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Netflix not analyzing in v6.1.9.7

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    Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post
    Not all SF versions are effective, I'm still on version dated 7/18/24 and not having any of the downloading or log in issues at all with Netflix, I don't upgrade until I see a change or something that affects me from downloading ..
    ​I've also tested SF 6189 and no analyzing (open and autoclosed) for me too
    and the same error in log with the same API call results with 502 - Bad Gateway
    (otherwise I wouldn't have said that)

    But not tested with new login (cookie from newer SF version)
    I'll try a clean reinstallation on another HDD after a good night's sleep
    (especially because of the many StreamFab.ini changes - info)​

    But I'm afraid ms-dfav is right with:
    Originally posted by ms-dfav View Post
    This isn't related to SF version at all as it is on the Netflix side. Netflix has changed something (in fact, they constantly do that) but only for some of its users / regions / whatever - it is called A/B testing...


      Originally posted by ms-dfav View Post
      This isn't related to SF version at all as it is on the Netflix side. Netflix has changed something (in fact, they constantly do that) but only for some of its users / regions / whatever - it is called A/B testing. My advice for you would be to download whatever is the most important ASAP, as tomorrow you may be out of luck as well.
      Really......pick something anything to download for me and I will see if I can download it. So, far I haven't had any issues, I'm willing to try and test what you are unable to download and post the results....And I always go hard in getting whatever I can yesterday in real time, right now.........


        Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

        Really......pick something anything to download for me and I will see if I can download it. So, far I haven't had any issues, I'm willing to try and test what you are unable to download and post the results....And I always go hard in getting whatever I can yesterday in real time, right now.........
        For me, nothing can be analyzed - hence, nothing can be downloaded. But - if you want an example - I just tried analyzing 'Rebel Ridge' ( It will probably download for you just fine and I would presume this is because you're in group 'A' and all the others from this thread are from group 'B'...


          Originally posted by Germania View Post
          ​I've also tested SF 6189 and no analyzing (open and autoclosed) for me too
          and the same error in log with the same API call results with 502 - Bad Gateway
          (otherwise I wouldn't have said that)

          I'll try a clean reinstallation on another HDD after a good night's sleep
          (especially because of the many StreamFab.ini changes - info)​
          A clean HDD only provides a clean install from QCef versions that are imbedded and you're deleting just the same with the same workie!


            Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post
            A clean HDD only provides a clean install from QCef versions that are imbedded and you're deleting just the same with the same workie!
            That makes me realize that I need to sleep - I can't follow you ..
            .. I can't delete what isn't there yet (?)​


              Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

              Not all SF versions are effective, I'm still on version dated 7/18/24 and not having any of the downloading or log in issues at all with Netflix, I don't upgrade until I see a change or something that affects me from downloading. The first change over to was 7/26/24, something changed from there, but it wasn't a change that effective every user so this might be a hard fix where they fix it for the folks that it isn't working for now and break it for the folks that it is working for now. This has been the blueprint. Maybe they can get a clue and back track to when it was working for everybody with the version as noted.

              It just seems that most of the issues is coming from new users and upgrading issues. Wondering if also the recommended deleting of all the files from some and doing a clean install is giving these issues also, one size doesn't fit all, every system and how you use it is not the same desktop or laptop configured using it.
              Be happy if Netflix works for you.
              I reported the NETFLIX issue to SF support, and they FULLY found an issue and hope the developer can fix, it sometime soon.

              Seems it's back to one developer and there is a list of many things wrong with SF.
              THECW not working right, Amazon not analyzing series right, Peacock having issues on and off, Tubi down, and a few others.
              Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
              Usual locations for log files.


                Originally posted by Stan001 View Post

                Be happy if Netflix works for you.
                I reported the NETFLIX issue to SF support, and they FULLY found an issue and hope the developer can fix, it sometime soon.

                Seems it's back to one developer and there is a list of many things wrong with SF.
                THECW not working right, Amazon not analyzing series right, Peacock having issues on and off, Tubi down, and a few others.
                Not boasting that I can use Netflix in trying to help others......just wanted to see where the problem might be in different release versions and people using them. It's good you have a handle on all of this and the fore sight going forward....I'm just trying to help also and not bragging in any sense......Netflix, Amazon, Tubi, and Peacock has worked for me with Streamfab unconditionally not so with others, just want to know why it works for others and not everybody, can you explain that?


                  Originally posted by ms-dfav View Post
                  For me, nothing can be analyzed - hence, nothing can be downloaded. But - if you want an example - I just tried analyzing 'Rebel Ridge' ( It will probably download for you just fine and I would presume this is because you're in group 'A' and all the others from this thread are from group 'B'...
                  I will try this link to download after I get off from work and get home.......


                    Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

                    Not boasting that I can use Netflix in trying to help others......just wanted to see where the problem might be in different release versions and people using them. It's good you have a handle on all of this and the fore sight going forward....I'm just trying to help also and not bragging in any sense......Netflix, Amazon, Tubi, and Peacock has worked for me with Streamfab unconditionally not so with others, just want to know why it works for others and not everybody, can you explain that?
                    I did not say you were bragging because you can get Netflix to work. Just makes me wonder if it's not broke, in some way, why SF support told me that they had the same issue and hope to have the developer work on it sometime soon.
                    I also was able to confirm with several others that Tubi is not downloading, it just sits in the download cue.
                    I also confirmed an issue with THECW movies coming as shows example S01EP101. Amazon if analyzing series SF does not give the option of high dialog audio boost on shows that have it available, yet it did in the past. There are a few other weird issues with Amazon analyzing shows, it seems they made a change. Netflix and Tubi made some change too. As cleverget can't get from Tubi either.

                    I was one of those, before the Peacock issue, that had NO problems either. All shows and movies would come and with srt etc., NO issues.
                    And for THECW I can get the shows other ways, the same with Tubi, but Netflix and Peacock are a bit more involved, so SF makes it easier.

                    As to why it works for some and not others will most times remain a mystery. I wondered too why some could not get Amazon to work, before the site change, and also those who had trouble with remuxing srt.
                    Netflix, when working, I have to remux srt, extracting separate when the movie or show plays seems to give odd results. But otherwise Netflix did work fine.
                    Peacock also was fine, until many, including me, got the not found error when SF tries to get a link from Netflix that looks like this:

                    I told SF support there is no such link. $RepresentationID$​ should be /r0/audio/stereo/en/​ then all is fine, but it's getting SF to do that. ONLY for some SF gets this and until it gets right info we get error NOT found. After enough attempts, it can sometimes work. Other times might have to exit Sf and restart or try other crazy things. YET others have NO issue. Also, some programs from Peacock work fine for me yet others do not.

                    I personally don't go through the whole get an uninstaller etc. I just uninstall using SF uninstall, I find it removes most what's needed. Then download the installer from the links in the stickies and sometimes install even checking the CRC as in the stickies just need a simple program like 7-zip, and it gives the crc.

                    For other issues I have a script to delete other stuff from SF, if I feel it's needed to start clean.
                    Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
                    Usual locations for log files.


                      As I see there are still doubts about whether it is SF or Netflix, one more thing: it worked for me correctly, and then suddenly it stopped. Nothing in between: no installations, no config changes, not even a restart of SF. Same version (for me it was, even the same process ID. After than, it never worked again, also I immediately tested on my 2nd machine with where it ALSO stopped working, I have since upgraded it to (didn't help).

                      So... if this is SF's fault and a result of some of their bugs then it is either that:
                      - both instances of SF decided to conspire against me or
                      - there were some detrimental changes on SF servers.

                      The latter is unlikely, especially given that Netflix still worked for Down2Earth (I mean - I hope it still works for you!)

                      EDIT: The former is also unlikely and was meant as a joke


                        Over 4700 views - I estimate 3000 unique users ..
                        .. and only one person who thinks it works for them (?)
                        Although all SF 61x versions use the same API call ..

                        Of course 6189 doesn't work for me freshly installed either
                        (not even with my StreamFab.ini, which had grown a year by then)

                        btw: My two NF accounts use different subscriptions in different continents​


                          Same issue for me: either .9.6, so i think it's "netflix" side, aka APIs they use or something, they are changing the only thing to do is wait, the guys and StreamFab may be working on that. Other providers like Prime Video and Disney+, for example, are working correctly. Even Apple TV+!
                          Be patient, my friends....


                            Originally posted by foxymac2024 View Post
                            Be patient, my friends....
                            Best advice I've seen so far.

                            I'm imagining a really cute Chinese glasses-girl with 4 screens (one she's watching anime on), frantically working on the NF issue.


                              Originally posted by ms-dfav View Post
                              For me, nothing can be analyzed - hence, nothing can be downloaded. But - if you want an example - I just tried analyzing 'Rebel Ridge' ( It will probably download for you just fine and I would presume this is because you're in group 'A' and all the others from this thread are from group 'B'...
                              What is group A and group B?

                              I did try Rebel Ridge and was able to successfully download it from Netflix. Not sure why Germania is downplaying me, I played ghost for some time now not posting, just responded because there is an issue works for some and not others is the point, Streamfab is going to have a problem to why it's happening for most is my point. I'm done here.....

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                                Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post
                                What is group A and group B?
                                I referred to the A/B testing there.

