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Converting ISO's to H264

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    Converting ISO's to H264

    I've ripped a large part of my DVD library to Main Movie ISO image which I then mount under W7 MCE to watch. Obviously this takes up a lot of disk space.

    I'm now looking at converting some of these ISOs to H264. However I want to retain as much quality as possible and have been using a bit rate of 1800 & Dual Pass Conversion. However my PC seems to be taking ages to shrink/convert a single movie.

    I appreciate that conversion speeds will be very different depending on hardware, but I have a Intel Pentium Dual Core E2220 2.4GHz, with 3.5gB Ram running 64bit W7. BUT when running DVDFab my PC is still ok to use, it almost as if DVDFab is not using the full power of my CPU.

    Is there something that I need to configure? I'm planning to batch up conversions to run overnight, or while I'm at work, but I don't believe that my PC is working to its full potential.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    First of all, 2-pass is not very useful in DVDFab unless you are trying to hit a specific file size (fit on a CD for example).

    The E-series processors are not that fast compared to other modern processors but you may or may not be maximizing it. The other limitations are your motherboard FSB speed, memory speed, and to a smaller extent the drive I/O (hopefully the ISOs are on an internal hard drive rather than a USB or network drive). Ideally you will want motherboard and memory to match or exceed the FSB of your processor (800).

    The usability of your PC should not concern you too much. Your OS is designed to multi-task and will throttle DVDFab when you are trying to do other things. Obviously running less applications will help but it would probably not be a noticeable conversion time difference.
    Last edited by Complication; 12-15-2009, 02:57 PM. Reason: typo


      What is the "Encoding fps" reported by DVDFab during the conversions? Check your memory allocation settings in DVDFab Common Settings. If it is set to Auto, try changing it to several of the other settings (Max, Low etc.) to see if it changes things. These controls are located on the XtoMobile->Convert page. Make sure the Turbo CPU box is checked also.
      Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
      Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


        For automating this you will need to use You can make a batch file with this command.

        for %%X in ("J:\MOVIE\iso\*.iso") do (if not exist "J:\MOVIE\avi\%%~nX.avi" ("C:\Program Files\DVDFab 6\DVDFab.exe" /TITLE /MODE "DVDGENERIC" /SRC "J:\MOVIE\iso\%%~nX.iso" /DEST "J:\MOVIE\avi" /PROFILE "generic.default" /SUBTITLE "English" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE) else (echo "Exists J:\MOVIE\avi\%%~nX.avi"))

        Refer to

        This is based on an old version of DVDFab but it covers the basics. I will update it soon.

        Create a profile and save it as the default. Modify the command to point to your source and target file. I am still having problems with It hangs when I insert /SUBTITLE "English". Remove it and it should work for movies without subtitles.


          Thanks - that batch file looks useful. However

          what if my ISO's are stored in individual movie folders already?


          j:\movies\iso\Men in Black\Men in black.iso

          is there a what for the script to navigate into each individual folder?



            Here is a modified version that will parse through all subdirectories. Just run it from the top level directory you want it to scan down from. Of course modify DVDFab settings to your own tastes.

            for /R %%f in (*.ISO) do (if not exist "%%~dpf%%~nf.avi" ("D:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 6\DVDFab.exe" /TITLE /MODE "DVDGENERIC" /SRC "%%~dpf\%%~nf.iso" /DEST "%%~dpf" /PROFILE "generic.avi.xvid.audiocopy" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/2" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE) else (echo "Exists %%~dpf%%~nf.avi"))

