I've ordered 3 UHD-friendly drives last week on Amazon France warehouse deals. My aim was to secure the purchase of a drive with a usable firmware, before they all disappear, as the process of downgrading a drive's firmware is difficult. I only own one UHD disc, Star Wars 8.
- LG BH16NS55, manufactured in december 2018, came with a 1.03 firmware. No surprise, UHD disc not even showing on Windows, as previously said on this forum.
- Asus BW-16D1HT, manufactured in march 2017, came with a 3.0 firmware. UHD movie showing on Windows, seen by DVDfab. However, I couldn't play the movie, DVDFab said "Ooops, this disc isn't supported yet. Please try again at a later time." This is obviously due to my incompetence, as I wasn't able to load the appropriate external key.
- Asus BC-12D2HT, manufactured in april 2017, came with a 3.0 firmware. It's a cheaper version of the BW-16D1HT, without the ability to burn Blu-rays. It burns only CDs and DVDs, but reads everyting. I believe I'm the first on this forum to report on this drive. It behaved exactly like the BW-16D1HT, wich means it's UHD-friendly with firmware 3.0. It could be an interesting option for people who don't need to burn Blu-rays. It could order it for only 40€.
I've kept the BW-16D1HT and sent back the 2 others.
I would very much appreciate if someone could explain to me where exactly is the "load external key" option. I've read this post, without being able to go further: https://forum.dvdfab.cn/forum/uhd-co...-blu-ray-discs. I know it's a very noobish question.
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