water for elephants will not open. why are we having so much problems with this bd+9 I thought we were up to bd+10
DVDFab (2011/11/01 15:19:13)
0m 02.48s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 03.41s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 10.48s: detected blu-ray
0m 10.49s: drive F
0m 10.49s: blu-ray type 1
0m 10.51s: volume label WATER_FOR_ELEPHANTS
0m 10.87s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
0m 17.19s: got discinfo
0m 17.39s: got bdmv
0m 17.40s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
0m 17.40s: Product: BDDVDRW CH10LS20
0m 17.40s: Revision: 1.01
0m 17.40s: Vendor specific: 4
0m 17.42s: AACS version: 1
0m 17.42s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
0m 17.42s: Supports bus encryption: NO
0m 17.42s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
0m 17.44s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
0m 17.44s: got agid 0
0m 17.47s: sent host cert chal
0m 17.47s: got drive cert chal
0m 17.47s: BEC 0
0m 17.48s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
0m 17.51s: got drive key
0m 18.59s: got host key signature
0m 18.59s: verified drive signature
0m 18.61s: verified host signature
0m 18.64s: sent host signature and key point
0m 18.64s: got bus key
0m 18.65s: got agid 0
0m 18.68s: sent host cert chal
0m 18.68s: got drive cert chal
0m 18.68s: BEC 0
0m 18.70s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
0m 18.73s: got drive key
0m 18.73s: got host key signature
0m 18.75s: verified drive signature
0m 18.75s: verified host signature
0m 18.78s: sent host signature and key point
0m 18.79s: got bus key
0m 18.79s: got volume id
0m 18.79s: got volume id mac
0m 18.81s: volume id is correct
0m 18.81s: got vid
0m 18.92s: blu-ray C538ED2375AC99D4402234D89B9FBB686B947515
0m 19.39s: cert BEE=0x00 same
0m 23.96s: D 7CCFC554
0m 28.32s: bt R:5
0m 28.98s: bd+ generation 9
0m 29.00s: failed to open disc 303
Duplicate threads merged. Look before starting a new one to see if one already exists, especially for new movie protection topics. Roadtrip wins the prize for posting his internal log with his first post.
I am having the same problem code 303.It will play on the BluRay player connected to the tv.It will not load on the BluRay plays in the computer either.It states that the BluRay players need an update.Samsung and LG BluRay players.Both new.One heck of an encryption.I know DVD Fab will get it done they always have.
//Editor's Note: It is done, please try it again.
Last edited by signals; 11-02-2011, 05:20 PM.
Reason: added note