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Windows 10 Master Topic Thread

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  • Dieter
    Originally posted by alanlberry View Post
    competitor now redfox and it is supported and still working under preview. All DVDfab programs are not working....dvdfab,mediaplayer,passkey. Question: Is dvdfab ect. working anywhere under new previews? I.E. based on location?
    I know about redfox, however decided to switch to DVDFab. Now all this problems!

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  • fake16
    Originally posted by Dieter View Post
    I just had to realize that also the DVDFab Mediaplayer is concerned by this issue!

    By the way, I just did a little test with my former software from the competitor Sly..... Surprisingly, this old thing still works! Unfortunately, without further support.
    competitor now redfox and it is supported and still working under preview. All DVDfab programs are not working....dvdfab,mediaplayer,passkey. Question: Is dvdfab ect. working anywhere under new previews? I.E. based on location?

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  • Dieter

    I just had to realize that also the DVDFab Mediaplayer is concerned by this issue!

    By the way, I just did a little test with my former software from the competitor Sly..... Surprisingly, this old thing still works! Unfortunately, without further support.
    Last edited by Dieter; 06-20-2016, 06:56 AM.

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  • stansher
    Originally posted by MrVideo View Post
    It seems that M$ is trying their hardest to update DRM coding to try and keep programs like DVDFab from working. That means it is probably going to be very difficult to work around the issues. Easier to fix Vista support because it doesn't have these DRM issues.
    I think this is correct, if you look at my earlier post this backfired on a couple of M$ apps in build 14342 and corrected in the next build. They originally planned to do this in Win 8 but looks like they waited until now.

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  • MrVideo
    Originally posted by EagleOne View Post
    Come on...Help us out here. This issue was reported 6 weeks ago and we have not seen any movement on it. Only excuses.
    It seems that M$ is trying their hardest to update DRM coding to try and keep programs like DVDFab from working. That means it is probably going to be very difficult to work around the issues. Easier to fix Vista support because it doesn't have these DRM issues.

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  • e6shamroc
    Windows vista

    Eagleone, Actually windows vista will receive updates until april 2017.

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  • EagleOne
    Originally posted by signals View Post
    They may have a similar version, but according to earlier posts there will be updates with "..bug fixes and stability updates...", between now and then, so not really the same. As I said earlier, a moving target.
    DVDFab version does not work either...

    What operating system is not a moving target? You guys just released a fix for Windows Vista which was out of main stream support from Microsoft in April 2012 (over four years ago) and is due for end of life support in about 8 months meaning that Microsoft will no longer post patches or updates.

    So you will work on issues for operating systems that are at the end of their life and not used by nearly the number of people using the current operating systems, but you won't address the issues with Windows 10?

    Come on...Help us out here. This issue was reported 6 weeks ago and we have not seen any movement on it. Only excuses. A little transparency would be appreciated since you have locked down the application so none of the users can help to resolve. All we can do is report the issues using the early release. Then you chastise us for using the early release of Microsoft's operating system. Either you want our help or you don't. Give us something to work with or develop a solution already.

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  • Theojt
    Windows Build 14367 - DVDFab not working. No log files created.
    Last edited by Theojt; 06-18-2016, 12:08 PM.

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  • e6shamroc
    Crash problems

    Something strange has happened because all the operating systems appear to be having one type of problem or another. Could be a liitle while before it gets figured out.

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  • Dieter
    I'm pretty sure that all further releases of Win 10 will show this problem. So relaxing and waiting will not be the proper way. All users of DVDFab products (DVDFab and Passkey are affected by the problem in my case) will be faced with this problem sooner or later.

    And no one should expect that this problem is concerning Microsoft because of the "special status" of this programs. So, there is only the chance that DVDFab is able to fix this issue to continue their business.

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  • signals
    They may have a similar version, but according to earlier posts there will be updates with "..bug fixes and stability updates...", between now and then, so not really the same. As I said earlier, a moving target.

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  • stansher
    New build 14366, issue remains. By next month most Win 10 users will have this version of Windows.
    Last edited by stansher; 06-15-2016, 08:11 PM.

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  • signals
    They are working on it, but also have tasks that impact all users. I am not sure what a developer could tell you that would make any difference in any event, but more than this (and what Wilson.Wang has said here already) is unlikely to be forthcoming until there is something new to report.

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  • Theojt
    DVDFab still not working on Windows 10 Build 14366.

    According to Dona Sarkar, the Windows 10 Release Manager, this build is the last feature update - all forthcoming builds prior to the Anniversary Release will be bug fixes/stability updates only. In other words, this is essentially the release version.

    It has now been a full month since this error was first reported.

    As politely requested multiple times, I ask again.....can we *please* get some kind of update from the development team?


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  • signals
    DVDFab v8 is not supported. When Windows 10 stabilizes, it will be supported, even perhaps these "insider" releases. It is a national holiday in China, so it is unrealistic to expect anything new before next week in any event.

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