if you rent from amazon you should be able to pull it in 1080, im not sure what causes netflix sony movies specifically to be lower quality, im guessing some kind of different DRM but thats usually what i do for sony stuff.
If it's not in 1080p, it's broken. Why don't you learn a little instead of getting mad? Netflix always played Sony titles in 1080p, and now they can't; I am sorry if you can't understand that.
Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R
All I can say is I keep hearing that Sony is limited on Netflix to 540p. Can someone link to the Netflix FAQs or help section to where this is verified?
Why would people keep paying if this is so for any movies on Netflix?
With so many other stream providers offering full 1080P and better.
I am also glad I don't pay directly for Netflix, especially if Netflix has so many problems, the only reason I use it is because it was part of a package Xfinity offered.
I still think Xfinity do still offer the HD Netflix plan, but don't know nor care.
Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
%HOMEPATH%/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp Usual locations for log files.
All I can say is I keep hearing that Sony is limited on Netflix to 540p. Can someone link to the Netflix FAQs or help section to where this is verified?
Why would people keep paying if this is so for any movies on Netflix?
With so many other stream providers offering full 1080P and better.
I am also glad I don't pay directly for Netflix, especially if Netflix has so many problems, the only reason I use it is because it was part of a package Xfinity offered.
I still think Xfinity do still offer the HD Netflix plan, but don't know nor care.
The Sony 540p limit on Netflix is just via web. It's not a problem for the Netflix App on devices like phones, tablets, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV.
Unfortunately I saw this same limit with Anystream, even before the Jan DRM issue.
There seems to be only one problem with this whole conversation. The only place where Sony has a distribution deal with Universal is in Australia. See Universal Pictures on Wikipedia -
TAR was made by Focus Features. Focus Features is part of NBCUniversal, which is owned by Comcast Corp. Other than the Australian distribution deal, TAR has nothing to do with Sony in the rest of the world. Load up Google, IMDB, or any other movie database that lists TAR. Why it is 540p on Amazon, I have no idea. There is too much confusion about this Sony thing. Over on Reddit, the A-hole moderator there is telling his gullible users that Warner Bros. is part of Sony. It's not.
Probably the best place to get TAR is from Peacock, which is also a Comcast subsidiary.