Hello, i have a Blu-Ray writer which can read 4K but here comes the problem: The latest DVDFab Passkey gives an error while
reading the disc So whats next?
From a bit of internet searching, it looks like the actual drive inside your external Verbatim enclosure is most likely a Pioneer drive.
It would be good to confirm exactly what drive you have.
Are you using a computer with a Windows op system?
I expect you will most likely have to replace the firmware in your drive to enable 4k copying/ripping capabilities.
DVDFab has a program to do this, but it cannot handle all makes/models of drives.
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I have a message into Fab staff members getting more info that might help. I will jump back in here and share any helpful info when I hear back.
The link to the Fab drive tool indicates what drives are supported by this program - and your Pioneer drive is not on the list, so no surprise there.
I suggest you ignore the op system indication in the drive tool window - it may simply be that Fab hasn't changed that dialog box.
Read the info in the below link to learn more about 4k drives and limitations built into firmware to prevent folks from using the full capabilities of the drives purchased. https://www.dvdfab.cn/uhd-drive-tool...d=productspage
I will post info as soon as I hear back from a Fab support person.