After all the things I tried previously, my library was a wee bit screwed up. So I rebuild the library again. No surprises there, same as previous one with minor changes. Started to edit "video's" and gained 15 extra movies. I then changed around about the same amount of "movie" posters and continued to fix "collections". When that was completed I was down 2 "collections (great)" but was also minus 3 movies (bad).
We are now 4 days past the completion of above and I checked video's through webapp only to find out that suddenly I had lost 23 video's. So I Had a look under "TV shows" and guess what, I have gained another TV show. This was when I found "space ghost (1966) with 2 seasons. Season 1 had E10 - E24 which actually were Space: 1999. Season 2 had all but E24 from Space: 1999.
E24 was still under "video's". I then went hunting for S01E01 through to E09, Found them under "Final Space 2018". Now, I would love to know how this could happen, as of Tuesday I believe it was there was 24 episodes under "video's".
We are now 4 days past the completion of above and I checked video's through webapp only to find out that suddenly I had lost 23 video's. So I Had a look under "TV shows" and guess what, I have gained another TV show. This was when I found "space ghost (1966) with 2 seasons. Season 1 had E10 - E24 which actually were Space: 1999. Season 2 had all but E24 from Space: 1999.
E24 was still under "video's". I then went hunting for S01E01 through to E09, Found them under "Final Space 2018". Now, I would love to know how this could happen, as of Tuesday I believe it was there was 24 episodes under "video's".