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Cats4u 3.0

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    Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

    I just want to clarify one thing I wrote about the error that did not come out exactly the way I meant. The error is not a bug with the forum software and is not caused by the user group that Jack put him in. The cause of the error is because he is repeatedly posting duplicate copies of his message to the forum before the previous message has been saved to the server. The other day he sent 14 duplicates in a row, and today it was 9 dupes in a row. You will sometimes see this error yourself if you happen to save your message and someone else saves their message at the same time. In his case, he is doing this intentionally by rapidly sending the same message over and over again.
    It's funny how he says things only to retract them in the next post. Even funnier is that things that are true simply aren't "approved" because they might portray a bad image.

    Some things have also been outright deleted. You can see it in my posts that keep decreasing (were once over 90, now only 80).

    But that won't be approved either because it could be negative again.​


      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

      I just want to clarify one thing I wrote about the error that did not come out exactly the way I meant. The error is not a bug with the forum software and is not caused by the user group that Jack put him in. The cause of the error is because he is repeatedly posting duplicate copies of his message to the forum before the previous message has been saved to the server. The other day he sent 14 duplicates in a row, and today it was 9 dupes in a row. You will sometimes see this error yourself if you happen to save your message and someone else saves their message at the same time. In his case, he is doing this intentionally by rapidly sending the same message over and over again.
      My hat is off to you, sir. I *should* have stated in my reply that I don't even like how salty *I* get about this stuff. You are far more patient than I would be in the same circumstance, for whatever that may be worth. Thanks for putting up with all of us here and wading through this stuff on the daily.


        Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

        I just want to clarify one thing I wrote about the error that did not come out exactly the way I meant. The error is not a bug with the forum software and is not caused by the user group that Jack put him in. The cause of the error is because he is repeatedly posting duplicate copies of his message to the forum before the previous message has been saved to the server. The other day he sent 14 duplicates in a row, and today it was 9 dupes in a row. You will sometimes see this error yourself if you happen to save your message and someone else saves their message at the same time. In his case, he is doing this intentionally by rapidly sending the same message over and over again.
        To be fair... it does take a long time for this forum software to post a message. I could easily hit the post reply button 14 times before it actually takes. But I know it takes long than I'd expect and don't do that.


          Originally posted by AGuyWithAComputer View Post

          To be fair... it does take a long time for this forum software to post a message. I could easily hit the post reply button 14 times before it actually takes. But I know it takes long than I'd expect and don't do that.
          I agree with you on the long wait lately. I was thinking about writing to someone in management about it being time for some server cleaning and maintenance. I'll do that when I finish this message.
          But that really is no excuse for him. Jack explained to him that he set him up in a separate user group where anything he posts has to be screened before it gets released to the general userbase. He knows it's not going to immediately wind up in the forum. There is no reason to keep hitting the Send key in his case.


            Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

            I agree with you on the long wait lately. I was thinking about writing to someone in management about it being time for some server cleaning and maintenance. I'll do that when I finish this message.
            But that really is no excuse for him. Jack explained to him that he set him up in a separate user group where anything he posts has to be screened before it gets released to the general userbase. He knows it's not going to immediately wind up in the forum. There is no reason to keep hitting the Send key in his case.
            Oh Cats4U please don't do that. Imagine management calls the department together. Leave the work on DRM and build a new forum!
            NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


              Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

              I agree with you on the long wait lately. I was thinking about writing to someone in management about it being time for some server cleaning and maintenance. I'll do that when I finish this message.
              But that really is no excuse for him. Jack explained to him that he set him up in a separate user group where anything he posts has to be screened before it gets released to the general userbase. He knows it's not going to immediately wind up in the forum. There is no reason to keep hitting the Send key in his case.
              Can you please stop shamelessly lying? The only thing that was said and that everyone can read is that I got the user group because of you. There was no further explanation, and you should know that. I haven't received any private messages. I would make them public anyway.

              Besides, loading times and error messages are two different things. I'm well aware of the loading times. I've only had the error message since I got this stupid user group.

              But of course, God cats4u always knows better. It currently feels like North Korea. Everything is done to benefit only the leader.


                Originally posted by Brozilla View Post
                Can you please stop shamelessly lying? The only thing that was said and that everyone can read is that I got the user group because of you. There was no further explanation, and you should know that. I haven't received any private messages. I would make them public anyway.
                Considering you've created three separate public threads to voice your grievances towards a single individual, of which many have responded in defense of the individual, I wouldn't think there would be a need for private messages. It's all been said publicly. It's also quite obvious why you were put in a special user group.

                Originally posted by Brozilla View Post
                Besides, loading times and error messages are two different things. I'm well aware of the loading times. I've only had the error message since I got this stupid user group.
                A user group that you forced their hand in placing you in place of a ban.

                Originally posted by Brozilla View Post
                But of course, God cats4u always knows better. It currently feels like North Korea. Everything is done to benefit only the leader.
                Funny thing is that if anyone is being demanding or controlling about any of this, it is you. You've demanded an apology when none should be forthcoming. You've demanded that the forum be run specific to your own views, and when that hasn't happened, you've thrown tantrum after tantrum. If there was ever a model for when and how a ban should be applied to control a disruptive individual, it is your behavior. I think they've been quite patient with you up to now.


                  Originally posted by smithbrad View Post

                  Considering you've created three separate public threads to voice your grievances towards a single individual, of which many have responded in defense of the individual, I wouldn't think there would be a need for private messages. It's all been said publicly. It's also quite obvious why you were put in a special user group.
                  Three threads were opened because two out of three were simply closed. I wouldn't have opened any additional threads if the threads hadn't been closed.​

                  Originally posted by smithbrad View Post
                  A user group that you forced their hand in placing you in place of a ban.

                  I mean I've already responded to something like this. But god cats4u only allows posts to unjustly warn someone.​

                  I also don't expect this to be approved.

                  Maybe I should force a warning to get things approved here. I think I'll do that next time if the post or future ones are not approved.

                  Originally posted by smithbrad View Post
                  Funny thing is that if anyone is being demanding or controlling about any of this, it is you. You've demanded an apology when none should be forthcoming. You've demanded that the forum be run specific to your own views, and when that hasn't happened, you've thrown tantrum after tantrum. If there was ever a model for when and how a ban should be applied to control a disruptive individual, it is your behavior. I think they've been quite patient with you up to now.

                  So, for you, it's okay if a moderator expresses his dissatisfaction, which, by the way, is quite rude, and when you point out that it annoys people, you get a warning for it?

                  Is that what you envision here?



                    At some point you have to step back and ask yourself, why is no one else in the community voicing support for your responses? Why does everyone that has responded appear to side with the Mod's. You've set yourself up so that it is you against everyone else (at least based on who has responded). Doesn't that come across as odd? Please, reflect on that a bit.



                      Originally posted by smithbrad View Post

                      At some point you have to step back and ask yourself, why is no one else in the community voicing support for your responses? Why does everyone that has responded appear to side with the Mod's. You've set yourself up so that it is you against everyone else (at least based on who has responded). Doesn't that come across as odd? Please, reflect on that a bit.

                      I don't care whether someone likes me here or not, but the warning is still unjustified, and I stick to that.

                      I just want a stupid apology from him. If he's too proud for that, Im too proud to let this go. I certainly won't back down when I'm in the right.

                      The trigger was simply this warning I received because I said that he annoys me and others with his flaming, somewhat like what's happening here, but when he does it, of course, it's okay. Normal users are not allowed to do that.


                        At some point you have to realize you are not going to win the fight. So give up. You are digging yourself a hole so deep you will never get out.
                        Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


                          Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                          But that really is no excuse for him. Jack explained to him that he set him up in a separate user group where anything he posts has to be screened before it gets released to the general userbase. He knows it's not going to immediately wind up in the forum. There is no reason to keep hitting the Send key in his case.
                          You're right, it is no excuse.


                            Let me get this straight, Brozilla. Based on your first post in this thread you stated that apologizing isn't difficult...yet you still haven't apologized. You are the one clearly in the wrong here, why should you be so entitled that your own 'rules' don't apply to you?

                            It's clear that your behavior is what has caused this entire situation, upsetting at least one of the mods in the process...and getting the attention of a number of community members as well. Yet you contend that it is rude of the mods to tell you directly (and honestly) that they are fed up with your behavior? So, do I understand correctly that you feel entitled to upset others (the very volunteers that make this forum possible for you to misbehave in), but when one of the people responsible for keeping order in the forums is honest with you and calls your behavior out, they are rude and owe you an apology...yet you still don't owe *anyone* an apology for creating this entire mess?

                            I don't know if you can't see it, or you just refuse to be honest with yourself, but this mess is yours and it is your fault. The mods didn't create this, you did. The actions that precipitated the warnings and messages you received were *your* actions taken of your own free will, not someone else's. You're wrong, you're not gonna 'win' no matter how much you stick to your guns and refuse to admit fault or apologize, and you're not fooling anyone here...except yourself.

                            The bottom line is this...there are good reasons nobody has stepped up to take your side. So, rather that insisting you're right and continuing to try to 'win', the important question you should be asking yourself is, "Is Brozilla really right, or is it possible that everyone else is actually right?" The answer is pretty obvious - and it should be obvious to you if you're willing to be honest with yourself. The apology here is owed by you. Offering that apology sooner, rather than later, is the right way to bring this matter to a close. That may sound harsh and/or insulting, but it's the hard truth. You have the power and opportunity to resolve this now, and you are the only one who can make it right the right way. Almost any other way this gets resolved is probably not going to be by your choice or be in your favor, and that will be nobody's fault but your own.


                              It all started with that one warning. Of course, it's crappy of me to involve everyone here.

                              But as you can see from the warning, I didn't deserve it. I simply wrote that it's annoying how he always complains in every post that something doesn't work as it should.

                              I only expressed normal criticism, which is even allowed according to the forum rules, and he gives me a warning. Of course, I insist on my right to an apology.

                              And I know this is not the best solution, but I don't want to have indirect contact with him because I simply don't like him. Even less now than before. I don't care what people think or write about me, should be clear by now.

                              But if you want an apology: I apologize for the stress for you and the uninvolved mods (not for him or Jack), but I won't stop until he apologizes to me and rescinds this warning.​


                                I want to say, I am happy the mods do not sugarcoat the issues we are having. Mods, keep up the good work, and thank you for representing us so our voices are heard!

