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BD+ with Contagion

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    @ johnnyg77083
    Read this before posting again


    Hey G didn't see you....
    Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

    Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

    Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


      Pretty sure it is a different version of the disc. It will be supported ASAP. No more logs needed, thanks for those that supplied them.
      Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
      Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


        Contagion Blu-Ray will not copy

        I get a message that says "This Blu-Ray contains B+ protection which is not supported for now"

        I have version on a windows 7 computer.

        I went into the menu and all the protection are checked.


          I'm having the same issues too.


   QT Contagion

            Just tried the new version with my copy of Contagion region 1 and I still receive the same message about the BD+ Protection is still not supported at this time. I sent you the log file using the new QT version about an hour ago.


              still same problem with ...


                BD+ protection?

                I have Contagion and I am getting the same message using 8.1.6??


                  Also still same problem with

                  This disc contains BD+ protection which is not supported for now.

                  DVDFab (2012/02/01 17:04:43)

                  0m 01.82s: Qt Translator file load success
                  0m 01.96s: Load config successful.
                  0m 02.16s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
                  0m 06.13s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
                  0m 06.13s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
                  0m 06.13s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
                  0m 06.56s: Config ExBar successful.
                  0m 06.56s: dvd2dvd have 8 elements.
                  0m 06.86s: dvd2mobile have 28 elements.
                  0m 08.26s: blu-ray2blu-ray have 4 elements.
                  0m 08.34s: blu-ray2mobile have 17 elements.
                  0m 09.22s: blu-ray23d have 7 elements.
                  0m 09.54s: blu-ray2dvd have 1 elements.
                  0m 09.59s: file2mobile have 27 elements.
                  0m 10.99s: file2dvd have 1 elements.
                  0m 11.03s: file2bluray have 1 elements.
                  0m 11.54s: Config work ui controls successful.
                  0m 11.74s: Init burn engine successful.
                  0m 11.84s: StartNotify successful.
                  0m 25.45s: detected blu-ray
                  0m 25.45s: drive F
                  0m 25.45s: blu-ray type 1
                  0m 25.45s: volume label CONTAGION
                  0m 25.53s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
                  0m 32.56s: got discinfo
                  0m 32.89s: got bdmv
                  0m 32.91s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
                  0m 32.91s: Product: BD-RE BH08LS20
                  0m 32.91s: Revision: 2.00
                  0m 32.91s: Vendor specific: 
                  0m 32.91s: AACS version: 1
                  0m 32.91s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
                  0m 32.91s: Supports bus encryption: NO
                  0m 32.91s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
                  0m 32.92s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
                  0m 32.92s: got agid 0
                  0m 32.94s: sent host cert chal
                  0m 32.94s: got drive cert chal
                  0m 32.94s: BEC 0
                  0m 32.94s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
                  0m 32.98s: got drive key
                  0m 33.84s: got host key signature
                  0m 33.84s: verified drive signature
                  0m 33.84s: verified host signature
                  0m 33.87s: sent host signature and key point
                  0m 33.87s: got bus key
                  0m 33.89s: got agid 0
                  0m 33.90s: sent host cert chal
                  0m 33.92s: got drive cert chal
                  0m 33.92s: BEC 0
                  0m 33.92s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
                  0m 33.95s: got drive key
                  0m 33.95s: got host key signature
                  0m 33.95s: verified drive signature
                  0m 33.95s: verified host signature
                  0m 33.98s: sent host signature and key point
                  0m 34.00s: got bus key
                  0m 34.00s: got volume id
                  0m 34.00s: got volume id mac
                  0m 34.00s: volume id is correct
                  0m 34.00s: got vid
                  0m 34.28s: blu-ray 696275973FB0D02F7A54520BCCAD72FA25A3E4F7
                  0m 34.59s: cert BEE=0x00
                  0m 35.03s: D 3A936D14
                  0m 23.67s: bt R:5
                  0m 24.51s: bd+ generation 12
                  0m 24.51s: failed to open disc 303
                  Last edited by drcos; 02-01-2012, 10:12 PM.
                  I'll stop copying movies when I can watch the movies I own without FBI warnings, forced trailers, commentary notices, etc. etc.


                    We are working on this now.
                    You get a different version.


                      There is no fix for it in v8.1.6.0, see the release notes. They are still working on it.

                      Originally posted by jamesr4199 View Post
                      I have Contagion and I am getting the same message using 8.1.6??
                      Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                      Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                        I'm having the same problem using licensed/paid v8.1.6.0 Qt


                          Please try it now, the server has been updated, all known USA versions are supported.
                          Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                          Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                            Appears to be working now with, it looks like it's copying.
                            I'll stop copying movies when I can watch the movies I own without FBI warnings, forced trailers, commentary notices, etc. etc.


                              Originally posted by signals View Post
                              Please try it now, the server has been updated, all known USA versions are supported.
                              Yes, it is working. Special thanks to signals and the DVDFab crew for another job well done!

