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Subtitles don't work
Because I've no access to (no Oppenheimer @ ..
.. I can't say anything without your StreamFab.log
Change your VIP - Preferred Settings "Video Format"
Try mp4 or change mkv (mkvtoolnix) to ffmpeg - info
Otherwise try with "remux to srt" if subs ok
and check if subtitle included but not auto selected
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Like Germania said I would just save them as separate srt.
Although I have yet to have an issue with Amazon remuxing using either mkv or mp4, but again it may help to change between different formats in case one is causing the issue.
My main setting now for most is mkv (FFmpeg).
Also, check what you use as a player, plex fully supports all types of srt whether remuxed or separate and so does VLC player.
MediaInfo can be helpful in showing what the files all contain and if they have srt to start with.
Plain and simple: just use streamfab for Windows offline installer, which is always available at
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Thanks Germania, Stan001.
I tried the newest 6202.
But the result is same.
I selected some subtitles, but downloaded file seems having no subs data.
My player (GOM) says no subs data.
Tried several cases,
mkv format
srt output
all the same.
I think SF program has bug at handling subtitles on Amazon (JP).
Attached Files
You tried the same title (Oppenheimer) ..
.. what about subs with other titles (tried english only?)
Your log contains:
Code:[Critical]: "[DownloadControlAmazon]" transformXmlToSrtSubtitle failed, retry [Info]: [DownloadControlAmazon]" strSubtitlePath not exist : " .. [Critical]: "[DownloadControlAmazon]" QFile::copy failed.
272 streams, with 10 basic streams, 262 audio streams, 0 subtitle streams
I don't know a way to dl subs from amazon without access to the title
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If you really need the subs and dl with SF fails ..
.. you can install Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey in your Browser
and try: Amazon Video - subtitle downloader
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Not fixed yet at 6217.
The source has some subtitles but downloaded file has no subtitles.
Is this SF problem ? Please check and fix.
Here is Log, including 2 samples.
amazon @JP
ある夜、警察に止められた一台のトラック。運転席には負傷し、女装をした男。荷台には十数匹の犬。“ドッグマン”と呼ばれるその男は、半生を語り始めた―。犬小屋で育てられ暴力が全てだった少年時代。トラウマを抱えながらも、犬たちに救われ成長していく中で恋をし、世間に馴染もうとするが、人に裏切られ、苦しめられ、深く傷ついていく。犬たちの愛に何度も助けられてきた男は、犬たちと共に犯罪に手を染めてゆくが…。(C) Photo: Shanna Besson - 2023 –LBP – EuropaCorp – TF1 Films Production – All Rights Reserved.
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You seem to be all over the place in what you're trying to do.
I don't see anything about how you tried to download the subs.
Did you try both remux and Extract to SRT file? You should definitely try Extract to SRT to see if you get error(s).
If trying Extract to SRT file or if you already downloaded, you can use option Subtitle Only.
Also, if using Extract to SRT do you get an error or what happens?
NOTE, not all Amazon movies have srt, but it's a very short list. Although I use Amazon US it might be the JP sites has fewer selections that have srt.
If you can't get it working, then the only other thing is telling SF support that you're having these issues on the JP site.
Click to go to > Feedback/Support
As there is no issue in US and I have NO access, nor would anyone else, unless they also use Amazon JP site.
ALSO note the reply by Germania (here) it seems to indicate some of what you tried may have not had srt available.Plain and simple: just use streamfab for Windows offline installer, which is always available at