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    Question: I copied my Blue Ray of "SAFE" directly onto my hard drive as an exact copy. Could that be the problem when I try to make a backup of it onto a 25 GB disk thru Main Movie??? Why it just reads as Opening c:\Safe...and just stays in that mode???? I just can't get past that reading part.... even on the 0210 version.?

    Do I need to only use the actual DVD in my E drive and a blank in my F:

    This is something that is driving me crazy... Any help for now and the future would be greatly helpful. Right now, I have the entire Safe movie at 35.6 GB sitting on my HD until I can get an answer..

    If the only way to compress and copy is to use the actual DVD, then I will know..

    Thanks in advance.
    "Are you still master of your domain?"
    Cosmo Kramer

    8209QT BETA safe

    If you just want main movie, just copy it to your drive as main movie 50gb, then compress the file down to 25gb! Then burn to disc!

    You can copy from disc directly from your ODD, but that puts alot of ware and tear on your drive!

    Hope it helps! ( theres been alot of trouble lately on compressing down to 25gb, and older version would probally be faster)


      There is a problem with Hunger Games and possibly SAFE also, that compression to 25GB does not work correctly from a BDMV folder made with Full Disc copy mode. The developers suggested making the 25GB Main Movie from the original disc instead of from a HDD folder in this case.
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