Is there any way to turn off automatic collections/compilation??? I am still having issues with movies and TV shows of the same name and different dates, such as Roots, Man in the Iron Mask and many more. I think there needs to be a way for each disk to be assigned its own entry and let us manually compile them into a collection or compilation if we want. I think there used to be a menu option for displaying a movie series, but it is no longer present and I don't know if that would have worked. I have found work arounds that require manually editing the database and that is a lot of work and shouldn't be necessary. Is this possible or is it an enhancement for the future?
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How to turn off automatic collections???
Collecting into groups can be easily undone (there is an illustrated guide here in the forum), but I agree that the user should be able to decide.Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
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Thank you Signals. I have read the guide and tried to use it. Editing the meta information to delete the collection name generally works if there are 2 different named movies. The problem occurs mostly when the movies have the same name. For instance, KonTiki (Movie and Documentary of same name), Man in the Iron Mask (DiCaprio and Chamberlain versions), Far From the Madding Crowd, just a few examples. If I copy both files, they will be joined as a compilation/collection and editing the meta info to delete the collection does not work. A change to one movie is a change to both. If you load both, the same idMovie number (from tbMovieEx) is assigned to both discs (as if it was a Disc1 and Disc2 of a single movie) in tbVideosFile. tbMovieEx has only a single entry for the movie name. They will not separate. The only fix I have found (other than manually editing the database) is to copy 1 movie. When it is correct, change the name shown using the meta editor and refresh (ie MovieName (1977)). Verify no collection has been added in the meta information. Then copy the second movie, link to the correct movie (using the 3 dots), rename that to a different name (is MovieName (1998)), making sure there is no collection name in the meta info. Then they will both show up correctly and work correctly with multiple entries in tbMovieEx and in tbVideosFile. For TV Shows, it is much more difficult, for instance the Roots series, 2 versions and multiple discs. If every disc was entered in tbMoviesEx with its own ID number, then we could elect to combine them. With only one entry in tbMoviesEx, there is no way to separate them easily and force the server to accept them as 2 different movies. Hopefully you can duplicate this and give us a fix.
Hi Duane, you are correct on all issues, I have notice the same myself with other titles (movie and TV) such as Murder on the Orient Express, She and the many different types of the Poirot movies and TV shows. I have used the same manual solution you pointed out and it works in most cases if the steps are followed, but automatic would be nicer. Thanks for the excellent feedback, also to Ish who suffers as well.
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