I want to be able to edit my posts for up to 2 hours after i post them.The allowed time is 45 mins. after posting and that's to short.If anyone else agrees please let your voice be heard by speaking up now thank you.
Sorry, this will not be changed. Posts are free, if you need to modify something you said, make another post quoting the first one if they are no longer adjacent.
I believe this is the area Fab members come to to ask for things to be changed to the fab program to make the fab program a better for all program.With this in mind and because their is a chain of command here i ask without trying to hurt any ones feelings that the 45 mins rule for editing your posts be lifted or changed to 2 hrs.Because i feel strongly on this issue i ask Fengtao to change this rule as sometimes rules need to be changed to better the program.
If I may quote a famous saying from Star trek The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.
The rules are made for the good of the many and I do not plan to debate them with you. This forum is for Feature Requests for DVDFab products, not the forum, so it will be moved to General Questions.