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Movies won't go away.

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    General Feedback Movies won't go away.

    I deleted a number of movies from my MS. Now I have place holders in the movie wall with titles like "$r16xt9y". When I select this movie I start "Doctor Strange", but I have deleted it from the hard drive. I am going to remove the hard drive and examine it closer. I am editing the MS hard drive via file manager in Windows 10. I can transfer file just fine, but deleting seems not to be working. When I look at the hard drive contents with the file manager the files are gone. When I look at the file listing on the MS, the files are gone. When I select one of the strange file names on the movie wall, the movie plays. Curious......

    Hi mrfedora, Have you tried the Clear History and Refresh tools? You can find them by pushing the up arrow on the IR remote from the first page of the Poster Wall. I would try Refresh first I think.
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      Had to remove disk and use windows to clean the recycle folder. Freed up 139GB and fixed the file indexing problem. It seems that deleting files doesn't really delete them. A bug or a feature?


        I have found manual fix for the same type of problem that also applies to other issues - Duplicate Tiles showing up randomly, Disappearing Tile, etc. CYA - I do not advocate anyone tampering with a database. That said, if you are brave and have any of the free SQLite database browsers, there is a fix until the cause of these type problems is corrected.

        Go to the database on MS. On my system, from a WIN desktop, MS shows up on my network. "\\ANDROID_B9E10\share\sdcard\Android\data\org.dvd\files\.vidon\userdata\database". There you will find VMS2.db. Open the db and then browse data. There are data tables of interest. Open the table "tbVideosFile". There is a value in the column "iRecycleFlag". If a movie has been deleted, the name is still in the db but this flag is set to "1" (maybe as a holder to avoid re-indexing the whole db???) Movies that show up correctly are set to "0". Toggling this value, saving it and then refreshing seems to cure all these type of problems I have had. For multiple panels, delete the entry in MS Manager. Verify the .iso file is still present. Then toggle the setting back to "0". Refresh in MS Manager and it should be back to normal. Same fix if the .iso file has been deleted and then a new rip to the HDD and the new rip doesn't show up. In some cases, a tile is present and then a few days later it just disappears, but value is still "0". Set value to "1", save and refresh, and then set the value back to "0" and refresh and its fine.

        Don't ask me why.

