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DVD Fab All in One Liftime Gift

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    DVD Fab All in One Liftime Gift

    I'm thinking about to buy the All In One Lifetime package.
    The description says, you will get 5 Licenses... Can I use them for Mac and Windows both or only for one kind of platform?

    Thanks 4 info

    The licenses you receive will only be valid for the All-In-One platform you purchase. You will receive a total of 6 licenses (the license you purchase plus 5 additional licenses as a free gift).


      If you purchase the all-in-one package and the new subscription service option (separate fee) you get the Mac and Windows versions. However if you just purchase the All-in-one without the subscription service, it is platform (Windows or Mac, not both) specific and separate. Also if you choose to not buy the subscription service you can also purchase additional license authorizations (again platform specific) that allows you to install on multiple Macs or Windows PC's for a very reasonable price of $30 for 3 additional authorizations or $50 for 5 additional authorizations. Hope this helps and answers your questions.


        What do you mean with "the new subscription service option"? The extended download service?


          I think marty meant the DVDFab Prime service, which comes with additional authorizations and other features. You can read more about it here: or by logging in to your Member Center account and clicking on the Prime tab on the left as shown below.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	1-011 PRIMEINMEMBER.png
Views:	206
Size:	10.8 KB
ID:	362509

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