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    I just D/L 8076 beta, was useing 8075 beta! when I checked the about it say's my "dvd copy", enabled, yes, never been used! Then I click on my Key and then it restarts and say's, enabled, yes, April 20,2012! that's how I've done it for years!, but with 8076 beta, I click on my key, then say's will restart for registered version!, but it keeps saying enabled, yes, never been used! I went back to 8075 and it shows April 20, 2012! Went back to 8076 beta and it says enabled, yes, never been used and stays that way, even after I click on my key, and that has always started it back with enabled, yes, April 20, 2012!(dvdcopy) How do I get it to stay on the registered version? Only happening with 8076 beta! Hope you can understand what I mean!

    8076 beta

    Went to members and put in original E-mail and password, clicked on submit, then It shows I'm registered till 04-20-2012! I Then D/L key again! Went back to program, still same problem with 8076 beta! 8075 beta is registered version! Can't get Reg.Version with 8076 beta! Not sure what to do at this point! Any help appreciated! Thank you!Will be back shortly!
    Last edited by 8855A; 02-26-2011, 07:10 PM. Reason: leaving for a while


      This sometimes happens, there is an excellent tutorial on this subject in this forum please go to;- DVDFab Knowledge Base/Answers to common questions/DVDFab Registration Key Problems,

      You might like to try one thing first;- right click on desktop icon, open as administrator, click on about, click on enter registration key,then open the registration key in wordpad, select all, and copy & paste it into the "enter registration key" panel, then click on "register".

      This has always worked for me so far,


        8076 beta

        FABFANATIC, I'm the only one on this pc! I'm set up as Adminstrator! I open up fab,went to about, put in registration key, hit OK! pop up said registered version can be used now!(you know what I mean) Then I checked about again, and it said dvdcopy, enabled, yes, never been used! It should say, enabled, yes, April 20,2012, but it don't!, but if I go back again to8075 beta, it sayes, enabled, yes, April 20,2012!Could someone help! It's strang that it has worked on every update until now! I can convert back and it works, but not 8076 beta!
        Last edited by 8855A; 02-27-2011, 03:06 AM. Reason: finish


          8076 beta

          Uninstalled, ran CC cleaner, reinstalled, ran as admin, click on key! Said it would restart with registered version! Opened and still said, "Never been used" instead of April 20,2012! Also read the thread on how to do this! If I go to member's it show's good! registered April 20, 2012! I believe this problem is on your end, DVDFAB!, or give some help from someone!(DVDFAB)


            dvdfab8076 beta

            Mod's, Admin, Member's, is everyone on vacation! Went back to 8075 beta and my membership is good again! April 20, 2012! Go back to 8076 beta, everything said trail period, never been used! This is the frist time in over 5 years that I can't get any responce, just one member! Read all threads reguarding this subject, followed instructions! I highly believe this problem is with in DVDFAB! I don't know what else to do! Frist time highly disappointed in DVDFAB! Started the thread and all post, and just a lonely member responded! What a shame! Went back to 8075 beta and membership good! Since all this information wasted, I'll just use 8075 beta, wait till a formal version comes out! There's something wrong!, and there's enough post anybody should understand! This is on your end DVDFAB! I'm highly disappointed, but if I'm wrong I will aplogize to each and everyone, Mod's, Admin, Staff! This has turned out to be a very bad embaressment on DVDFAB!, in my opinion! Program or registration, something not working!, and yes I'm upset! It's like I have some sickness or something and everyone ran away not to get infected!I'm I being ignored or feel like I've been banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Last edited by 8855A; 02-27-2011, 05:18 AM. Reason: feelings


              No one is on vacation, just busy. This type of problem can be caused by several things, among them problems with your anti-virus or security software. Please try the following steps:

              Uninstall DVDFab using the uninstaller that comes with it.
              Reboot your PC
              Copy or re-download your key to your desktop
              Download and install (Run As Administrator) v8076, then close it when it opens
              Follow the remaining steps in this post and reboot your PC:

              If the above does not work, try disconnecting from the internet and turning off your anti-virus or security software and repeating the above.
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                Hi, 8855A, I'm sorry you're still having problems with getting the registration key to stick. Unfortunately, you may have to wait for the next updated version before it will stick.DVDFab never admit to this problem, I have had this problem twice in the last 18 months, however, I have found that if I enable & use the hidden Administrators account to run my PC, ( I did this last June), this problem has not happened since, even on v8076.
                Please don't despair, I understand the frustration. I know you are running your PC as administrator, but believe me, I have never looked back since running my PC from the hidden Admin account, please give it a try.
                You can find the instructions on how to do this on the web, let me know how you get on,


                  8076 beta

                  SIGNALS, FABFANATIC, Have tryed all your suggestions, some I have done on my own, and repeated again, just to follow your instructions! 8076beta just want register! Went back to 8075beta, and no problems with registration! Checked about and shows enabled, yes, expire date April 20 2012 dvdcopy! One thing that did change, all the other modules said trail user, never been used! Before they said, enabled, no, expired!, but I have never used any of the other features, I've only paid for dvdcopy for the last 5 years!, but this is only a beta release, so I'll wait on another beta or Formal release!, but I still believe there is something wrong with this beta release(8076) I feel like FABFANATIC on this issuse! Thank You SIGNALS, FABFANATIC, for putting in your time and effort!(been working on this for 2 days now, 8076beta want register)


                    I am sorry you are still having problems, it is very important to install DVDFab As Administrator. If you don't do this it will never work. I have had no problem with 8076 and apparently most others it has maintained registration correctly. There must be some slight difference in operating system or installed software that is causing the difficulty. You might also try turning off prefetch in Windows.
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                      8076 beta

                      SIGNALS, I've doon everything you suguested, especialy install as Admin., Followed dvdfab knowleged base thread! uninstalled, reinstalled, but nothing works!, BUT why if I go back to 8075beta, click on my key, then everything is alright! I've been to member's, re-did key! Can't anyone check my regist., and see what the problem is? They've done it before a while back when every one had the problem with there regist. and had to get new keys! They fixed mine before! Over 5 years I've never had this problem, I have every update for V5 to V8(8076) still saved on my PC!, and this version is the only one that doesn't work!, The program works, but the regist. doesn't work, I can back-up one dvd, then the next one I try, it tells me it has exspired, I can re-D/L the 8076beta and do the same thing again!, or I can click on my key and get regist. version, do one copy and then it's exspired again! I can do this each time, but do you see what a pain in the a$$ this is! So I went back to 8075 beta to stop all the extra work! your post #7 followed to the T! everything worked, but regist. doesn't work or read right! One copy and it's exspired!, it said never been used, I should be able to use for 30 days if that's the case! Even in member's it shows good till 4-20-2012! I've done everything, the version works, just regist. is screwed up!
                      Last edited by 8855A; 02-27-2011, 07:11 PM. Reason: post #7


                        8076 beta

                        I just wanted this beta for the CINAVIA protected dvd's, so I would know which dvd's had it! I have SONY's frist model BDP-S1 blu-ray player and doesn't reconize CINAVIA and I don't have to worry about it!, but family members have newer models blu-ray player's! Which reconize CINAVIA! I now tell them not to buy SONY blu-ray player's! Also waste my TY's backing up there dvd's!


                          I can only tell you it is not a universal problem. Maybe the developers will find something, I have sent them a link to this thread.
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                            8076 beta

                            Thank you SIGNALS, Maybe I will get lucky and they will find something! If not "I" can live with it! Just curious and waiting on next update if this goes away! Any V I use show's that I'm good till 2012! Not universal, but like FABFANATIC said it happened to him twice, but DVDFAB didn't want to admit there was a problem! I also tryed everything he suggested! To me it's just strange how this V 8076beta, is the only problem! I haven't changed anything on my PC for years and I use it 90% of the time just for "DvdFab" only! Question, SONY has been updating my blu-ray player for 5 years now! Could they put CINAVIA protection on my blu-ray player from within an update? I've been holding off updating for that reason!
                            Last edited by 8855A; 02-27-2011, 08:32 PM. Reason: Question?


                              It is being checked as we speak. There was a slight change in this part of 8076, it is being evaluated.
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