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Max subtitles duplicating

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    I will ask the dev to check it ASAP.

    Please post your logs the default location is:
    For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
    For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
    Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
    If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



      Originally posted by Germania View Post
      The causal problem is that the mpd contains 2x the Label en-US CC ..
      .. with "Salem's Lot" there is one for full Movie and one for the first additional 15 seconds (The "Skip" part)

      Click image for larger version Name:	max_mpd_en-us_doubled.jpg Views:	0 Size:	8.4 KB ID:	457065

      But t0 has a duration of only 15,015 seconds (1 Segment) - auto adding t13 (1:53:47) is wrong

      SF (and some other tools) dl segments for both (with ignoring duration for t0) and add this together.

      The right subs (full CC - like in Max player) are here
      I appreciate the link but going and finding subtitles for everything I want to download on Max is going to be a pain. But I guess that might be the only solution for now.


        Originally posted by Wilson.Wang View Post
        I will ask the dev to check it ASAP.

        Awesome, thank you!


          Just updating, this problem is still present in I thought it had been fixed as when I first opened SF and selected a title, it did list two options for the subtitles (they were identical). I unchecked one but the subs are still duplicated weirdly. When I went back to SF and reloaded the title, and checked another title, there was only 1 subtitle to pick from.


            This problem has been fixed in but how about detecting / fixing the (already downloaded) subtitles from previous versions?

            I present a script that will (try to) do both.

            It requires Python 3.10+ and 'srt' and 'chardet' libraries (installed via 'pip install').

            The instructions follow:
            Fix Max srt subtitles downloaded by StreamFab versions and earlier

            Some of these files have repeating, overlapping blocks of subtitles coming from
            two different sources, so they are not exact duplicates.

            This problem affects mostly English subtitles but who knows what else...

            Fortunately, the timestamps are grouped together between the two variants, so that
            by analyzing negative time jumps conflicts can be detected automatically;
            this script attempts to do just that.

            This may backfire in rare cases but should be 99% safe.

            The script should be executed with either
            - directory name, to be traversed recursively for all the srt files inside
            - srt file name

            The fix comes with 2 variants: two srt files will be saved with filename ending with
            '' and ''. The variants differ by which set of conflicting lines
            got removed (v1 removes the former and v2 the latter of the two conflicting groups of lines).​
            The code is pasted below (I prefer not to attach files as I don't know if these will be visible). Feel free to do whatever you like with this code, hopefully it will be useful.

            #!/usr/bin/env python
            # this script requires at least Python 3.10
            help_string = \
            """Fix Max srt subtitles downloaded by StreamFab versions and earlier
            Some of these files have repeating, overlapping blocks of subtitles coming from
            two different sources, so they are not exact duplicates.
            This problem affects mostly English subtitles but who knows what else...
            Fortunately, the timestamps are grouped together between the two variants, so that
            by analyzing negative time jumps conflicts can be detected automatically;
            this script attempts to do just that.
            This may backfire in rare cases but should be 99% safe.
            The script should be executed with either
             - directory name, to be traversed recursively for all the srt files inside
             - srt file name
            The fix comes with 2 variants: two srt files will be saved with filename ending with
            '' and ''. The variants differ by which set of conflicting lines
            got removed (v1 removes the former and v2 the latter of the two conflicting groups of lines).
            import os
            import sys
            import glob
            import srt
            from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector
            detector = UniversalDetector()
            append_fixed_v1: str = ".fixed.v1"
            append_fixed_v2: str = ".fixed.v2"
            def fix_srt(filename: str, srt_input: str, threshold: float = -30.0) -> tuple[str, str] | None :
                """Fix srt_input given as a string
                :param filename: name of srt file (used only for reporting)
                :param srt_input: srt subtitles as a string
                :param threshold: minimal negative time jump (in seconds) to consider as needed to be fixed
                :return: a tuple of fixed srt subtitles (two variants of a fix), or None if no fix is needed
                    # get a list of subtitles from the contents of srt file
                    subs: list[srt.Subtitle] = list(srt.parse(srt_input))
                    print("file:", filename)
                    print(" ... could not parse srt contents (probably encoding-related problem)")
                    print(f" ... encoding detected: {detector.result}")
                    return None
                # detect indices where time jumps backwards between two consecutive lines
                diffs_negative: list[int] = []
                for i in range(len(subs)-1):
                    if (subs[i + 1].start - subs[i].end).total_seconds() < threshold:
                # if there are such negative jumps, fix by removing the conflicting subs
                if diffs_negative:
                    # contains indices of subs to keep,
                    # removing the sub is done via removing its index from this list first
                    indices_v1: set[int] = set(range(len(subs)))
                    indices_v2: set[int] = set(range(len(subs)))
                    ## variant 1 of the fix:
                    # index_end is where the time jump occurs
                    for index_end in diffs_negative:
                        # determine index_start
                        timestamp_start_bound: float = subs[index_end + 1].start.total_seconds()
                        # ... starting from the end and going backwards,
                        # find the line with timestamp early enough for subtitles to not overlap
                        index_start: int = index_end
                        while (    index_start >= 0
                               and subs[index_start].end.total_seconds() >= timestamp_start_bound
                            index_start -= 1
                        # the line with index_start is the first one not overlapping,
                        # so skip to the next one
                        index_start += 1
                        # remove subs with indices from index_start to index_end,
                        # which is the minimal amount to remove so that there is no more
                        # jumping backwards in time between consecutive subs
                        for i in range(index_start, index_end+1):
                            if i in indices_v1:
                    ## variant 2 of the fix:
                    # index_start is where the time jump occurs
                    for index_start in diffs_negative:
                        timestamp_end_bound: float = subs[index_start].end.total_seconds()
                        index_start += 1
                        # determine index_end
                        # ... starting from index_start and going forward,
                        # find the line with timestamp late enough for subtitles to not overlap
                        index_end: int = index_start
                        while (    index_end < len(subs)
                               and subs[index_end].start.total_seconds() <= timestamp_end_bound
                            index_end += 1
                        # the line with index_start is the first one not overlapping,
                        # so skip to the next one
                        index_end -= 1
                        # remove subs with indices from index_start to index_end,
                        # which is the minimal amount to remove so that there is no more
                        # jumping backwards in time between consecutive subs
                        for i in range(index_start, index_end+1):
                            if i in indices_v2:
                    subs_filtered_v1 = [subs[i] for i in sorted(list(indices_v1))]
                    subs_filtered_v2 = [subs[i] for i in sorted(list(indices_v2))]
                        print("file:", filename)
                        srt_output_v1: str = srt.compose(subs_filtered_v1,reindex=False)
                        print(f" ... srt contents fixed, variant 1: a total of {len(subs)-len(subs_filtered_v1)} lines removed")
                        srt_output_v2: str = srt.compose(subs_filtered_v2,reindex=False)
                        print(f" ... srt contents fixed, variant 2: a total of {len(subs)-len(subs_filtered_v2)} lines removed")
                        return (srt_output_v1, srt_output_v2)
                        print(" ... srt.compose internal error, cannot re-parse subtitles")
                        print(f" ... encoding detected: {detector.result}")
                # there is nothing to do (file is already ok / not corrupted)
                # print("file:", filename)
                # print(" ... no problems detected, no fix needed")
                return None
            def fix_file(filename: str) -> bool:
                Fix SRT file
                :param filename: full path to the SRT file
                :return: True if fixed, False otherwise
                filename_v1 = filename[:-4] + append_fixed_v1 + '.srt'
                filename_v2 = filename[:-4] + append_fixed_v2 + '.srt'
                if os.path.exists(filename_v1) or os.path.exists(filename_v2):
                    print("file:", filename)
                    print(" ... fixes already exist, skipping")
                    return False
                    # (try to) detect the correct encoding of a file, pure magic this!
                        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
                            for line in f:
                                if detector.done: break
                        encoding: str = detector.result['encoding']
                        print("file:", filename)
                        print(" ... !!! ERROR cannot read file contents in binary mode (file access problem?), skipping !!!")
                        with open(filename, 'r', encoding= encoding) as f:
                            srt_txt =
                        print("file:", filename)
                        print(" ... !!! ERROR cannot read file contents, skipping !!!")
                        print(f" ... encoding detected: {detector.result}")
                        return False
                    # generate two variants of a fix
                    fixes: tuple[str, str] = fix_srt(filename, srt_txt)
                    # if fixes occurred
                    if fixes:
                        srt_fix_v1, srt_fix_v2 = fixes
                            with open(filename_v1, 'w', encoding= encoding) as f:
                            with open(filename_v2, 'w', encoding= encoding) as f:
                            return True
                            print(" ... !!! ERROR occurred while writing files with fixes !!!")
                            print(f" ... encoding detected: {detector.result}")
            if __name__ == "__main__":
                # Test the amount of arguments
                if len(sys.argv) != 2:
                    print("Exactly one argument required")
                arg = sys.argv[1]
                # Traverse the directory if given as an arg
                if os.path.isdir(arg):
                    print(f"Traversing directory '{arg}'...")
                    for filename_relative in glob.iglob("**/*.srt", root_dir=arg, recursive= True):
                        filename = os.path.join(arg, filename_relative)
                        if os.path.isfile(filename):
                # ... or just fix the file if given as an arg
                elif os.path.isfile(arg):
                    if not fix_file(arg):
                        print("file:", arg)
                        print(" ... fix not applied / not needed")
                # cover the edge case
                    print(f"'{arg}' is neither a file nor a directory")
                print(" ... DONE!")

