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region change plays in poweredvd but not sony player

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    region change plays in poweredvd but not sony player

    i am trying to change a UK bluray (region b) to region A.
    it process fine, no errors.
    it will play fine in powerdvd, but when i put in a sony player, i get nothing. stuck at 0000

    i changed fab to region B in protection.

    tried both settings for avchd

    there is no log file

    has anyone else had this problem?

    also, is there a utility that will tell me read the region code on the disk?


    Please check again for the DVDFab logfile. Remember that Sony is also a movie studio and they seem to try to engineer Fair Use rights out of all their products with either firmware or hardware. Could also be a burn problem. We can't tell anything without the internal and in this case the burn log from DVDFab.

    The BDInfo utility may tell you the region code, not sure. Google it.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
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      bdinfo does not show region

      gave a disk to a friend with a ps3 and same issue

      below are 2 logs. let me know if these are the right thing you asked for

      DVDFab (2012/01/13 17:35:53)

      0m 03.71s: Qt Translator file load success
      0m 03.74s: Load config successful.
      0m 05.97s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
      0m 06.14s: Config ExBar successful.
      0m 08.31s: Config work ui controls successful.
      0m 09.52s: detected blu-ray
      0m 09.52s: drive I
      0m 09.52s: blu-ray type 1
      0m 09.52s: volume label FROZENPLANET_D1
      0m 09.78s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      0m 10.53s: got discinfo
      0m 10.55s: got bdmv
      0m 10.56s: Vendor: PIONEER
      0m 10.56s: Product: BD-RW BDR-205
      0m 10.56s: Revision: 1.11
      0m 10.56s: Vendor specific: 10/12/01 PIONEER
      0m 10.56s: AACS version: 1
      0m 10.56s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
      0m 10.56s: Supports bus encryption: NO
      0m 10.56s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
      0m 10.56s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      0m 10.58s: got agid 0
      0m 10.64s: sent host cert chal
      0m 10.66s: got drive cert chal
      0m 10.66s: BEC 0
      0m 10.66s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
      0m 10.72s: got drive key
      0m 11.75s: got host key signature
      0m 11.75s: verified drive signature
      0m 11.75s: verified host signature
      0m 11.80s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 11.80s: got bus key
      0m 11.83s: got agid 0
      0m 11.89s: sent host cert chal
      0m 11.91s: got drive cert chal
      0m 11.91s: BEC 0
      0m 11.91s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
      0m 11.97s: got drive key
      0m 11.97s: got host key signature
      0m 11.97s: verified drive signature
      0m 11.97s: verified host signature
      0m 12.02s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 12.02s: got bus key
      0m 12.66s: got volume id
      0m 12.66s: got volume id mac
      0m 12.66s: volume id is correct
      0m 12.66s: got vid
      0m 12.81s: blu-ray CD48F28BAE4BFEA356A7ED6A642327EF28F08443
      0m 13.31s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      0m 13.58s: D 60897DF2
      0m 13.58s: got vuk
      0m 13.83s: got unit key 1
      0m 17.82s: got extended bdinfo
      0m 17.82s: opened blu-ray
      0m 32.61s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
      0m 32.61s: Source: I:/BDMV/
      0m 32.61s: SourceSize: 42183 MB
      0m 32.61s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
      0m 32.61s: OutputDisc: BDMV
      0m 32.61s: OutputTarget: BD50
      0m 32.61s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i

      DVDFab (2012/01/13 18:14:11)

      0m 05.89s: Qt Translator file load success
      0m 05.94s: Load config successful.
      0m 08.51s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
      0m 08.70s: Config ExBar successful.
      0m 10.87s: Config work ui controls successful.
      0m 11.86s: detected blu-ray
      0m 11.86s: drive I
      0m 11.86s: blu-ray type 1
      0m 11.86s: volume label FROZENPLANET_D2
      0m 12.13s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      0m 12.81s: got discinfo
      0m 12.83s: got bdmv
      0m 12.84s: Vendor: PIONEER
      0m 12.84s: Product: BD-RW BDR-205
      0m 12.84s: Revision: 1.11
      0m 12.91s: Vendor specific: 10/12/01 PIONEER
      0m 12.91s: AACS version: 1
      0m 12.91s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
      0m 12.91s: Supports bus encryption: NO
      0m 12.91s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
      0m 12.91s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      0m 12.92s: got agid 0
      0m 12.98s: sent host cert chal
      0m 13.00s: got drive cert chal
      0m 13.00s: BEC 0
      0m 13.00s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
      0m 13.06s: got drive key
      0m 14.09s: got host key signature
      0m 14.09s: verified drive signature
      0m 14.09s: verified host signature
      0m 14.14s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 14.14s: got bus key
      0m 14.17s: got agid 0
      0m 14.23s: sent host cert chal
      0m 14.25s: got drive cert chal
      0m 14.25s: BEC 0
      0m 14.25s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
      0m 14.29s: got drive key
      0m 14.29s: got host key signature
      0m 14.31s: verified drive signature
      0m 14.31s: verified host signature
      0m 14.36s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 14.36s: got bus key
      0m 15.01s: got volume id
      0m 15.01s: got volume id mac
      0m 15.01s: volume id is correct
      0m 15.01s: got vid
      0m 15.17s: blu-ray 926074C18CA74D55BF5DC4969326C1953BA07FEE
      0m 15.70s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      0m 15.95s: D A497BBDB
      0m 15.96s: got vuk
      0m 16.20s: got unit key 1
      0m 19.74s: got extended bdinfo
      0m 19.74s: opened blu-ray
      0m 35.56s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
      0m 35.56s: Source: I:/BDMV/
      0m 35.56s: SourceSize: 33855 MB
      0m 35.56s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
      0m 35.56s: OutputDisc: BDMV
      0m 35.56s: OutputTarget: BD50
      0m 35.56s: OutputVideo: 108


        Originally posted by dow View Post
        i am trying to change a UK bluray (region b) to region A.
        it process fine, no errors.
        it will play fine in powerdvd, but when i put in a sony player, i get nothing. stuck at 0000

        i changed fab to region B in protection.

        tried both settings for avchd

        there is no log file

        has anyone else had this problem?

        also, is there a utility that will tell me read the region code on the disk?

        It looks like you have player issue here. Your player simply doesn't support PAL as a result it is not gone playback.

        @Signals There are disc which are specific to certain TV standard. Work around would be to buy player which support dual standard or convert disc.
        If you fail to plan to fail wouldn't you not agree..Think about it


          thisis bluray, not ntsc.pal


            Originally posted by dow View Post
            thisis bluray, not ntsc.pal
            I know there are few blu-ray which are indeed encoded in the way I am saying in my post.

            They will have framerate 25fps for pal and 29.97 for ntsc and would be interlace. Where majority of blu-ray not all though are 24Fps and progressive.

            Some of the blu-ray which are know for this are

            BBC Earth One Life
            BBC Ancient Worlds
            BBC The Story Of Science
            BBC Planet Dinosaur
            BBC How Earth Made Us
            Clarkson The Italian Job
            Dynamo Magician Impossible
            Tiesto Copenhagen
            Don't Let Him in

            It could be your disc is like one of these. In which case I would be correct and it would not play without converting them. Which usually involve speedup or slowdown depending what you are doing.

            I also checked the disc is produced by BBC and it is indeed 1080i which is interlace and since blu-ray standard only allow 1080i with framerae of 25fps or 29.97.

            Also uk is pal which would cause it to be 25fps. As such it won't play standalone player here or wherever there is ntsc.
            Last edited by Hawk; 01-16-2012, 11:54 PM.
            If you fail to plan to fail wouldn't you not agree..Think about it


              these are bbc earth frozen planet

              do you know of a fix or workaround?


                Yes, I do know work around. However due to forum restriction I cannot mention here. Only thing I can tell you is you need to know scripting before you can even use software. (NO GUI)
                If you fail to plan to fail wouldn't you not agree..Think about it


                  are you refering to the clown thingy?


                    Nope, the one I am talking about require products from adobe which has gui and it is not freeware.

                    Scripting part is from avisynth.
                    If you fail to plan to fail wouldn't you not agree..Think about it


                      if you click on my name you can send me a private emai.l i would appreciate it.

                      another challenge for fengtoa


                        bluray to dvd failed, as well


                          Hi dow,

                          DVDFab cannot change region for Blu-ray, it can only remove the region, and it's based on that you provide the correct disc region.

                          So if the disc is region B, you cannot change it to region A. You have to set correct region B when DVDFab open the disc, and the backup will be region-free.

                          I hope it's helpful.

                          Best Regards,
                          DVDFab is the all-in-one software package for copying Blu-ray/DVD and converting video file.


                            sorry - i meant region free when i said convert to region a.

                            i think my problem runs deeper than that. i have seen several posts that point out some region b are 25 fps, and region a is 29.97 fps.

                            i am assuming that when i made my region free copies and still got a black screen, this is the reason. and maybe why the computer would play them, but not the stand alone.

                            that's what i meant when i said a new challenge for you.

