​


              I really don't care if I get banned here anyway.

              I won't upload logs or anything like that here anymore as long as so many people have access to it. I can't expect help from most people here anyway because either the same stuff is always told, even though it absolutely doesn't fit, or people just say something they have no idea about.

              Injustices should still be brought to light, and what cats4u did is definitely one of them. Warning people who point out to him not to flame so much because it annoys people and doesn't contribute anything positive, especially when the mood here is already bad.


                Originally posted by Brozilla View Post
                Why do I always get an error message??​
                Shit don't work due to DRM change... Cannot put it any simpler.

                Also, you're kinda being a dick... don't be a dick.


                  Originally posted by AGuyWithAComputer View Post

                  Shit don't work due to DRM change... Cannot put it any simpler.

                  Also, you're kinda being a dick... don't be a dick.

                  I don't understand exactly what you mean now.

                  I'm not talking about Streamfab itself, only about the forum.


                    Of all the forums I've ever participated in, streamfab is probably the only forum where the MOD is always unhappy with the admin. This is strange but wonderful, because it will get a multi-dimensional view, point out admin problems and be discussed enthusiastically. MOD is doing very well. thank you.


                      Originally posted by Brozilla View Post
                      I want you to apologize for the unjustified warning and behave better in the future accordingly. I'm not done with the discussion until then.


                      Too soon?.....

                      Come on!.....

                      "It was a little funny!"

                      ​"Not only to say the right thing..... at the right place..... but far more difficult to leave unsaid..... the wrong thing..... at the tempting moment!"

                      "Just because you can..... doesn't mean you should!"


                        Originally posted by Brozilla View Post
                        I don't understand exactly what you mean now.

                        I'm not talking about Streamfab itself, only about the forum.
                        Well, none of your recent posts contained anything about an error while using the forums. Just complaining about another member publicly. The appropriate way to say something is to bring it up to a Mod directly. And when it is a Mod, you bring it up to a different mod. And you do this in a DM, not a series of 3 forum posts because they keep shutting you down. That's a pretty good way to get the banhammer to come down.


                          Originally posted by AGuyWithAComputer View Post

                          Well, none of your recent posts contained anything about an error while using the forums.
                          Sorry for the confusion, but the error he is talking about is caused by the user group that Jack put him in, before he went on vacation, that causes each of the messages that he posts to have to be individually screened before they are made available for reading by the general forum userbase. Like a true troll, at one point there were 28 posts waiting to be gone over, most are duplicates and are on the same theme. Many were deleted by another moderator from a different forum because we all get the messages delivered into a group moderator/administrator mailbox. So, not only is he causing more work for the moderators of this forum, he is causing more work for every moderator/administrator at Some are DVDFab employees, but many more are like me, an unpaid volunteer just here to try to help the users and to light a fire under Management and Developers to work toward making StreamFab the best program it can be.
                          Jack, bless his heart, believes that by calling a "time out", like you would with a petulant child, it will eventually cause him to calm down and be able to return to the forum userbase. I'm not so sure whether that will ever happen, but I agreed to try it. Just a little FYI from some research I did on the history of the DVDFab forum - since roughly 2007, the start of the forums, there have been 893 users banned from the forums, Most occurred prior to Fengtao selling the company to the present owners, (around 2020?). The Administrator that did the most banning, sometimes several a week, was a person named Signals. When, a while back, I asked long-time users here about Signals, I was almost unanimously told that he was one of the best moderators around. This forum program is a real wonderful database. One of its Administrative features is that I can actually go back and read the message that caused someone to be banned. Yes, one message, not like the system today where you need three or four infractions that total up enough points to get you banned. It's funny looking at some of the old messages because they weren't anywhere near the present situation, but yet the user was dead meat as soon as they hit the Send button. I'm not proposing that we go back to those days, and it's Wild West justice, but there should be some repercussions for the one-man chaos that is going on now, especially since what Jack and I are doing is exactly what the company wants us to do and put us in the position to do it.


                            Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                            Sorry for the confusion, but the error he is talking about is caused by the user group that Jack put him in, before he went on vacation, that causes each of the messages that he posts to have to be individually screened before they are made available for reading by the general forum userbase. Like a true troll, at one point there were 28 posts waiting to be gone over, most are duplicates and are on the same theme. Many were deleted by another moderator from a different forum because we all get the messages delivered into a group moderator/administrator mailbox. So, not only is he causing more work for the moderators of this forum, he is causing more work for every moderator/administrator at . Some are DVDFab employees, but many more are like me, an unpaid volunteer just here to try to help the users and to light a fire under Management and Developers to work toward making StreamFab the best program it can be.
                            First and foremost, you assigned me to the user group that causes an error and, on the other hand, creates work for you. I still don't know why nothing is done against you, distributing unjustified warnings, as can be seen very well here:

                            Why I even have the user group is not clear to me. I need clarification, and all the while, you keep threatening me with bans, and in the next breath, you say, "I don't want to ban you."

                            If errors are displayed for me and things are not posted, I repost them. So, it's not my fault here either.

                            Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                            Jack, bless his heart, believes that by calling a "time out", like you would with a petulant child, it will eventually cause him to calm down and be able to return to the forum userbase. I'm not so sure whether that will ever happen, but I agreed to try it. Just a little FYI from some research I did on the history of the DVDFab forum - since roughly 2007, the start of the forums, there have been 893 users banned from the forums, Most occurred prior to Fengtao selling the company to the present owners, (around 2020?). The Administrator that did the most banning, sometimes several a week, was a person named Signals. When, a while back, I asked long-time users here about Signals, I was almost unanimously told that he was one of the best moderators around. This forum program is a real wonderful database. One of its Administrative features is that I can actually go back and read the message that caused someone to be banned.
                            I don't know why you're bringing that up? Does it have anything to do with the current situation?

                            Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                            Yes, one message, not like the system today where you need three or four infractions that total up enough points to get you banned. It's funny looking at some of the old messages because they weren't anywhere near the present situation, but yet the user was dead meat as soon as they hit the Send button. I'm not proposing that we go back to those days, and it's Wild West justice, but there should be some repercussions for the one-man chaos that is going on now, especially since what Jack and I are doing is exactly what the company wants us to do and put us in the position to do it.
                            And then there are certain people like you who just hand out warnings because they don't like a person and are too proud to apologize even though it's obviously unjust. Good job in this regard.

                            The company wants that if a user criticizes you, you warn them. However, in return, you deliver harsh criticism, sometimes even insulting remarks, without facing any consequences. Also at this point: good job. It couldn't be done better.​


                              Originally posted by AGuyWithAComputer View Post

                              Well, none of your recent posts contained anything about an error while using the forums.
                              I just want to clarify one thing I wrote about the error that did not come out exactly the way I meant. The error is not a bug with the forum software and is not caused by the user group that Jack put him in. The cause of the error is because he is repeatedly posting duplicate copies of his message to the forum before the previous message has been saved to the server. The other day he sent 14 duplicates in a row, and today it was 9 dupes in a row. You will sometimes see this error yourself if you happen to save your message and someone else saves their message at the same time. In his case, he is doing this intentionally by rapidly sending the same message over and over again.

