
No announcement yet. Subtitles not remuxed into MP4 file

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    Originally posted by JeffDavis View Post
    I do have a laptop that had on it. I went through Control Panel to run the StreamFab uninstall. It does delete the StreamFab program folder. I rebooted and installed with the offline installer. It still does not remux subtitles into the MP4 when downloading from Amazon. The uninstaller displays a popup "Are you sure you want to remove StreamFab?" that has a checkbox "Remove the configuration​". I left it unchecked. Do you recall if you checked it or left it unchecked when you did your uninstall?
    the remove configuration would be your saved settings
    I'd remove it (use default settings) to start fresh and then try your Amazon subtitles
    and see if they get remuxed into file.


      Same here (, subtitles on Amazon are not downloading at all. Downloaded The Beekeeper, no subs. Tried 'Subtitles only', got Failed. Streamfab is not downoading the subs at all
      Even an episode of Hogan's Heroes, no subtitles. Same settings I've been using.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	293
Size:	8.5 KB
ID:	443706
      I'll stop copying movies when I can watch the movies I own without FBI warnings, forced trailers, commentary notices, etc. etc.


        Originally posted by JeffDavis View Post
        I do have a laptop that had on it. I went through Control Panel to run the StreamFab uninstall. It does delete the StreamFab program folder. I rebooted and installed with the offline installer. It still does not remux subtitles into the MP4 when downloading from Amazon. The uninstaller displays a popup "Are you sure you want to remove StreamFab?" that has a checkbox "Remove the configuration​". I left it unchecked. Do you recall if you checked it or left it unchecked when you did your uninstall?
        You have to select Remove the configuration, otherwise the configuration of the old installation will be used during the new installation. This can be much more than what you find in the program's GUI under Settings!


          Uninstall / 'Remove the configuration' and re-install fixed the problem. Thanks.
          I'll stop copying movies when I can watch the movies I own without FBI warnings, forced trailers, commentary notices, etc. etc.


            I ran the StreamFab uninstaller (from Control Panel's Programs and Features) on my laptop, this time checking the "Remove the configuration" box. After it ran I checked to see if the "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaning\DVDFab\Stre amFa b" folder had been removed or cleaned out. I was surprised that it appeared to be intact. Still I proceeded to instal using the offline installer. When the program started, my settings were unchanged and even the download queue was intact. I suspect that the "Remove the configuration" option did not execute properly. Downloaded a video from Amazon subtitles in the MP4 file. I exited the program, renamed the StreamFab folder under AppData, and started the program. It acted like a new install, asking for my email and password to authorize the computer and created a new StreamFab folder under AppData. This time my settings were gone (set to program defaults) and the download queue was cleared. After manually restoring my settings I downloaded another video from Amazon, and this time...the MP4 file had subtitles!

            I tried to delete that space character in "StreamFa b" in the second line above, but it won't delete! Another forum software bug. Damn, and it just inserted another space when I saved my edit.


              Originally posted by JeffDavis View Post
              I ran the StreamFab uninstaller (from Control Panel's Programs and Features) on my laptop, this time checking the "Remove the configuration" box. After it ran I checked to see if the "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaning\DVDFab\Stre amFa b" folder had been removed or cleaned out. I was surprised that it appeared to be intact. Still I proceeded to instal using the offline installer. When the program started, my settings were unchanged and even the download queue was intact. I suspect that the "Remove the configuration" option did not execute properly. Downloaded a video from Amazon subtitles in the MP4 file. I exited the program, renamed the StreamFab folder under AppData, and started the program. It acted like a new install, asking for my email and password to authorize the computer and created a new StreamFab folder under AppData. This time my settings were gone (set to program defaults) and the download queue was cleared. After manually restoring my settings I downloaded another video from Amazon, and this time...the MP4 file had subtitles!

              I tried to delete that space character in "StreamFa b" in the second line above, but it won't delete! Another forum software bug. Damn, and it just inserted another space when I saved my edit.
              Would they have to re-authorize themselves during installation?


                Originally posted by JeffDavis View Post
                I exited the program, renamed the StreamFab folder under AppData, and started the program. It acted like a new install, asking for my email and password to authorize the computer and created a new StreamFab folder under AppData. This time my settings were gone (set to program defaults) and the download queue was cleared. After manually restoring my settings I downloaded another video from Amazon, and this time...the MP4 file had subtitles!
                If you had listened to me and a bunch of other people and simply did a "professional" uninstall in the first place for a clean iinstall, you wouldn't have had to go through 3 days of silly games. But no -
                I'm not interested in messing with a professional uninstaller.
                Do you think we take the time to write out the instructions to fix your problem just for the fun of it?


                  First, thank you very much (vielen Dank!) to "The Eye" and Doctor Cosine, whose information was very helpful.

                  The problem is how StreamFab stores file paths in the StreamFab.ini file. Here are the paths from my old StreamFab.ini file:
                  SoundSuccessAudioFilePath=C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/succ.wav
                  SoundFailAudioFilePath=C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/error.wav
                  Here are the paths in my new StreamFab.ini file:
                  SoundSuccessAudioFilePath=C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/succ.wav
                  SoundFailAudioFilePath=C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/error.wav
                  Apparently StreamFab changed from DOS style pathnames with double-backslashes as separators to UNIX style forward slashes, but didn't update the pathnames already in the StreamFab.ini file. Mixing them seems to mess up the muxing of the subtitles into the MP4 file, resulting in this:
                  2024:06:08-09:29:39 0x00003010 [Info]: convert result subtitle file d:%5CM%5C_IN%5CTEMP/outputTemp/Amazon/2024_06_08_09_26_55_B0CH8X4FKG/Period_00/Sub_00/ is exist? : 0, file size is 0
                  2024:06:08-09:29:39 0x00003010 [Critical]: "[DownloadControlAmazon]" transformXmlToSrtSubtitle failed, retry​
                  While fiddling around with my "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\DVDFab\Stre amFa b" folder, I laearned a few things. The localdata folder stores the cover art (PNG files) of every video added to your download queue. They seem to stay there forever, even after you have successfully downloaded the video with the cover art embedded in the MP4 file. My locadata folder had grown to 15 GB. It appears the folder can be safely deleted, and StreamFab will recreate it the next time it starts. The taskdata folder contains the download queue. If you want to quickly clear your download queue, deleting the taskdata folder is an easy way to do it. StreamFab copies a lot of executables (py, pyd, exe, dll) to the StreamFab folder and the YoutubeDL and YoutubeToMP3 folders. I expected those to be the problem due to conflicts with files in the program folder (C::\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab), but that turned out not to be the case. Still, seems like a bad practice for the program to copy executables into the AppData folder.

