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Partial burns only

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    Partial burns only

    DVDFab Latest vs. DVDFab Blu-ray Copy
    25 GB blank disc
    System specifications are listed below my log postings:

    Attempting burn of MI-5 Main Movie.
    Only burns 12 files 18 folders 8.09 GB of the entire main movie. When I play the burned disc it will play the burned portion and then wrap around back to playing from the first of the movie.

    I am attaching all the logs that should be helpful. If I need to post others, please let me know.
    __________________________________________________ _____________
    DVDFab (2016/04/09 21:01:22)

    0m 00.08s: Init Public log : enabled.
    0m 00.08s: Init Private log : finish.
    0m 00.08s: App info: 2016-3-29
    0m 00.08s: App info: 9237 Official
    0m 00.16s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled.
    0m 00.16s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
    0m 00.16s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
    0m 00.20s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css
    0m 00.35s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
    0m 00.35s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 00.35s: App info: client type 2.
    0m 00.38s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
    0m 00.48s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
    0m 00.48s: set code page : .0
    0m 00.48s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.49s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Tom's/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
    0m 00.52s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
    0m 02.72s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 03.17s: info: check_gpu run successful
    0m 03.17s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 2
    0m 03.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X7
    0m 03.17s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0
    0m 03.17s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0
    0m 03.17s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
    0m 03.17s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0
    0m 03.17s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: AMD Radeon HD 6450 : 15.201.1151.1008 :
    0m 03.18s: Init process: Load config failed.
    0m 03.18s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8.
    0m 03.18s: Init process: command line in is
    0m 03.33s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8263532095 )( 20:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( 95:0 )( OV:9237 )( BV:9238 )( S:bbaa87cb6936649bd93b559bdbd1aed4 )
    0m 03.35s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
    0m 03.35s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )-
    0m 03.35s: App info: language type ENU.
    0m 03.35s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/DVDFab 9/
    0m 03.35s: Export Blu-ray source information report : disabled
    0m 03.35s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
    0m 03.35s: connect plugin info : start.
    0m 04.05s: connect plugin info : 1:1
    0m 05.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 05.07s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
    0m 05.46s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0
    0m 05.46s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
    0m 05.46s: Reg check: Serial number is: 08-bd-43-a8-e1-02:00-22-15-34-8a-dd:08-bd-43-a8-e1-02
    0m 05.46s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
    0m 05.72s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
    0m 05.83s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 05.83s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:d9ecbb2ace623346fac6ee6f42ca22d3
    0m 05.84s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
    0m 07.11s: Burn engine: start init.
    0m 07.11s: Burn engine: set log folder.
    0m 07.11s: DVD: init read settings.
    0m 07.11s: DVD: init write settings.
    0m 07.11s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600
    0m 07.11s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks
    0m 07.36s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 0
    0m 07.37s: DVD: after init write settings.
    0m 07.37s: DVD: finish init write settings.
    0m 07.37s: BD: init read settings.
    0m 07.37s: BD: init write settings.
    0m 07.37s: bd set region A
    0m 07.37s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin.
    0m 07.37s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end.
    0m 07.37s: Burn engine: writer count 2.
    0m 07.37s: Burn engine: 0- D:\ [PIONEER BD-RW BDR-206D 1.56 (Scsi)].
    0m 07.37s: Burn engine: 1- E:\ [PIONEER BD-RW BDR-209D 1.10 (Scsi)].
    0m 07.37s: Burn engine: end init.
    0m 08.85s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
    0m 08.87s: QtLog Mode = false
    0m 08.87s: Show UI Step 2
    0m 09.81s: Show UI Step 3
    0m 09.81s: Start show MainUI.
    0m 09.81s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
    0m 12.34s: allow_test : false
    0m 12.53s: Init process: init main ui successful.
    0m 13.71s: Init process: show main ui successful.
    0m 13.74s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
    0m 13.74s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0
    0m 16.34s: opening drive D
    0m 16.35s: opened i/o
    0m 16.37s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
    0m 16.37s: opening drive E
    0m 16.37s: opened i/o
    0m 16.39s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
    0m 16.39s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
    0m 24.94s: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
    0m 32.58s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
    0m 40.05s: Exit process: stop running.
    0m 40.05s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end
    0m 40.14s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
    0m 40.14s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
    0m 40.14s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
    0m 40.31s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
    0m 40.31s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.
    __________________________________________________ ____________
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 ---- ******************** Log session stop 09-Apr 20:57:58.016 PID 992********************
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info Current Drive selected : 0:0:0 - PIONEER BD-RW BDR-206D 1.56 [D] (Scsi)
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info Using Advanced SPTI interface
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info System default language : English (United States)
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info User default language : English (United States)
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info DLL Version :
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info DLL : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 9\DVDFab 9\vso_hwe.dll
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info Version :
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info ExeName : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 9\DVDFab 9\DVDFab.exe
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 Info OS : Professional (Build 9200)
    2016-04-09 20:57:58 ---- ******************** Log session start 09-Apr 20:57:58.016 PID 992********************

    I use Image Burn (I believe) but could not find any DVDFab_burn-imgburn.log *******************

    __________________________________________________ __________-

    ************************************************** *************

    There is no error notice given. Just says completed successfully or something like that.

    Has only happened with this movie (MI-5) and I have tried to copy it 4 times with same results.

    System specifications below:

    Windows Operating System 10 16 GIG Intel Pentium Dual 2.20 gz 64 bit dual core

    Pioneer BD-RW BDR-206D and Pioneer BDR-209D

    I have been using DVDFab for years and so far works perfectly until this time.

    Hope this is the information you need to help me. If not let me know.
    Last edited by TGMcCallie; 04-10-2016, 02:58 AM.

    I have this disc but have not tried to burn a backup of it yet, but it should work OK. I did make a copy to my hard drive that was fine. I will get the disc out and try it again. If you try it again, try selecting the DVDFab internal burn engine in Common Settings. Your log seemed to be incomplete, please install DVDFab v9.2.3.8 Beta and let it analyze the disc and attach the complete log session, using the Manage Attachments button just below the post editing window. Complete instructions are linked in my sig, below.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
    Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


      Partial Burn

      Thanks for the reply. I will install the Beta vs. and try it again. I will reply with logs as you requested.

      Let me know if you are successful in burning it.



        DVDFab v9238 Beta Partial Burn Only

        Installed latest beta as requested. My burn engine has NEVER been image burn. It is Dvdfab internal burn engine.

        The analization completed and burn completed without any type of error message BUT the blue progress bar shows only 25% not 100%. As stated the only message I got is the one that you get at the end which says Completed successfully.

        I have posted all logs and hope I did it right. The only thing in the dvdfab_process log file is about an error that I got on another movie Anddreas Fault or something silular so I did not post it as it was not about this movie.

        Thanks for your help. This is the 4th time with 37 program and now 38 Beta

        If I missed anything or did not do it correctly please advise.


        Attached Files


          It seems particular disc. Post a internal log with the compress process.

          Copy it as iso, than play it to see what happend.
          Make sure it is the burn issue or not. If it is also finish at 28% to save iso , it may not about burn cause by.
          User Manual for DVDFab v10 (pdf)

          DVDFab log default location:
          For Windows: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab10\Log
          For Mac: Finder> Documents> DVDFab10> Log

          DVDFab Player 5:
          For Windows:C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab Player 5\Log


            Partial Burn

            See the post above. I posted the logs.


              Hi TGMcCallie
              Dora is talking about the DVDFab internal log using the latest version of Fab also to post the ImgBurn log open ImgBurn > Help > ImgBurn logs
              Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

              Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

              Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


                Partial Burn

                I am using the latest Beta. I posted the logs from attempted copy/burn.

                I DO NOT have image burn. I am using the DVDFab internal burner engine.

                Are the logs I posted earlier post not the ones you want?

                Advise and I will try to do it again but I have wasted 6 BD disc trying to burn this movie.



                  I means that "Your log seemed to be incomplete, please install DVDFab v9.2.3.8 Beta and let it analyze the disc and attach the complete log session" like signals said.

                  If you want tried again, you tried to change burning Engine to vso.

                  Copy to iso, is the size right?
                  Last edited by Dora; 04-12-2016, 03:10 AM.
                  User Manual for DVDFab v10 (pdf)

                  DVDFab log default location:
                  For Windows: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab10\Log
                  For Mac: Finder> Documents> DVDFab10> Log

                  DVDFab Player 5:
                  For Windows:C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab Player 5\Log


                    Partial Burn

                    I had beta installed when I did the last attempted burn.

                    I have now completely removed DVDFab and all of the log files, etc and
                    reinstalled it.

                    I will not be trying any more burns of this movie. I will burn another movie disc and see if it burns properly. For some reason MI-5 would only copy 23% of the chapters in this movie. I have tried 6 times now and that surely is enough.

                    I have my setting set to default which is the DVDFab burning engine. That is the way it was every time I tried to burn it.

                    I have had DVDFab for years as lifetime member and only had a similar problem one time before and could not figure out what was wrong then either.

                    I will post a new item if I have this problem in the future.


