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The Steady Decline of Already Poor StreamFab Quality Control

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    StreamFab for Windows The Steady Decline of Already Poor StreamFab Quality Control

    Ya ya ya... It's me again. I didn't want to post but i feel i need to because it seems nobody is mentioning some pretty glaring bugs in the software.

    Major bugs are not being posted and if reported through the Feedback function, you get the standard "delete your temp and log folder" answer and then ignored.

    So, i will point out some issues and we'll see if anything will be done about it. Some features like H265 are essential for me so if they don't work, i have no need for StreamFab.

    • All versions now Analyze Season1, Episode 1 only. This seems to be a server change. It renders the Click to Analyze button USELESS
    • The pop-up download window shows the episode aired date instead of the runtime
    • Sometimes, StreamFab will download an episode and says it's successful but the file ends up being just a few seconds. A re-download usually works but it's a lot of double-checking when you have a huge queue downloaded
    • You can no longer analyze individual episodes/seasons. The only way that used to work (clicking analyze while video is playing) doesn't work anymore and just gives "analyze error"
    • H265 HDR10 no longer working. Also seems to be at the server level. I downloaded things in H265 HDR with and if i try again today, it only detects H264 bitrates
    • You cannot analyze specific seasons unless you play an episode from that season.
    So all the stuff in red are core functionality of the modules and they are broken. I understand Wilson.Wang is probably pissed at me for abandoning ship but i am not the captain. His decision made me leave so now he needs to fix the software properly.

    The death of RedFox/AnyStream was the worst thing that could happen to StreamFab. They have become complaisant and seems to not care about fixing HUGE BUGS. Onlly adding new modules to lure more people into buying StreamFab. Very sad because this could be such a great software if they focused on fixing the major modules instead of this scattered, unfocused approach.

    jpp72 Can you say how did you get the "Pissed Off User" badge?


      I hear you comes with the company that is only interested in money.


        Yes, I think nobody posts here because Wilson only replies to unimportant things...

        Or someone writes something important and others hijack the post with rubbish.

        By the way, support wrote to me today in response to my question about when the Amazon analysis problem will be fixed... The answer was "You can't say when it will be fixed!" Who knows whether they actually see it as a mistake and whether it's not supposed to be like that...​


          Agreed. Let's keep adding services that no one has ever heard of instead of fixing showstopper bugs.

          I've heard rumblings that the Chrome CDM is about to expire and I wonder how many months we'll be waiting on that update while nothing works.


            Hulu click cancel when it is analyzing and then go back to show click on episode you want and it works fine for individual episodes


            • jpp72
              jpp72 commented
              Editing a comment
              I am talking about when the Auto Analysis is disabled

            The issue here is that the developers do not have the experience to solve the problems in this specific program. That's where AnyStream excelled. May it rest in peace. Their forum admin and their developer worked together on important issues and only added things when the other programs were working correctly. I am not sure the developers here can fix the issues, or else I am sure they would have.
            Programmer in Python,Java,JavaScript,Swift,PHP,SQL,C#,C++,Go,R


              Originally posted by Chameleon View Post
              The issue here is that the developers do not have the experience to solve the problems in this specific program. That's where AnyStream excelled. May it rest in peace. Their forum admin and their developer worked together on important issues and only added things when the other programs were working correctly. I am not sure the developers here can fix the issues, or else I am sure they would have.
              I actually think it's worse than that. Not only the developers aren't power users, they are not users at all.

              They program stuff but they don't personally use the tool to download stuff they want so they cannot catch the bugs. They cannot understand the usability issues cause they don't use it on a daily basis like we do.

              If Wilson says: Give them the choice of bitrates, they give us the choice of bitrates. But if there are 3 bitrates for 7 out of 10 episodes and only 2 for the last 3, they don't even consider that if i select the lowest bitrate out of the 3, when it gets to the files with 2 bitrates, it should choose the lowest bitrate. Right now, they choose the highest bitrate. Like they say, common sense is actually not that common.


                Does it no longer work in the 6196 either? If so, why do you assume it is server-side?


                  Originally posted by Sebastian001 View Post
                  why do you assume it is server-side?
                  Because it no longer works in

                  But now that i look at it again, Amazon has reverted to separate entries for seasons of TV Shows after merging them a while back. That is when the first problems occurred.

                  So if i can figure out which version was working with separate seasons, it might work...


                    Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

                    Because it no longer works in

                    But now that i look at it again, Amazon has reverted to separate entries for seasons of TV Shows after merging them a while back. That is when the first problems occurred.

                    So if i can figure out which version was working with separate seasons, it might work...
                    Shit... Oh, don't let Amazon fool you. Here in Germany I sometimes see the old user interface for a short time. But at some point the new design will be back. Possibly a bug or an A & B test... or something else..


                      Thank you! I just spent about an hour trying to get Amazon to analyse later seasons of South Park so I could download them with 6 channel audio (nothing worked). Since Season 1 is only 2 channel, that's all I can get now.
                      Also, I downloaded an older version of the software (6199) but it won't run. I get a message saying that it's too old.


                        Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                        • H265 HDR10 no longer working. Also seems to be at the server level. I downloaded things in H265 HDR with and if i try again today, it only detects H264 bitrates
                        So this is either gaslighting, a settings bug, or i am losing my marbles.

                        10am Eastern Time, v6.2.0.1,, and do not download H265 HDR10. I post my frustrations. 10pm Eastern Time (10am in China), i go try to download AV1 HDR10 but i don't see that setting. Only AV1. I select that but change my mind and put it back to H265 HDR10.

                        All of a sudden, H265 HDR10 works. I can select those bitrates instead of just the single H264 1080p one from the high profile.

                        Now you tell me? Did StreamFab adjust something server-side and said nothing (which they have done many times before), or the toggling of the settings fixed it? Final option is i am crazy and frankly i'd rather that because option 1 is gaslighting and option 2 is more incompetence.

