I trust I am posting this to the correct thread. I wish to report a possible CUDA problem in DVDFab9186(Beta) and also in 9187, when copying 2001 A Space Odyssey.
When trying to copy the full BD50 to BD25 the process stops after CUDA is enabled with an error in the DVDFab UI:
CUDA GPU acceleration for video encoding enabled
Task_1 failed! Error=1010(graph not_suitable_connected_filter graph(0) - pinName:video frame )
This is the error from the internal log:
4m 10.37s: CUDA GPU acceleration for video encoding enabled
4m 10.38s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(2206) crf(-1) interlace(1)
4m 10.39s: --- connect filter failed(Module_CudaEncode create_cuda_encoder_handle_failed) ---
4m 10.40s: blu-ray full disc graph not_suitable_connected_filter graph(0) - pinName:video frame
It works without CUDA but takes longer to copy. This problem does not occur in DVDFab9185 on my system, which copies the disc (using CUDA) to BD25 without any problem. I am using Win 8.1 Pro X64 with NVidia Geforce GTX 660 and drivers 347.52 (with all 3 versions of DVDFab). My logs are attached.
When trying to copy the full BD50 to BD25 the process stops after CUDA is enabled with an error in the DVDFab UI:
CUDA GPU acceleration for video encoding enabled
Task_1 failed! Error=1010(graph not_suitable_connected_filter graph(0) - pinName:video frame )
This is the error from the internal log:
4m 10.37s: CUDA GPU acceleration for video encoding enabled
4m 10.38s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(2206) crf(-1) interlace(1)
4m 10.39s: --- connect filter failed(Module_CudaEncode create_cuda_encoder_handle_failed) ---
4m 10.40s: blu-ray full disc graph not_suitable_connected_filter graph(0) - pinName:video frame
It works without CUDA but takes longer to copy. This problem does not occur in DVDFab9185 on my system, which copies the disc (using CUDA) to BD25 without any problem. I am using Win 8.1 Pro X64 with NVidia Geforce GTX 660 and drivers 347.52 (with all 3 versions of DVDFab). My logs are attached.
