Nothing can be downloaded in 1080. You got me all excited when I read "New: Added support to download all Max videos (if the video contains 4K quality in Max) as 4K/1080p high-quality resolution."
I downloaded Bettle Jucie Bettel Juice in 4k s well as Super/Man the Christopher Reeve story it says in the change log its fixed for all videos
I can't see any change for Max ..
.. of course if key to decrypt >SD is known and stored in SF database
better resolution works also with previous SF versions ..
.. but the local SF apparently still only receive keys up to max 720p
which confirms the message in my previous picture.
It's not anyone's fault except who posted the 6110 update. Saying ALL Max videos.
Whoever posted that is not aware there is a limit in newer items on Max, if that's what the issue really is.
I have not had Max nor any access to it for years. I had to cut my services down over many years to where at best I get MGM+, Netflix(via Xfinity, no longer offered), Peacock (via Xfinity), and Amazon Prime.
Maybe someday SF will get it together with Max, but it's not the only module and issues SF is having.
I used to think if they could, they would, and that might still be true, but if so, then they have no clue how to get ALL in 1080 or 4K, right now.
And we see other issues like NO software that's easily available that gets all of Netflix in 1080p or 4K, it looks like forever there is set movies to 540p due to them limiting it via browser.
For now, download what can be done at the higher resolutions, and if you really want the other movies, make do with 540P or 720p.
You wonder if many have just become hoarders, although it can take time to watch a larger number of movies and some services have them for a limited time, so that may be a good reason to need to download otherwise watch them on a streaming device and get 1080p or 4K right off the app.
And to add, wasn't Amazon an alternative to get Max for a monthly fee and use the Amazon module?
If my memory serves me right, Paramount+ and others are also available.
But then the 100 download limit for Amazon as a whole becomes a huge issue.
Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
%HOMEPATH%/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp Usual locations for log files.
Getting H265 SDR on Max is a fix from past behavior. Previous versions, when you selected H265 the file downloaded had DoVi profile 8 (DV with fall back to HDR10), even for 1080p, 720p and lower.
I've just tried to download some series from MAX, and they where all in 720p, and NOT in 2160p DoVi with HDR fallback as I selected...
For example I tried 'House of the Dragon S2'
I also tried many of the series that exists in the Swedish version of MAX (from Kanal5/Discovery+), for example 'Jorden runt på 80 dagar', and they also downloaded in 720p instead of H264 1080p that I selected... So it's a big LIE that MAX downloads everything in 4K/1080p!
Please post your logs the default location is:
For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.