It is on the to-do list. Moving your thread to Feature Request.
I must say though, as a customer for years (5+ I think, at least from the old platinum) we have been told it's on the list for quite awhile, nearing a year now. We have seen plenty other less needed or used features that have been developed and included, but this one that many have repeatedly expressed desire for has yet to be even slightly developed.
Don't get me wrong I use and enjoy the fab, but I would like what we all have been told and expect.....development of key features.
I have the Nvidia and yea it helps a little, but the big hits are better!
Please give some ACTUAL information. I am really wanting to redo my platinum dvd lifetime to include blu ray lifetime, but not if we don't get actual developments. I haven't installed the last 5 updates, because it's nothing really extra.