I PURCHASED DVD FAB LAST YEAR. My DVD fab no longer works
. I noticed when I open DVD fab it states in the (update expire time) "never expire"
but it's not working. When I click on start nothing happened
. I was told to register my DVD FAB
if I have "never expire" why do I need to register?I followed the direction nothing happened. I went as far as downloading to get a key STILL NOTHING HAPPENS.
I SEE A LICENSE NUMBER WHICH IS A SET OF7 NUMBER. I clicked on enter registration key I enter the 7 digit license number. I received an error message the registration key you input is incorrect. What is going on here.
Can someone please help me?

I SEE A LICENSE NUMBER WHICH IS A SET OF7 NUMBER. I clicked on enter registration key I enter the 7 digit license number. I received an error message the registration key you input is incorrect. What is going on here.
Can someone please help me?