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Another deception, the new firmware is worst than before!

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    Another deception, the new firmware is worst than before!

    Another deception, the new firmware is worst than before! I tried the "rebuild" option, crossing my fingers, touching wood, etc... I've read in the news that the Movies TV Show has been repaired but I can say it does not here... Results: I have 135 films, only 84 are shown! The "TV Shows" is still empty with a help screen. I have the completes series of Hercule Poirot and Star Treck original, and the only way to see them is via the file system manager. and again, I can not see all the series when there are more than one épisode on each BluRay. This is really pathetic... Nearly a year now I have the DVDFab Movie Server and it is still not working correctly, and I believe, when the warranty will be finished, I will have to find a good garbage/recycling box! This is really not a good publicity for you guys!

    Is there anyone at the DVDFab Movie Server Team who can help me? Thanks


    Is your Poirot collection the BD or DVD set? Are you copying the episodes individually or on a full disc basis? Sorry for the difficulty with this,
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      Originally posted by ymartin View Post
      I will have to find a good garbage/recycling box!

      Please! It isn't that bad of a piece of hardware to be throwing away!

      While I too have problems with the poster wall I also realize that this is a great playback device. I still have my kdLinks A400 and this product is much better than than the A400.


        Have to disagree with Dead Eye. Have my system since last July. What was delivered was BARELY usable and packed solid with bugs. However, I saw improvement with each firmware release up to 1010. The next release turned my system into a brick. Subsequent releases have not significantly improved the situation.

        As far as the poster wall goes, it worked pretty well in 1010. I don't understand why it is so thoroughly broken in subsequent releases.

        As far as playback is concerned, there are still many problems. DVD's come up with subtitles enabled randomly regardless of settings. Blu-ray menus are problematic. Sometimes they work, sometimes they just freeze up the unit. In some cases, the chapter marker plays back through the entire movie and cannot be turned off. Frequently, introductory content (stuff before the main movie) will start to play then "go blank" for several seconds before the video starts playing again. Perhaps this is still better than some other media servers out there, but don't consider that high quality.

        I don't know what the problem with DVDFAB is, but it the first time I have seem firmware releases actually take away functionality and get worse over time.There are problems that have been reported since back last September that are still not fixed.

        I reverted my unit back to 1010, since that was the last stable, mostly functional release. I agree that the unit has great potential, but without good firmware, even the best hardware becomes pretty useless, I sincerely hope that a firmware release comes along that actually fixes the problems with the unit, but until I see that, I certainly cannot recommend the device to anyone.


          Originally posted by tbrown25 View Post
          Have to disagree with Dead Eye. Have my system since last July. What was delivered was BARELY usable and packed solid with bugs. However, I saw improvement with each firmware release up to 1010. The next release turned my system into a brick. Subsequent releases have not significantly improved the situation.

          As far as the poster wall goes, it worked pretty well in 1010. I don't understand why it is so thoroughly broken in subsequent releases.

          As far as playback is concerned, there are still many problems. DVD's come up with subtitles enabled randomly regardless of settings. Blu-ray menus are problematic. Sometimes they work, sometimes they just freeze up the unit. In some cases, the chapter marker plays back through the entire movie and cannot be turned off. Frequently, introductory content (stuff before the main movie) will start to play then "go blank" for several seconds before the video starts playing again. Perhaps this is still better than some other media servers out there, but don't consider that high quality.

          I don't know what the problem with DVDFAB is, but it the first time I have seem firmware releases actually take away functionality and get worse over time.There are problems that have been reported since back last September that are still not fixed.

          I reverted my unit back to 1010, since that was the last stable, mostly functional release. I agree that the unit has great potential, but without good firmware, even the best hardware becomes pretty useless, I sincerely hope that a firmware release comes along that actually fixes the problems with the unit, but until I see that, I certainly cannot recommend the device to anyone.

          I think the biggest improvement to start with would be to ditch the cloud and go back to the settings of 1010 and have it locally, at least this way you had way better control overthe poster wall and how it worked.

          I had no issues up to 1010 with it, since every fw update from then my TV series are a right mess with everything all over the place, 1010 it put automatically everything in order etc etc.

          I have films that had the correct image and info showing entirely different things and when you try and alter the info it either doesnt find the corret info or just sits there with the spinningwheel for an eternity.

          I cant understand why they dont listen either, why the cloud? Not everyone has a super fast connection, locally stored was/is way better.

          Maybe they want to see what we have on our players???? seems strange to me why it has to be cloud based!!!!!!

          Who is actually doing the fw updates? as it would seem that it could be out of house, like the issues are getting passed over and not getting looked at in an actual situation, just trying to fix them with someone saying this or that doesnt work.

          The holidays and office meeting senario said everything, when you would think they would be doing the upmost to sort everyones issues they just shut up shop and leave us all waiting.

          Other player forums I look at seem to get updated a lot more often than we do if there are issues, here it seems to be a "we will sort it one day" attitude.

          I have an old Mede8er player thats way better at scraping metadata etc, out of the 1000's of films ive had on that I think i have only had to adjust any move or tv info a handful of times.

          We are all being used as beta testers with this unit lol


            Originally posted by lamster View Post

            We are all being used as beta testers with this unit lol
            That's always the case when new products are released and early adopters buy them...I've never had the expectation of perfection. I've beta tested SCSI products for a reputable company many moons ago and what is happening with this product is no different. Any one who uses Linux and/or Windows is always getting updates that have the potential to break your current setup.

            My response to the OP was simply to reject the notion of throwing away this device because of its problems. My kdLinks A400 while not being as good of a player as this one is not headed for the trashcan anytime soon because of its problems, and I'm waiting for an Android 7 update for it.


              Truly agree with tbrown25 and lamster. I even posted something along the same lines but in a shorter text here, that I do not believe that they can even get back to the product they had and offered in reference to The software that is being put out you can call it beta but not what we originally bought into… size does not fit all here!!!!!

              I do have to admit this is a pretty awesome unit, ‘IF’ they would stop trying to doing something with it they are not capable of doing. People are frustrated and with good cause because nothing is being done, these updates come out that informs you to update your movie server and when you do - your movie server and everything on it is amiss…everything that was is not anymore. That is totally wrong and what the masses didn’t buy into when they purchased this unit. It’s not all that bad but if it’s not what you bought into and it keeps getting worst per release. Don’t think it should be this many changes or releases in less than a year of a product. See a release being put out to fix a previous screwed up release.

              What’s really bad is that this forum does have people putting in the work to make this product better with intense feedback after releases in relation to it and nothing is really being acknowledged. This is where the ‘dumping of this unit into the round file” comment comes from, not because this is a bad product or unit, it’s because enough is enough with these forced releases that don’t work.

              The development team should try unpacking a boxed ready to be shipped DMS, put an 8TB HDD in it with 900 movies and see how their releases perform. I don’t know what these guys are seeing that we are not and why we are having these problems that they are not seeing.


                I did a full iso copy


                  Originally posted by Dead Eye View Post

                  Please! It isn't that bad of a piece of hardware to be throwing away!

                  While I too have problems with the poster wall I also realize that this is a great playback device. I still have my kdLinks A400 and this product is much better than than the A400.
                  Agreed, it is not bad, but suffer of bad design. The hard drive becomes very hot and is not well coolled. I have to connect the hard drive externaly with a sata cable to get a resonnable heat.
                  About the hardware it bugs sometime but in general it goes well. My point is, what will happen after the warranty period?



                    I installed a WD Red 8TB drive in mine and have checked the temperature from time to time with a laser temp probe and it seemed reasonable to me so I stopped checking, I don't remember the average but it didn't alarm me even after factoring in the heat dissipation from the enclosure because that is where I took the measurement from. Mine stays on most of the time.
                    Last edited by Dead Eye; 04-19-2018, 04:37 PM.


                      The only time I turn my DMS off is to swap out HDD, other then that it stays on running 24-7 and the DMS is cool to the touch. There was an earlier update for the cooling issue of the DMS HDD that was in fact an issue but after the update I really haven't noticed problems after that update which was one of the first 2 I think.

                      Ymartin, there's is a fan for the DMS on the left side of the case, you can point a flashlight at the opening to see if the fan is actually spinning for you.
                      Last edited by Down2Earth; 04-19-2018, 05:15 PM.


                        Originally posted by signals View Post
                        Is your Poirot collection the BD or DVD set? Are you copying the episodes individually or on a full disc basis? Sorry for the difficulty with this,
                        I did a full iso copy, but I have the same issue with the original complete season of Star Trek! Anyway, nothing is shown on the TV Show section, even if it exists.


                          Try copying the episodes individually, if you use Full Disc copy mode it will always look like a Movie to the DMS, but some prefer this method (using the menus from the original disc to select episodes).
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