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Losing Poster and Information On Personal Videos and Others

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    Losing Poster and Information On Personal Videos and Others

    This has become a very annoying problem. After the recent update when the server rebooted all my personal videos are no longer populated on the list and are now back in the video section with NO information or original poster artwork saved. These must all be re-entered in mediashow before they show up again in the Smart Library. This is totally unacceptable and needs to be fixed. The chosen artwork and information entered needs to be stored on the server's hard drive so it is saved after every re-boot otherwise it is useless for storing films not in the DVDfab database. This also happens to the corrected films that are not in the DVDfab data base and are corrected, they revert back to the wrong movie and must be re corrected again. It's great you have the ability to go in and add your own films and correct the database, as you show in your instructions, but is a USELESS feature if you lose all that data and imagery after the server shuts down. This has also happened to a number of films with multiple listings. An example, movie Devil Girl From Outer Space is selected and on reboot comes up as a more recent film Devil Girl. So once again I believe that the solution is that once the artwork and information has been selected of new information entered along with original artwork, this needs to be stored somewhere on the removable hard drives in a database so it is not lost. If this is not corrected the server will not live up to it's potential and operate as advertised. It's great you can enter new things into the database but if they are not saved to the hard drive it is a useless function. It's no fun having to re-enter all my home videos information and artwork every day...... becomes a frustrating waste of time.

    I only had one title that had a manually uploaded poster, but I lost that. The other manual edits I had done were preserved (collections, etc.). Sorry about the inconvenience, if you reload a few of them, try a power cycle and see if they are preserved now (should be). Not sure about the change in the data that you found with the Devil Girl title.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
    Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


      I would strongly request that movie data (metadata, posters, etc etc) be stored with the movie file - where ever the movie file is located. i.e. - on local internal drive, external USB drive, or a NAS - store the movie info with the movie file. Then the data and association is never lost, never has to be re-downloaded, etc etc. Avoids problems with network connection IDs or IPs changing as well.

      my $0.02


        Since writing on the 14th about losing artwork and text on restarting the server, there was an update and now my information seems to be staying in the correct place. I'm keeping my fingers crossed as I love this movie server!


          Unfortunately I have to take back what I said yesterday. When I started up my movie server today I had again lost the information that had been entered on 20 files. These files had been moved to the Video section and now had no images or information other than the file name. All information had to be reentered to get the video and artwork back into the movie section. The picture shows the 20 files that moved to the video section today and have to be re-entered. Also a few films in the Smart Library have changed to other films with different names. It seems that program isn't retaining the information I entered and rescans for data on some films that were scanned incorrectly when first entered and now has reverted back to the wrong file information.THis is really annoying as some are so changed I have to view the movie to see what the real title is. Very disappointing.

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            As as update to my previous post, an example of a change made to my Smart Library was this morning the movie "Can Can" had been changed to the movie "Catch Me If You Can." When going into the program and re-matching the film there was a list of movie titles with the word "can" in them and "Catch me if you can" was the most recent listed title. I had to re-select "Can Can" to get the right title and artwork displayed. My question is how this bug is changing the selection and why it is happening? I still feel these changes need to be hosted on the HHD so that user chosen info and artwork can be kept together, especially user added artwork for as shown above artwork and text on my home videos were deleted and the video files returned to the video section this morning and ALL information and artwork had to be re-entered. As the number of films on my drive increases this becomes more and more an annoying chore, Please look into this.


              Movie Server is not designed for Personal Videos at first, but we will improve it in near feature, from Cloud Manager to TV frontend.
              DVDFab is the all-in-one software package for copying Blu-ray/DVD and converting video file.


                Fengtao my personal videos work fine. The only problem is the Smart Library remembering and updating the text and Artwork. Which it usually does until it doesn't.


                  Here is an Example of the problem of the Smart Library not keeping changes manually made to the smart library database . I added the DVD "Commercial Mania and TV Mania" to my Server. This film was not in the movie database so I entered the movie information and cover artwork manually that I found online and then populated it into my servers Smart Library. It stayed there for two days. This Morning when I turned the server on the movie information had been changed to 10,000 Maniacs.

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                  So I had to open the information panel and change back the media title. I can not use the search feature as this DVD is not in the movie database. Because it was not there it appears that the server could not keep my previously entered information and did a new search and and the closest it could find was the word MANIA that was listed on the .iso file as the DVD is called Commercial Mania and changed the info on the file.
                  So now I had to re-entered the correct Artwork and DVD information.

                  So now everything is correct but the problem is that the server database does not keep the new information or artwork and will look to the database to try and find a movie that is not listed and will get the closest name which I guess was 10,000 Maniacs and will turn it back to the wrong movie.

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                  Things are OK now but since the correct information I manually entered is not retained on the internal HHD next time I restart the server will again be looking for the word Mania and put in the incorrect information and re-name the DVD file. The same thing happens to my personal videos. Movie information that is not or in or is incorrect in the movie database once corrected is not retained once the server is turned off. In your advertising you state that corrections to the database can be made however if they are not saved to a folder in the HHD than changes can not be saved so actually you can not correct mistakes made in the movie database or changes and corrections you manually make to the Smart Library and the MS is not "smart" enough to remember the changes. This is a problem I think needs to be addressed as soon as possible.


                    So the problem of why the films I entered manually and those that are not in the outside movie database is once the server is restarted the changes made manually are lost. Those movies that do not have any close name finding in the online movie database are renamed incorrectly to a different and not matching movie or if no database match of any kind is found it is put into the Video folder with no other information than it's .iso name. All movies that are entered or changed manually not in the online movie database have their user entered information deleted and the movie is put into the video folder with only it's .iso name. Your advertising says you can correct the data on the movie server manually but this is not true as the corrections you make are not saved on the server and lost once it is restarted. That is the reason my Video section on my server ended up with the 20 movies I had manually entered that were not on the internet movie database. There needs to be a way for the changed information made using the Smart Library tools to save these changes to the local hard drive so the changes can be repopulated correctly in the Smart Library local database. Otherwise the Smart Library isn't really very smart and no lasting changes can be made to the local database.

