I can no longer download movies from the sites I used yesterday. The DRM MPD module is not even visible. What is your situation?
I am currently using the latest Version
The old fix a small few things break, others more important things trick again.
For the money they want for this product, they should be ashamed. I know free products with better support, but none are stream downloaders.
Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
%HOMEPATH%/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp Usual locations for log files.
Sometime yesterday Rogers tv and internet stopped working so I unplugged the modem for a bit, then plugged everything back in and the tv and internet came back
but now am unable to put any shows from Rogers cable onto my computer...just get some message about the browser not being compatible. So Rogers must have did something. Also criterion stopped working at the same time.
Same with animeonegai.com, the video playback just keeps loading and the download button doesn't get enabled. I think the analysis on all sites with MPD were affected.
Yes noticed this happening late yesterday with beIN SPORTS. Normally DRM picks up all there content now the video wont even play. Seems it was working earlier in the day here in Auastralia so there something on Streamfabs end taht needs to be fixed?
it seems like this is happening globaly, so it might have nothing with the providers. it would be weird if all of them all around the globe changed something at the same time.
i was downloading a bunch of episodes from my local tv provider the other night. everything was working and suddenly it didn't anymore. nothing would analyze anymore and i now get an error 6007 from my provider (not from streamfab). this also happens with other similar (same) software like streamgaga or flixfab. it also happens on multiple sites that use DRM (widevine). some of those sites say that the browser is incompatible.
so, at some point 2 nights ago they all stopped working.
with some sites, i am still able to use mp4decrypt with proper keys, however, i cannot decrypt some videos from VOD that used to work just fine.
something did change globaly. i thought i would find more info here, but i can only confirm from your comments that this is some kind of a global change. still don't understand what it was.
I have the same issue. I tried with, and when that failed, I also rolled back to (where it used to work) and also beta - I get the same message regardless.
After an update to StreamFab x64 I attempted to download DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944)..... directly from the CRITERION CHANNEL website (Paid Subscription)..... doing the usual URL cut and paste into the uppermost address bar..... resulting with the attached "Rights issue" error message.....
I have also attached a clean log file for perusal.....
It should be noted..... until my recent update..... I had been using StreamFab x64 on a Windows 11 laptop..... which was successfully downloading from the CRITERION CHANNEL at 1080p..... H264..... with Subtitles remuxed.....
After receiving the "Rights issue" error message when using on my Windows 10 laptop..... I attempted to download again from the CRITERION CHANNEL on the Windows 11 laptop which had been working..... but now get the same "Rights issue" message..... so something changed somewhere however I'll defer to those more knowledgeable to determine what.....
(1) "Not only to say the right thing..... at the right place..... but far more difficult to leave unsaid..... the wrong thing..... at the tempting moment!"
(2) "Just because you can..... doesn't mean you should!"
(3) "The only thing worse than the devil that you know..... is the devil that you don't!"
(1) "Not only to say the right thing..... at the right place..... but far more difficult to leave unsaid..... the wrong thing..... at the tempting moment!"
(2) "Just because you can..... doesn't mean you should!"
(3) "The only thing worse than the devil that you know..... is the devil that you don't!"