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Windows 10 Master Topic Thread

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  • nikeherculesvet
    DVDFAB does not work on Win 10 Build 14361, same thing splash screen for a second then nothing I've setup and installed DVDFAB as Administrator, I've excluded DVDFAB from Windows Defender and Firewall, I've disabled Smart Screen Filter and ran in compatibility mode all with no success. I hope this issue gets fixed ASAP. Also DVDFAB 8 QT does the Same thing, does not work.

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  • fake16
    Tied to location services?

    Microsoft windows 10 is heavy in location services and privacy. Suppose they were to be convinced to stop certain applications from starting in certain locations in the world. What would stop them? Netflix doesn't even like VPN's, so what is to come?

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  • stansher
    MS beefed up its DRM services in build 14342. There were even some issues with Groove Music not opening and this was rectified in the next build. Also, some older games will not open due to rights management improvements in Win 10. I am not sure, but this may have something to do with this issue. I too have many other programs and have not had any problems with them not running.

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  • Theojt
    Originally posted by signals View Post
    Windows 10 has been a moving target.
    Can't really agree. Of the 159 applications installed on my machine, DVDfab is the only one that doesn't work under recent versions of Windows 10. In fact, my apps have all been wonderfully stable on Windows 10.

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  • Paljas
    dvdfab version

    i have same problem, will not work

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  • signals
    Windows 10 has been a moving target.

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  • nikeherculesvet
    Also does not work on win 10 build 14352 rs1. Splash screen on second then nothing.

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  • Theojt
    Confirmed on Build 14361 still not working.

    We've seen a couple new releases that address issues with single discs. Can we maybe get a little love over here? Call Microsoft - they have people that will help work through things like this.

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  • stansher
    Just upgraded to Build #14361 and the issue remains. In July The Win 10 anniversary update will be released to everyone and from what I have read, it will be basically this windows build.

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  • EagleOne
    Just tried installing full release and the problem still exists. Any updates on a possible resolution?

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  • Theojt
    I'd agree - mostly. When any project or effort lags behind, the very best thing you can do for your advocates is to communicate status often to them- that's the piece that is lacking.

    I am the OP - and I reported this issue on 5/16. It wasn't until I saw signals' post on 6/2 that anything tangible was stated - prior to that, we only got generic statements that provided no real information - "its being worked on", "will be fixed in future versions....". I know things are in flux, however communications like this helps us decide whether we can/want to wait or move to something different as an interim work-around. We all understand that these things happen, especially with beta/preview versions. It's how you handle it that matters.

    Please - keep us posted! Good luck in your efforts.
    Last edited by Theojt; 06-06-2016, 03:10 AM.

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  • signals
    It is the price of the early adopter.

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  • suburbazine
    Originally posted by EagleOne View Post
    I just tried installing the new beta release that came out today. Still does not resolve the issue on Windows 10.

    I wish I could tell the people that pay me that I am working on a problem but have no ETA. I think I would be out of a job pretty quickly.

    Like you said...Timing is Everything.
    If you're having a problem then you're running Insider Preview. Microsoft already told you it may have unforeseen issues being on the cutting edge. It's not DVDFab's fault that it doesn't run nor does it require them to roll out an update lickety-split. If anything, we Insider Previewers are the beta-testing team for DVDFab...which means we get to catch all the issues first and wait the longest for solutions.

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  • 90312
    You might have to if your customers go changing things completely outside your control, they might just have to wait.

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  • EagleOne
    I just tried installing the new beta release that came out today. Still does not resolve the issue on Windows 10.

    I wish I could tell the people that pay me that I am working on a problem but have no ETA. I think I would be out of a job pretty quickly.

    Like you said...Timing is Everything.

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