This has become a very annoying problem. After the recent update when the server rebooted all my personal videos are no longer populated on the list and are now back in the video section with NO information or original poster artwork saved. These must all be re-entered in mediashow before they show up again in the Smart Library. This is totally unacceptable and needs to be fixed. The chosen artwork and information entered needs to be stored on the server's hard drive so it is saved after every re-boot otherwise it is useless for storing films not in the DVDfab database. This also happens to the corrected films that are not in the DVDfab data base and are corrected, they revert back to the wrong movie and must be re corrected again. It's great you have the ability to go in and add your own films and correct the database, as you show in your instructions, but is a USELESS feature if you lose all that data and imagery after the server shuts down. This has also happened to a number of films with multiple listings. An example, movie Devil Girl From Outer Space is selected and on reboot comes up as a more recent film Devil Girl. So once again I believe that the solution is that once the artwork and information has been selected of new information entered along with original artwork, this needs to be stored somewhere on the removable hard drives in a database so it is not lost. If this is not corrected the server will not live up to it's potential and operate as advertised. It's great you can enter new things into the database but if they are not saved to the hard drive it is a useless function. It's no fun having to re-enter all my home videos information and artwork every day...... becomes a frustrating waste of time.
