With the auto-updater broken, is there a safe way to update a current installation?
Try to check for update by conmon setting-> Check for update. It will continue download update files from the broken.
Alao, you can download the Full package from link.
Here is link:
Check for update is broken for version All you get is a notepad opening up and the error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect".
As for installing over. I know there are some programs that will commit suicide if you try to do that.
That is why I was wondering if there was a safe way of uploading.
I am looking for the newest released version, not a beta
I may not update though, after hearing about the forced ads (double dipping). Anyone else experience that?
Last edited by Osi; 12-17-2013, 05:29 AM.
Reason: not beta
Anyhow, I wasn't able to find the registered 9115 on this site (download link is unreged), so I was able to find the file offsite.
No ads so far! Someone messed with the UI again however .... ugh.
I do not known if i understand your issue. Your update is broken and the program get some error. The .txt file pop-up when your choosed check for update.
You can try uninstall your fab and restart a clean install with 9115 or the newer 9118 beta.
1. You can activate fab on the license Info page with your email.
2.Other way, Open the fab, come to settiing on upper-right corner->Activate input your register email and password.
If you only has V8 key.
Please use your email account for purchasing DVDFab products to set up an account in DVDFab Member Center() . And then you can use the account info to register DVDFab 9.
The two previous Betas are just bug fixes, which anyone should want, but you may ignore them. What site are you using for product downloads? There are no ads that I am aware of, beyond the unobtrusive promo for Fab Player on the 'task completed' button, which you can turn off if it bothers you so much. The latest Official release is v9.1.1.5 which you can download here: and it can be registered easily using the instructions in Dora's post.