I am getting process failed when try to make full copy
DVDFab (2016/05/24 06:37:38)
0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled.
0m 00.10s: Init Private log : finish.
0m 00.10s: App info: 2016-5-13
0m 00.10s: App info: 9243 Beta
0m 00.15s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled.
0m 00.15s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
0m 00.15s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
0m 00.17s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css
0m 00.26s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.26s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.26s: App info: client type 2.
0m 00.28s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.38s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.39s: set code page : .0
0m 00.39s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.39s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
0m 00.39s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
0m 01.61s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 01.63s: info: check_gpu run successful
0m 01.63s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 4
0m 01.63s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X303F
0m 01.63s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X2038, 0X2038
0m 01.63s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X1
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M : : 3.0
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Graphics info 2: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : : 17,5
0m 01.64s: Init process: Load config successful.
0m 01.64s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8.
0m 01.64s: Init process: command line in is
0m 01.73s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 20:8260762964 )( 95:8260762964 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:fa961fc21654ddad12a3bc084ac5a0cd )
0m 01.74s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
0m 01.74s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:1 )-
0m 01.74s: App info: language type ENU.
0m 01.74s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/
0m 01.74s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled
0m 01.74s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 01.74s: connect plugin info : start.
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Serial number is: 0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e2:0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e3:ac-22-0b-af-26-15
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
0m 02.51s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 02.51s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
0m 03.29s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
0m 03.54s: connect plugin info : 1:1
0m 03.83s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 03.83s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:2f2ad34860b83a2be07841c97472b4b5
0m 03.84s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
0m 04.13s: Burn engine: start init.
0m 04.13s: Burn engine: set log folder.
0m 04.13s: DVD: init read settings.
0m 04.13s: DVD: init write settings.
2m 47.65s: Source manager open source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 47.65s: opening drive E
2m 47.65s: opened i/o
2m 47.65s: Source manager open source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 47.65s: opening drive F
2m 47.65s: opened i/o
2m 47.65s: got media type 16
2m 48.09s: got max lba 14564927
2m 49.17s: got disc type 20
2m 49.17s: type Blu-ray BDMV
2m 49.17s: volume label Zoolander_2
2m 49.17s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 49.17s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 49.18s: Source manager: add source id 0.
2m 49.19s: bd set region ?
2m 49.19s: Source open status
VD Yes, 2231-10-11
2m 49.19s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
2m 49.19s: bd set region ?
2m 49.19s: internal path F:/BDMV/
2m 50.03s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
2m 50.22s: got bdmv
2m 51.86s: StealthyClone with BluPath
2m 54.64s: bd set region A
2m 54.64s: bd set region A
4m 27.99s: got bdmv
4m 32.28s: got extended bdinfo
4m 32.28s: opened blu-ray
4m 32.66s: Cinavia : no cinavia repair data.
4m 33.21s: Source manager: open successful.
4m 33.89s: Work manager: create BD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
4m 33.97s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 33.97s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 33.98s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.17s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.37s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.37s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.43s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
4m 34.47s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 40.86s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 40.86s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 40.99s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.50s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
5m 32.41s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
5m 32.41s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
5m 32.41s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
5m 32.41s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
5m 32.45s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
5m 32.45s: UILog:Run current Work.
5m 32.71s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
5m 32.72s: UILog:start running at thread.
5m 32.72s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
5m 32.73s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
5m 32.77s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
5m 32.77s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
5m 32.77s: bd-fulldisk : RunTask 3 audios
7m 09.58s: Blu-ray Copy: Origin Custom Disc
7m 09.59s: Source: F:/BDMV/
7m 09.59s: SourceSize: 26750 MB
7m 09.59s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
7m 09.59s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
7m 09.59s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 535 MB
7m 09.59s: OutputDisc: BDMV
7m 09.59s: OutputTarget: BD25
7m 09.59s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
7m 09.59s: Origin custom playlist:
7m 09.59s: playlist: 800, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 250, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 11, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 1002, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 1003, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 51, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 53, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 55, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 56, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 57, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 58, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 60, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 95, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 94, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 61, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 62, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 63, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 73, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 64, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 87, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 67, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 68, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 70, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 69, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 74, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 75, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 76, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 77, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 78, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 79, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 80, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 81, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 82, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 83, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 59, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 84, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 85, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 88, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 89, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 91, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 92, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 90, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 96, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 97, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 98, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 65, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 99, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 103, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 100, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 54, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 1004, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 104, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 105, status:1
7m 13.12s: Output group estimatedblock size
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 72, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 32
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 93, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 53
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 105, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 65
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 114, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 74
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 123, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 83
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 135, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 95
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 144, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 104
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 159, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 119
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 165, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 125
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 168, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 108
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 174, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 134
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 183, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 143
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 106
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 126
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 192, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 152
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 213, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 153
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 258, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 198
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 12840, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 11642
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 12879, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12672
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 12975, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12767
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
7m 13.14s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
7m 13.14s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
7m 13.14s: EstimatedBlocks: 13323195, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 10248836
7m 13.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
7m 13.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080077
7m 13.50s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
7m 13.50s: RealOutputBlocks: 72, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080037
7m 13.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
7m 13.58s: RealOutputBlocks: 165, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079997
7m 13.63s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
7m 13.63s: RealOutputBlocks: 261, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079957
7m 13.68s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
7m 13.68s: RealOutputBlocks: 357, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079917
7m 13.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
7m 13.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 462, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079877
7m 13.86s: to estimate the size of the group, index:6
7m 13.86s: RealOutputBlocks: 576, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079837
7m 13.95s: to estimate the size of the group, index:7
7m 13.95s: RealOutputBlocks: 699, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079797
7m 14.05s: to estimate the size of the group, index:8
7m 14.05s: RealOutputBlocks: 831, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079757
7m 14.16s: to estimate the size of the group, index:9
7m 14.16s: RealOutputBlocks: 963, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079717
7m 14.29s: to estimate the size of the group, index:10
7m 14.29s: RealOutputBlocks: 1098, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079677
7m 14.34s: to estimate the size of the group, index:11
7m 14.34s: RealOutputBlocks: 1236, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079637
7m 14.38s: to estimate the size of the group, index:12
7m 14.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 1374, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079597
7m 14.49s: to estimate the size of the group, index:13
7m 14.49s: RealOutputBlocks: 1512, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079557
7m 14.60s: to estimate the size of the group, index:14
7m 14.60s: RealOutputBlocks: 1653, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079517
7m 14.68s: to estimate the size of the group, index:15
7m 14.68s: RealOutputBlocks: 1794, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079477
7m 14.78s: to estimate the size of the group, index:16
7m 14.78s: RealOutputBlocks: 1935, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079437
7m 14.85s: to estimate the size of the group, index:17
7m 14.85s: RealOutputBlocks: 2079, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079397
7m 15.02s: to estimate the size of the group, index:18
7m 15.02s: RealOutputBlocks: 2226, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079357
7m 15.11s: to estimate the size of the group, index:19
7m 15.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 2373, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079317
7m 15.46s: to estimate the size of the group, index:20
7m 15.46s: RealOutputBlocks: 2520, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079277
7m 15.56s: to estimate the size of the group, index:21
7m 15.56s: RealOutputBlocks: 2667, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079237
7m 15.63s: to estimate the size of the group, index:22
7m 15.63s: RealOutputBlocks: 2814, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079197
7m 15.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:23
7m 15.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 2961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079157
7m 15.80s: to estimate the size of the group, index:24
7m 15.80s: RealOutputBlocks: 3108, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079117
7m 15.88s: to estimate the size of the group, index:25
7m 15.88s: RealOutputBlocks: 3255, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079077
7m 15.93s: to estimate the size of the group, index:26
7m 15.94s: RealOutputBlocks: 3405, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079037
7m 16.05s: to estimate the size of the group, index:27
7m 16.05s: RealOutputBlocks: 3555, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078997
7m 16.09s: to estimate the size of the group, index:28
7m 16.09s: RealOutputBlocks: 3705, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078957
7m 16.20s: to estimate the size of the group, index:29
7m 16.20s: RealOutputBlocks: 3855, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078917
7m 16.31s: to estimate the size of the group, index:30
7m 16.31s: RealOutputBlocks: 4005, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078877
7m 16.47s: to estimate the size of the group, index:31
7m 16.47s: RealOutputBlocks: 4158, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078837
7m 16.54s: to estimate the size of the group, index:32
7m 16.54s: RealOutputBlocks: 4311, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078797
7m 16.64s: to estimate the size of the group, index:33
7m 16.64s: RealOutputBlocks: 4464, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078757
7m 16.69s: to estimate the size of the group, index:34
7m 16.69s: RealOutputBlocks: 4620, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078717
7m 16.76s: to estimate the size of the group, index:35
7m 16.77s: RealOutputBlocks: 4776, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078677
7m 16.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:36
7m 16.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 4932, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078637
7m 16.95s: to estimate the size of the group, index:37
7m 16.95s: RealOutputBlocks: 5091, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078597
7m 17.00s: to estimate the size of the group, index:38
7m 17.00s: RealOutputBlocks: 5256, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078557
7m 17.11s: to estimate the size of the group, index:39
7m 17.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 5424, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078497
7m 17.22s: to estimate the size of the group, index:40
7m 17.22s: RealOutputBlocks: 5598, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078457
7m 17.35s: to estimate the size of the group, index:41
7m 17.35s: RealOutputBlocks: 5781, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078417
7m 17.41s: to estimate the size of the group, index:42
7m 17.41s: RealOutputBlocks: 5967, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078337
7m 17.43s: to estimate the size of the group, index:43
7m 17.43s: RealOutputBlocks: 6153, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078277
7m 17.54s: to estimate the size of the group, index:44
7m 17.54s: RealOutputBlocks: 6345, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078237
7m 17.68s: to estimate the size of the group, index:45
7m 17.68s: RealOutputBlocks: 6558, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078177
7m 17.81s: to estimate the size of the group, index:46
7m 17.81s: RealOutputBlocks: 6816, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078117
7m 17.81s: info: create bdcopy config
7m 17.81s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
7m 17.81s: info: create bdcopy manager
7m 17.81s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
7m 17.81s: info: estimate copied other streams size(2 MB), estimate output video size(17 MB)
7m 17.81s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(459), lr-encode(no)
7m 17.81s: info: video codec(28)
7m 17.81s: info: streams(4113.2)
7m 17.81s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]])
7m 17.81s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
7m 17.81s: info: bitmap index = 1
7m 17.82s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(459) crf(-1) interlace(0)
7m 18.18s: info: processing source(00250.m2ts)
7m 50.50s: info: bluray read data end
8m 15.14s: info: group(elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]) playtime(300300 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(20 MB) bitrate(459 kbps)
8m 15.14s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 7200
8m 15.14s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(20 MB) average_bitrate(459 kbps)
8m 15.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:47
8m 15.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 17172, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076919
8m 15.14s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 15.14s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 15.14s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 15.14s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 15.14s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
8m 15.15s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14196), lr-encode(no)
8m 15.15s: info: video codec(28)
8m 15.15s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 15.15s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]])
8m 15.15s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 15.15s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 15.15s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14195) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 15.22s: info: processing source(00051.m2ts)
8m 17.32s: info: bluray read data end
8m 18.83s: info: group(elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]) playtime(11052 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14195 kbps)
8m 18.84s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 265
8m 18.84s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14196 kbps)
8m 18.84s: to estimate the size of the group, index:48
8m 18.84s: RealOutputBlocks: 27324, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076712
8m 18.84s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 18.84s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 18.84s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 18.84s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 18.84s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
8m 18.84s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14083), lr-encode(no)
8m 18.84s: info: video codec(28)
8m 18.84s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 18.84s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]])
8m 18.84s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 18.84s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 18.84s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14081) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 18.91s: info: processing source(00053.m2ts)
8m 21.02s: info: bluray read data end
8m 22.53s: info: group(elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]) playtime(11136 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14081 kbps)
8m 22.53s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 267
8m 22.53s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14083 kbps)
8m 22.53s: to estimate the size of the group, index:49
8m 22.53s: RealOutputBlocks: 37479, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076504
8m 22.53s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 22.53s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 22.53s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 22.53s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 22.53s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
8m 22.53s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
8m 22.53s: info: video codec(28)
8m 22.53s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 22.53s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]])
8m 22.54s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 22.54s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 22.54s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 22.60s: info: processing source(01007.m2ts)
8m 25.46s: info: bluray read data end
8m 26.97s: info: group(elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
8m 26.98s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
8m 26.98s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
8m 26.98s: to estimate the size of the group, index:50
8m 26.98s: RealOutputBlocks: 51672, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075789
8m 26.98s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 26.98s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 26.98s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 26.98s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 26.98s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
8m 26.98s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
8m 26.98s: info: video codec(28)
8m 26.98s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 26.98s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]])
8m 26.98s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 26.98s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 26.98s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 27.05s: info: processing source(01008.m2ts)
8m 29.93s: info: bluray read data end
8m 31.43s: info: group(elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
8m 31.44s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
8m 31.44s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
8m 31.44s: to estimate the size of the group, index:51
8m 31.44s: RealOutputBlocks: 65865, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075074
8m 31.44s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 31.44s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 31.44s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 31.44s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 31.44s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
8m 31.44s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
8m 31.44s: info: video codec(28)
8m 31.44s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 31.44s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]])
8m 31.44s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 31.45s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 31.45s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 31.50s: info: processing source(01009.m2ts)
8m 34.37s: info: bluray read data end
8m 35.64s: reauthor clip 1009 error: 105
8m 35.67s: info: group(elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(1 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
8m 35.67s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
8m 35.67s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(1 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
8m 35.67s: not compressed 01009.m2ts
8m 38.54s: to estimate the size of the group, index:52
8m 38.54s: RealOutputBlocks: 66615, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3074359
8m 38.54s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 38.54s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 38.54s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 38.54s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 38.54s: info: estimate copied other streams size(6004 MB), estimate output video size(16099 MB)
8m 38.54s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(21174), lr-encode(no)
8m 38.54s: info: video codec(28)
8m 38.55s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1,4353.1,4354.1,4355.1,4356.1, 4357.1,4608.1,4609.1,4610.1,4611.1,4612.1)
8m 38.55s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00800.m2ts]]])
8m 38.55s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 38.55s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 38.55s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(21174) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 38.62s: info: processing source(00800.m2ts)
17m 45.09s: error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
17m 45.12s: reauthor clip 800 error: 105
17m 45.22s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 2
17m 45.22s: blu-ray full disc control graph control_filter_error error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
17m 46.28s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2
17m 46.28s: UILog:Run Work to end.
20m 36.14s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.14s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.14s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.17s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.17s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.20s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
20m 36.64s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 38.62s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
20m 38.62s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
20m 38.62s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
20m 38.71s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
20m 38.71s: UILog:Run current Work.
20m 39.15s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
20m 45.99s: UILog:start running at thread.
20m 46.00s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
20m 46.01s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 46.01s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
20m 46.01s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
20m 46.01s: bd-fulldisk : RunTask 3 audios
20m 46.02s: Blu-ray Copy: Origin Custom Disc
20m 46.02s: Source: F:/BDMV/
20m 46.02s: SourceSize: 28428 MB
20m 46.02s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
20m 46.02s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
20m 46.02s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 535 MB
20m 46.02s: OutputDisc: BDMV
20m 46.02s: OutputTarget: BD25
20m 46.02s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
20m 46.02s: Origin custom playlist:
20m 46.02s: playlist: 800, status:1
20m 46.02s: playlist: 250, status:1
20m 46.02s: playlist: 11, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 1002, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 1003, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 51, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 53, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 55, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 56, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 57, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 58, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 60, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 95, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 94, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 61, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 62, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 63, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 73, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 64, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 87, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 67, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 68, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 70, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 69, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 74, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 75, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 76, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 77, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 78, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 79, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 80, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 81, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 82, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 83, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 59, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 84, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 85, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 88, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 89, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 91, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 92, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 90, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 96, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 97, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 98, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 65, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 99, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 103, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 100, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 54, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 1004, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 104, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 105, status:1
20m 53.71s: Output group estimatedblock size
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 72, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 32
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 93, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 53
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 105, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 65
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 114, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 74
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 123, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 83
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 135, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 95
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 144, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 104
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 159, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 119
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 165, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 125
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 168, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 108
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 174, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 134
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 183, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 143
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 106
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 126
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 192, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 152
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 213, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 153
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 258, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 198
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 12840, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 11642
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 12879, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12672
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 12975, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12767
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 13323195, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 10248836
20m 53.72s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
20m 53.72s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080077
20m 54.07s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
20m 54.07s: RealOutputBlocks: 72, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080037
20m 54.15s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
20m 54.15s: RealOutputBlocks: 165, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079997
20m 54.20s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
20m 54.20s: RealOutputBlocks: 261, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079957
20m 54.27s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
20m 54.27s: RealOutputBlocks: 357, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079917
20m 54.37s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
20m 54.37s: RealOutputBlocks: 462, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079877
20m 54.42s: to estimate the size of the group, index:6
20m 54.43s: RealOutputBlocks: 576, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079837
20m 54.51s: to estimate the size of the group, index:7
20m 54.51s: RealOutputBlocks: 699, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079797
20m 54.62s: to estimate the size of the group, index:8
20m 54.62s: RealOutputBlocks: 831, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079757
20m 54.73s: to estimate the size of the group, index:9
20m 54.73s: RealOutputBlocks: 963, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079717
20m 54.88s: to estimate the size of the group, index:10
20m 54.88s: RealOutputBlocks: 1098, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079677
20m 54.94s: to estimate the size of the group, index:11
20m 54.94s: RealOutputBlocks: 1236, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079637
20m 54.99s: to estimate the size of the group, index:12
20m 54.99s: RealOutputBlocks: 1374, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079597
20m 55.10s: to estimate the size of the group, index:13
20m 55.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 1512, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079557
20m 55.20s: to estimate the size of the group, index:14
20m 55.20s: RealOutputBlocks: 1653, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079517
20m 55.31s: to estimate the size of the group, index:15
20m 55.31s: RealOutputBlocks: 1794, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079477
20m 55.39s: to estimate the size of the group, index:16
20m 55.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 1935, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079437
20m 55.45s: to estimate the size of the group, index:17
20m 55.45s: RealOutputBlocks: 2079, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079397
20m 55.53s: to estimate the size of the group, index:18
20m 55.53s: RealOutputBlocks: 2226, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079357
20m 55.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:19
20m 55.58s: RealOutputBlocks: 2373, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079317
20m 55.70s: to estimate the size of the group, index:20
20m 55.70s: RealOutputBlocks: 2520, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079277
20m 55.90s: to estimate the size of the group, index:21
20m 55.90s: RealOutputBlocks: 2667, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079237
20m 55.98s: to estimate the size of the group, index:22
20m 55.98s: RealOutputBlocks: 2814, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079197
20m 56.07s: to estimate the size of the group, index:23
20m 56.07s: RealOutputBlocks: 2961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079157
20m 56.17s: to estimate the size of the group, index:24
20m 56.17s: RealOutputBlocks: 3108, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079117
20m 56.26s: to estimate the size of the group, index:25
20m 56.26s: RealOutputBlocks: 3255, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079077
20m 56.33s: to estimate the size of the group, index:26
20m 56.33s: RealOutputBlocks: 3405, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079037
20m 56.44s: to estimate the size of the group, index:27
20m 56.44s: RealOutputBlocks: 3555, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078997
20m 56.50s: to estimate the size of the group, index:28
20m 56.50s: RealOutputBlocks: 3705, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078957
20m 56.61s: to estimate the size of the group, index:29
20m 56.61s: RealOutputBlocks: 3855, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078917
20m 57.17s: to estimate the size of the group, index:30
20m 57.17s: RealOutputBlocks: 4005, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078877
20m 57.38s: to estimate the size of the group, index:31
20m 57.38s: RealOutputBlocks: 4158, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078837
20m 57.49s: to estimate the size of the group, index:32
20m 57.49s: RealOutputBlocks: 4311, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078797
20m 57.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:33
20m 57.58s: RealOutputBlocks: 4464, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078757
20m 57.64s: to estimate the size of the group, index:34
20m 57.64s: RealOutputBlocks: 4620, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078717
20m 57.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:35
20m 57.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 4776, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078677
20m 57.77s: to estimate the size of the group, index:36
20m 57.77s: RealOutputBlocks: 4932, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078637
20m 58.25s: to estimate the size of the group, index:37
20m 58.25s: RealOutputBlocks: 5091, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078597
20m 58.73s: to estimate the size of the group, index:38
20m 58.73s: RealOutputBlocks: 5256, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078557
20m 58.85s: to estimate the size of the group, index:39
20m 58.85s: RealOutputBlocks: 5424, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078497
20m 58.98s: to estimate the size of the group, index:40
20m 58.98s: RealOutputBlocks: 5598, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078457
20m 59.15s: to estimate the size of the group, index:41
20m 59.15s: RealOutputBlocks: 5781, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078417
20m 59.22s: to estimate the size of the group, index:42
20m 59.22s: RealOutputBlocks: 5967, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078337
20m 59.24s: to estimate the size of the group, index:43
20m 59.24s: RealOutputBlocks: 6153, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078277
20m 59.36s: to estimate the size of the group, index:44
20m 59.36s: RealOutputBlocks: 6345, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078237
20m 59.50s: to estimate the size of the group, index:45
20m 59.50s: RealOutputBlocks: 6558, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078177
20m 59.63s: to estimate the size of the group, index:46
20m 59.63s: RealOutputBlocks: 6816, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078117
20m 59.63s: info: create bdcopy config
20m 59.63s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
20m 59.63s: info: create bdcopy manager
20m 59.64s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
20m 59.64s: info: estimate copied other streams size(2 MB), estimate output video size(17 MB)
20m 59.64s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(459), lr-encode(no)
20m 59.64s: info: video codec(28)
20m 59.64s: info: streams(4113.2)
20m 59.64s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]])
20m 59.64s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
20m 59.64s: info: bitmap index = 1
20m 59.64s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(459) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 00.01s:
DVDFab (2016/05/24 07:09:06)
0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled.
0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish.
0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-13
0m 00.01s: App info: 9243 Beta
0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled.
0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
0m 00.06s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css
0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.14s: App info: client type 2.
0m 00.16s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.23s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.23s: set code page : .0
0m 00.23s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.23s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
0m 00.23s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
0m 00.84s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 02.71s: info: check_gpu run successful
0m 02.71s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 4
0m 02.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X303F
0m 02.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X2038, 0X2038
0m 02.71s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X1
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M : : 3.0
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Graphics info 2: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : : 17,5
0m 02.73s: Init process: Load config successful.
0m 02.73s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8.
0m 02.73s: Init process: command line in is
0m 02.78s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 20:8260762964 )( 95:8260762964 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:2f2ad34860b83a2be07841c97472b4b5 )
0m 02.78s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
0m 02.78s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:1 )-
0m 02.78s: App info: language type ENU.
0m 02.78s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/
0m 02.80s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled
0m 02.80s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 02.80s: connect plugin info : start.
0m 03.10s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0
0m 03.10s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
0m 03.11s: Reg check: Serial number is: 0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e2:0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e3:ac-22-0b-af-26-15
0m 03.11s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
0m 03.31s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 03.31s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
0m 03.86s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
0m 03.88s: connect plugin info : 1:1
0m 04.37s: Burn engine: start init.
0m 04.37s: Burn engine: set log folder.
0m 04.37s: DVD: init read settings.
0m 04.37s: DVD: init write settings.
0m 04.42s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 04.42s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:dfd4378b0dfa8bc35e75d0ab1727a010
0m 04.43s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
1m 56.96s: BD: init read settings.
1m 56.96s: BD: init write settings.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: writer count 1.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: 0- F:\ [HL-DT-ST BD-RE BE14NU40 1.01 (Usb)].
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: end init.
1m 57.51s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
1m 57.51s: QtLog Mode = false
1m 57.85s: Start show MainUI.
1m 57.85s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
1m 58.56s: allow_test : false
1m 58.66s: Init process: init main ui successful.
1m 59.14s: Init process: show main ui successful.
1m 59.14s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
1m 59.14s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0
1m 59.14s: DriveX msg: Init driveX F with I/O mode: 0
2m 02.55s: opening drive F
2m 02.55s: opened i/o
2m 02.56s: got media type 16
2m 07.06s: got max lba 14564927
2m 08.13s: got disc type 20
2m 08.13s: type Blu-ray BDMV
2m 08.13s: volume label Zoolander_2
2m 08.14s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX F.
2m 08.14s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX F.
2m 08.14s: opening drive D
2m 08.53s: opened i/o
2m 33.57s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 33.57s: opening drive E
2m 33.57s: opened i/o
2m 33.57s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 33.57s: opening drive F
2m 33.57s: opened i/o
2m 33.58s: got media type 16
2m 33.99s: got max lba 14564927
2m 35.08s: got disc type 20
2m 35.08s: type Blu-ray BDMV
2m 35.08s: volume label Zoolander_2
2m 35.08s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 35.08s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 35.09s: Source manager: add source id 0.
2m 35.10s: bd set region ?
2m 35.10s: Source open status
VD Yes, 2231-10-11
2m 35.10s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
2m 35.10s: bd set region ?
2m 35.10s: internal path F:/BDMV/
2m 35.95s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
2m 36.11s: got bdmv
2m 37.71s: StealthyClone with BluPath
2m 37.98s: bd set region A
2m 38.03s: bd set region A
2m 43.96s: got bdmv
2m 49.14s: got extended bdinfo
2m 49.14s: opened blu-ray
2m 49.49s: Cinavia : no cinavia repair data.
2m 49.49s: Source manager: open successful.
2m 50.17s: Work manager: create BD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
2m 50.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.24s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.24s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.63s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.63s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.69s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 50.73s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 55.15s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 55.15s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 55.24s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.26s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.76s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.27s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 28.95s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
3m 28.95s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
3m 28.95s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
3m 28.96s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
3m 29.00s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
3m 29.00s: UILog:Run current Work.
3m 29.52s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
3m 32.43s: UILog:start running at thread.
3m 32.44s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
3m 32.44s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 32.45s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
3m 32.45s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
3m 32.45s: bd-fulldisk : RunTask 3 audios
5m 29.37s: Blu-ray Copy: Origin Custom Disc
5m 29.38s: Source: F:/BDMV/
5m 29.38s: SourceSize: 26750 MB
5m 29.38s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
5m 29.38s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
5m 29.38s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 535 MB
5m 29.38s: OutputDisc: BDMV
5m 29.38s: OutputTarget: BD25
5m 29.38s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
5m 29.38s: Origin custom playlist:
5m 29.38s: playlist: 800, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 250, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 11, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 1002, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 1003, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 51, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 53, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 55, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 56, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 57, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 58, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 60, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 95, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 94, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 61, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 62, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 63, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 73, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 64, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 87, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 67, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 68, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 70, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 69, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 74, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 75, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 76, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 77, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 78, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 79, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 80, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 81, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 82, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 83, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 59, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 84, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 85, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 88, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 89, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 91, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 92, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 90, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 96, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 97, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 98, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 65, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 99, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 103, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 100, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 54, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 1004, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 104, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 105, status:1
5m 32.74s: Output group estimatedblock size
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 72, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 32
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 93, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 53
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 105, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 65
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 114, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 74
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 123, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 83
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 135, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 95
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 144, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 104
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 159, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 119
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 165, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 125
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 168, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 108
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 174, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 134
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 183, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 143
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 106
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 126
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 192, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 152
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 213, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 153
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 258, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 198
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 12840, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 11642
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 12879, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12672
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 12975, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12767
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 13323188, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 10248825
5m 32.75s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
5m 32.75s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080081
5m 33.12s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
5m 33.12s: RealOutputBlocks: 72, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080041
5m 33.19s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
5m 33.19s: RealOutputBlocks: 165, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080001
5m 33.23s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
5m 33.24s: RealOutputBlocks: 261, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079961
5m 33.28s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
5m 33.29s: RealOutputBlocks: 357, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079921
5m 33.35s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
5m 33.35s: RealOutputBlocks: 462, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079881
5m 33.40s: to estimate the size of the group, index:6
5m 33.40s: RealOutputBlocks: 576, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079841
5m 33.48s: to estimate the size of the group, index:7
5m 33.48s: RealOutputBlocks: 699, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079801
5m 33.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:8
5m 33.59s: RealOutputBlocks: 831, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079761
5m 33.69s: to estimate the size of the group, index:9
5m 33.69s: RealOutputBlocks: 963, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079721
5m 33.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:10
5m 33.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 1098, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079681
5m 33.86s: to estimate the size of the group, index:11
5m 33.86s: RealOutputBlocks: 1236, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079641
5m 33.91s: to estimate the size of the group, index:12
5m 33.91s: RealOutputBlocks: 1374, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079601
5m 34.01s: to estimate the size of the group, index:13
5m 34.01s: RealOutputBlocks: 1512, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079561
5m 34.44s: to estimate the size of the group, index:14
5m 34.44s: RealOutputBlocks: 1653, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079521
5m 34.52s: to estimate the size of the group, index:15
5m 34.52s: RealOutputBlocks: 1794, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079481
5m 34.60s: to estimate the size of the group, index:16
5m 34.60s: RealOutputBlocks: 1935, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079441
5m 34.65s: to estimate the size of the group, index:17
5m 34.66s: RealOutputBlocks: 2079, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079401
5m 34.74s: to estimate the size of the group, index:18
5m 34.74s: RealOutputBlocks: 2226, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079361
5m 34.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:19
5m 34.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 2373, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079321
5m 34.90s: to estimate the size of the group, index:20
5m 34.90s: RealOutputBlocks: 2520, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079281
5m 34.99s: to estimate the size of the group, index:21
5m 34.99s: RealOutputBlocks: 2667, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079241
5m 35.07s: to estimate the size of the group, index:22
5m 35.07s: RealOutputBlocks: 2814, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079201
5m 35.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:23
5m 35.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 2961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079161
5m 35.21s: to estimate the size of the group, index:24
5m 35.21s: RealOutputBlocks: 3108, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079121
5m 35.29s: to estimate the size of the group, index:25
5m 35.29s: RealOutputBlocks: 3255, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079081
5m 35.37s: to estimate the size of the group, index:26
5m 35.37s: RealOutputBlocks: 3405, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079041
5m 35.48s: to estimate the size of the group, index:27
5m 35.48s: RealOutputBlocks: 3555, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079001
5m 35.52s: to estimate the size of the group, index:28
5m 35.53s: RealOutputBlocks: 3705, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078961
5m 35.62s: to estimate the size of the group, index:29
5m 35.62s: RealOutputBlocks: 3855, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078921
5m 35.72s: to estimate the size of the group, index:30
5m 35.72s: RealOutputBlocks: 4005, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078881
5m 35.85s: to estimate the size of the group, index:31
5m 35.85s: RealOutputBlocks: 4158, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078841
5m 35.93s: to estimate the size of the group, index:32
5m 35.93s: RealOutputBlocks: 4311, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078801
5m 36.00s: to estimate the size of the group, index:33
5m 36.00s: RealOutputBlocks: 4464, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078761
5m 36.06s: to estimate the size of the group, index:34
5m 36.06s: RealOutputBlocks: 4620, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078721
5m 36.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:35
5m 36.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 4776, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078681
5m 36.75s: to estimate the size of the group, index:36
5m 36.75s: RealOutputBlocks: 4932, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078641
5m 36.88s: to estimate the size of the group, index:37
5m 36.88s: RealOutputBlocks: 5091, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078601
5m 36.92s: to estimate the size of the group, index:38
5m 36.92s: RealOutputBlocks: 5256, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078561
5m 37.03s: to estimate the size of the group, index:39
5m 37.03s: RealOutputBlocks: 5424, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078501
5m 37.13s: to estimate the size of the group, index:40
5m 37.13s: RealOutputBlocks: 5598, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078461
5m 37.27s: to estimate the size of the group, index:41
5m 37.27s: RealOutputBlocks: 5781, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078421
5m 37.32s: to estimate the size of the group, index:42
5m 37.32s: RealOutputBlocks: 5967, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078341
5m 37.35s: to estimate the size of the group, index:43
5m 37.35s: RealOutputBlocks: 6153, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078281
5m 37.46s: to estimate the size of the group, index:44
5m 37.46s: RealOutputBlocks: 6345, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078241
5m 37.60s: to estimate the size of the group, index:45
5m 37.60s: RealOutputBlocks: 6558, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078181
5m 37.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:46
5m 37.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 6816, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078121
5m 37.71s: info: create bdcopy config
5m 37.71s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
5m 37.72s: info: create bdcopy manager
5m 37.72s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
5m 37.72s: info: estimate copied other streams size(2 MB), estimate output video size(17 MB)
5m 37.72s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(459), lr-encode(no)
5m 37.72s: info: video codec(28)
5m 37.72s: info: streams(4113.2)
5m 37.72s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]])
5m 37.72s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
5m 37.72s: info: bitmap index = 1
5m 37.72s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(459) crf(-1) interlace(0)
5m 38.07s: info: processing source(00250.m2ts)
6m 10.04s: info: bluray read data end
6m 34.71s: info: group(elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]) playtime(300300 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(20 MB) bitrate(459 kbps)
6m 34.71s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 7200
6m 34.71s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(20 MB) average_bitrate(459 kbps)
6m 34.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:47
6m 34.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 17172, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076923
6m 34.71s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 34.72s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 34.72s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 34.72s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 34.72s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
6m 34.72s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14196), lr-encode(no)
6m 34.72s: info: video codec(28)
6m 34.72s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 34.72s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]])
6m 34.72s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 34.72s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 34.72s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14195) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 34.79s: info: processing source(00051.m2ts)
6m 36.89s: info: bluray read data end
6m 38.39s: info: group(elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]) playtime(11052 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14195 kbps)
6m 38.39s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 265
6m 38.39s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14196 kbps)
6m 38.39s: to estimate the size of the group, index:48
6m 38.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 27324, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076716
6m 38.39s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 38.39s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 38.39s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 38.39s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 38.39s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
6m 38.39s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14083), lr-encode(no)
6m 38.39s: info: video codec(28)
6m 38.39s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 38.39s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]])
6m 38.39s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 38.39s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 38.40s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14081) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 38.46s: info: processing source(00053.m2ts)
6m 40.58s: info: bluray read data end
6m 42.10s: info: group(elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]) playtime(11136 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14081 kbps)
6m 42.10s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 267
6m 42.10s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14083 kbps)
6m 42.11s: to estimate the size of the group, index:49
6m 42.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 37479, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076508
6m 42.11s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 42.11s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 42.11s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 42.11s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 42.11s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
6m 42.11s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
6m 42.11s: info: video codec(28)
6m 42.11s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 42.11s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]])
6m 42.11s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 42.11s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 42.11s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 42.19s: info: processing source(01007.m2ts)
6m 45.05s: info: bluray read data end
6m 46.55s: info: group(elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
6m 46.55s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
6m 46.55s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
6m 46.55s: to estimate the size of the group, index:50
6m 46.55s: RealOutputBlocks: 51672, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075793
6m 46.55s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 46.55s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 46.55s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 46.55s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 46.55s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
6m 46.55s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
6m 46.55s: info: video codec(28)
6m 46.55s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 46.55s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]])
6m 46.56s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 46.56s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 46.56s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 46.63s: info: processing source(01008.m2ts)
6m 49.51s: info: bluray read data end
6m 51.01s: info: group(elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
6m 51.01s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
6m 51.01s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
6m 51.01s: to estimate the size of the group, index:51
6m 51.01s: RealOutputBlocks: 65865, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075078
6m 51.01s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 51.01s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 51.01s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 51.01s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 51.02s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
6m 51.02s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
6m 51.02s: info: video codec(28)
6m 51.02s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 51.02s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]])
6m 51.02s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 51.02s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 51.02s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 51.09s: info: processing source(01009.m2ts)
6m 53.96s: info: bluray read data end
6m 55.23s: reauthor clip 1009 error: 105
6m 55.27s: info: group(elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(1 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
6m 55.27s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
6m 55.27s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(1 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
6m 55.27s: not compressed 01009.m2ts
6m 58.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:52
6m 58.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 66615, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3074363
6m 58.14s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 58.14s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 58.14s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 58.14s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 58.14s: info: estimate copied other streams size(6004 MB), estimate output video size(16099 MB)
6m 58.14s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(21174), lr-encode(no)
6m 58.14s: info: video codec(28)
6m 58.14s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1,4353.1,4354.1,4355.1,4356.1, 4357.1,4608.1,4609.1,4610.1,4611.1,4612.1)
6m 58.14s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00800.m2ts]]])
6m 58.14s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 58.14s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 58.15s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(21174) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 58.22s: info: processing source(00800.m2ts)
9m 18.10s: error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
9m 18.14s: reauthor clip 800 error: 105
9m 18.24s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 512
9m 18.25s: blu-ray full disc control graph control_filter_error error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
9m 19.26s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2
9m 19.26s: UILog:Run Work to end.
12m 10.79s: Exit process: stop running.
12m 10.79s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end
12m 10.82s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
12m 10.82s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
12m 10.82s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
12m 10.85s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
12m 10.85s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.
DVDFab (2016/05/24 06:37:38)
0m 00.09s: Init Public log : enabled.
0m 00.10s: Init Private log : finish.
0m 00.10s: App info: 2016-5-13
0m 00.10s: App info: 9243 Beta
0m 00.15s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled.
0m 00.15s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
0m 00.15s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
0m 00.17s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css
0m 00.26s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.26s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.26s: App info: client type 2.
0m 00.28s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.38s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.39s: set code page : .0
0m 00.39s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.39s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
0m 00.39s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
0m 01.61s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 01.63s: info: check_gpu run successful
0m 01.63s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 4
0m 01.63s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X303F
0m 01.63s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X2038, 0X2038
0m 01.63s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X1
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M : : 3.0
0m 01.63s: GPU check: Graphics info 2: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : : 17,5
0m 01.64s: Init process: Load config successful.
0m 01.64s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8.
0m 01.64s: Init process: command line in is
0m 01.73s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 20:8260762964 )( 95:8260762964 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:fa961fc21654ddad12a3bc084ac5a0cd )
0m 01.74s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
0m 01.74s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:1 )-
0m 01.74s: App info: language type ENU.
0m 01.74s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/
0m 01.74s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled
0m 01.74s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 01.74s: connect plugin info : start.
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Serial number is: 0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e2:0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e3:ac-22-0b-af-26-15
0m 02.12s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
0m 02.51s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 02.51s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
0m 03.29s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
0m 03.54s: connect plugin info : 1:1
0m 03.83s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 03.83s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:2f2ad34860b83a2be07841c97472b4b5
0m 03.84s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
0m 04.13s: Burn engine: start init.
0m 04.13s: Burn engine: set log folder.
0m 04.13s: DVD: init read settings.
0m 04.13s: DVD: init write settings.
2m 47.65s: Source manager open source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 47.65s: opening drive E
2m 47.65s: opened i/o
2m 47.65s: Source manager open source flag:1,1,1,1,1
2m 47.65s: opening drive F
2m 47.65s: opened i/o
2m 47.65s: got media type 16
2m 48.09s: got max lba 14564927
2m 49.17s: got disc type 20
2m 49.17s: type Blu-ray BDMV
2m 49.17s: volume label Zoolander_2
2m 49.17s: Source manager

2m 49.17s: Source manager

2m 49.18s: Source manager: add source id 0.
2m 49.19s: bd set region ?
2m 49.19s: Source open status

2m 49.19s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
2m 49.19s: bd set region ?
2m 49.19s: internal path F:/BDMV/
2m 50.03s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
2m 50.22s: got bdmv
2m 51.86s: StealthyClone with BluPath
2m 54.64s: bd set region A
2m 54.64s: bd set region A
4m 27.99s: got bdmv
4m 32.28s: got extended bdinfo
4m 32.28s: opened blu-ray
4m 32.66s: Cinavia : no cinavia repair data.
4m 33.21s: Source manager: open successful.
4m 33.89s: Work manager: create BD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
4m 33.97s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 33.97s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 33.98s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.17s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.37s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.37s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 34.43s: Source manager

4m 34.47s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 40.86s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 40.86s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 40.99s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.13s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 49.50s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 52.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.19s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
4m 55.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
5m 32.41s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
5m 32.41s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
5m 32.41s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
5m 32.41s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
5m 32.45s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
5m 32.45s: UILog:Run current Work.
5m 32.71s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
5m 32.72s: UILog:start running at thread.
5m 32.72s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
5m 32.73s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
5m 32.77s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
5m 32.77s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
5m 32.77s: bd-fulldisk : RunTask 3 audios
7m 09.58s: Blu-ray Copy: Origin Custom Disc
7m 09.59s: Source: F:/BDMV/
7m 09.59s: SourceSize: 26750 MB
7m 09.59s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
7m 09.59s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
7m 09.59s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 535 MB
7m 09.59s: OutputDisc: BDMV
7m 09.59s: OutputTarget: BD25
7m 09.59s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
7m 09.59s: Origin custom playlist:
7m 09.59s: playlist: 800, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 250, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 11, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 1002, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 1003, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 51, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 53, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 55, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 56, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 57, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 58, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 60, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 95, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 94, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 61, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 62, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 63, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 73, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 64, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 87, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 67, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 68, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 70, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 69, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 74, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 75, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 76, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 77, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 78, status:1
7m 09.59s: playlist: 79, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 80, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 81, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 82, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 83, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 59, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 84, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 85, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 88, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 89, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 91, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 92, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 90, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 96, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 97, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 98, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 65, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 99, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 103, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 100, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 54, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 1004, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 104, status:1
7m 09.60s: playlist: 105, status:1
7m 13.12s: Output group estimatedblock size
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 72, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 32
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 93, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 53
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 105, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 65
7m 13.12s: EstimatedBlocks: 114, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 74
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 123, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 83
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 135, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 95
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 144, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 104
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 159, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 119
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 165, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 125
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 168, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 108
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 174, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 134
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 183, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 143
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 106
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 126
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 192, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 152
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 213, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 153
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 258, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 198
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 12840, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 11642
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 12879, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12672
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 12975, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12767
7m 13.13s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
7m 13.14s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
7m 13.14s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
7m 13.14s: EstimatedBlocks: 13323195, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 10248836
7m 13.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
7m 13.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080077
7m 13.50s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
7m 13.50s: RealOutputBlocks: 72, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080037
7m 13.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
7m 13.58s: RealOutputBlocks: 165, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079997
7m 13.63s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
7m 13.63s: RealOutputBlocks: 261, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079957
7m 13.68s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
7m 13.68s: RealOutputBlocks: 357, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079917
7m 13.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
7m 13.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 462, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079877
7m 13.86s: to estimate the size of the group, index:6
7m 13.86s: RealOutputBlocks: 576, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079837
7m 13.95s: to estimate the size of the group, index:7
7m 13.95s: RealOutputBlocks: 699, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079797
7m 14.05s: to estimate the size of the group, index:8
7m 14.05s: RealOutputBlocks: 831, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079757
7m 14.16s: to estimate the size of the group, index:9
7m 14.16s: RealOutputBlocks: 963, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079717
7m 14.29s: to estimate the size of the group, index:10
7m 14.29s: RealOutputBlocks: 1098, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079677
7m 14.34s: to estimate the size of the group, index:11
7m 14.34s: RealOutputBlocks: 1236, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079637
7m 14.38s: to estimate the size of the group, index:12
7m 14.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 1374, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079597
7m 14.49s: to estimate the size of the group, index:13
7m 14.49s: RealOutputBlocks: 1512, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079557
7m 14.60s: to estimate the size of the group, index:14
7m 14.60s: RealOutputBlocks: 1653, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079517
7m 14.68s: to estimate the size of the group, index:15
7m 14.68s: RealOutputBlocks: 1794, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079477
7m 14.78s: to estimate the size of the group, index:16
7m 14.78s: RealOutputBlocks: 1935, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079437
7m 14.85s: to estimate the size of the group, index:17
7m 14.85s: RealOutputBlocks: 2079, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079397
7m 15.02s: to estimate the size of the group, index:18
7m 15.02s: RealOutputBlocks: 2226, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079357
7m 15.11s: to estimate the size of the group, index:19
7m 15.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 2373, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079317
7m 15.46s: to estimate the size of the group, index:20
7m 15.46s: RealOutputBlocks: 2520, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079277
7m 15.56s: to estimate the size of the group, index:21
7m 15.56s: RealOutputBlocks: 2667, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079237
7m 15.63s: to estimate the size of the group, index:22
7m 15.63s: RealOutputBlocks: 2814, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079197
7m 15.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:23
7m 15.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 2961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079157
7m 15.80s: to estimate the size of the group, index:24
7m 15.80s: RealOutputBlocks: 3108, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079117
7m 15.88s: to estimate the size of the group, index:25
7m 15.88s: RealOutputBlocks: 3255, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079077
7m 15.93s: to estimate the size of the group, index:26
7m 15.94s: RealOutputBlocks: 3405, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079037
7m 16.05s: to estimate the size of the group, index:27
7m 16.05s: RealOutputBlocks: 3555, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078997
7m 16.09s: to estimate the size of the group, index:28
7m 16.09s: RealOutputBlocks: 3705, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078957
7m 16.20s: to estimate the size of the group, index:29
7m 16.20s: RealOutputBlocks: 3855, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078917
7m 16.31s: to estimate the size of the group, index:30
7m 16.31s: RealOutputBlocks: 4005, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078877
7m 16.47s: to estimate the size of the group, index:31
7m 16.47s: RealOutputBlocks: 4158, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078837
7m 16.54s: to estimate the size of the group, index:32
7m 16.54s: RealOutputBlocks: 4311, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078797
7m 16.64s: to estimate the size of the group, index:33
7m 16.64s: RealOutputBlocks: 4464, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078757
7m 16.69s: to estimate the size of the group, index:34
7m 16.69s: RealOutputBlocks: 4620, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078717
7m 16.76s: to estimate the size of the group, index:35
7m 16.77s: RealOutputBlocks: 4776, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078677
7m 16.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:36
7m 16.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 4932, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078637
7m 16.95s: to estimate the size of the group, index:37
7m 16.95s: RealOutputBlocks: 5091, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078597
7m 17.00s: to estimate the size of the group, index:38
7m 17.00s: RealOutputBlocks: 5256, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078557
7m 17.11s: to estimate the size of the group, index:39
7m 17.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 5424, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078497
7m 17.22s: to estimate the size of the group, index:40
7m 17.22s: RealOutputBlocks: 5598, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078457
7m 17.35s: to estimate the size of the group, index:41
7m 17.35s: RealOutputBlocks: 5781, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078417
7m 17.41s: to estimate the size of the group, index:42
7m 17.41s: RealOutputBlocks: 5967, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078337
7m 17.43s: to estimate the size of the group, index:43
7m 17.43s: RealOutputBlocks: 6153, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078277
7m 17.54s: to estimate the size of the group, index:44
7m 17.54s: RealOutputBlocks: 6345, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078237
7m 17.68s: to estimate the size of the group, index:45
7m 17.68s: RealOutputBlocks: 6558, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078177
7m 17.81s: to estimate the size of the group, index:46
7m 17.81s: RealOutputBlocks: 6816, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078117
7m 17.81s: info: create bdcopy config
7m 17.81s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
7m 17.81s: info: create bdcopy manager
7m 17.81s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
7m 17.81s: info: estimate copied other streams size(2 MB), estimate output video size(17 MB)
7m 17.81s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(459), lr-encode(no)
7m 17.81s: info: video codec(28)
7m 17.81s: info: streams(4113.2)
7m 17.81s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]])
7m 17.81s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
7m 17.81s: info: bitmap index = 1
7m 17.82s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(459) crf(-1) interlace(0)
7m 18.18s: info: processing source(00250.m2ts)
7m 50.50s: info: bluray read data end
8m 15.14s: info: group(elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]) playtime(300300 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(20 MB) bitrate(459 kbps)
8m 15.14s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 7200
8m 15.14s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(20 MB) average_bitrate(459 kbps)
8m 15.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:47
8m 15.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 17172, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076919
8m 15.14s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 15.14s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 15.14s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 15.14s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 15.14s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
8m 15.15s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14196), lr-encode(no)
8m 15.15s: info: video codec(28)
8m 15.15s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 15.15s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]])
8m 15.15s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 15.15s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 15.15s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14195) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 15.22s: info: processing source(00051.m2ts)
8m 17.32s: info: bluray read data end
8m 18.83s: info: group(elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]) playtime(11052 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14195 kbps)
8m 18.84s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 265
8m 18.84s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14196 kbps)
8m 18.84s: to estimate the size of the group, index:48
8m 18.84s: RealOutputBlocks: 27324, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076712
8m 18.84s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 18.84s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 18.84s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 18.84s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 18.84s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
8m 18.84s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14083), lr-encode(no)
8m 18.84s: info: video codec(28)
8m 18.84s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 18.84s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]])
8m 18.84s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 18.84s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 18.84s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14081) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 18.91s: info: processing source(00053.m2ts)
8m 21.02s: info: bluray read data end
8m 22.53s: info: group(elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]) playtime(11136 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14081 kbps)
8m 22.53s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 267
8m 22.53s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14083 kbps)
8m 22.53s: to estimate the size of the group, index:49
8m 22.53s: RealOutputBlocks: 37479, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076504
8m 22.53s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 22.53s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 22.53s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 22.53s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 22.53s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
8m 22.53s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
8m 22.53s: info: video codec(28)
8m 22.53s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 22.53s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]])
8m 22.54s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 22.54s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 22.54s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 22.60s: info: processing source(01007.m2ts)
8m 25.46s: info: bluray read data end
8m 26.97s: info: group(elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
8m 26.98s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
8m 26.98s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
8m 26.98s: to estimate the size of the group, index:50
8m 26.98s: RealOutputBlocks: 51672, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075789
8m 26.98s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 26.98s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 26.98s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 26.98s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 26.98s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
8m 26.98s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
8m 26.98s: info: video codec(28)
8m 26.98s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 26.98s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]])
8m 26.98s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 26.98s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 26.98s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 27.05s: info: processing source(01008.m2ts)
8m 29.93s: info: bluray read data end
8m 31.43s: info: group(elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
8m 31.44s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
8m 31.44s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
8m 31.44s: to estimate the size of the group, index:51
8m 31.44s: RealOutputBlocks: 65865, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075074
8m 31.44s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 31.44s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 31.44s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 31.44s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 31.44s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
8m 31.44s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
8m 31.44s: info: video codec(28)
8m 31.44s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
8m 31.44s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]])
8m 31.44s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 31.45s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 31.45s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 31.50s: info: processing source(01009.m2ts)
8m 34.37s: info: bluray read data end
8m 35.64s: reauthor clip 1009 error: 105
8m 35.67s: info: group(elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(1 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
8m 35.67s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
8m 35.67s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(1 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
8m 35.67s: not compressed 01009.m2ts
8m 38.54s: to estimate the size of the group, index:52
8m 38.54s: RealOutputBlocks: 66615, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3074359
8m 38.54s: info: create bdcopy config
8m 38.54s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
8m 38.54s: info: create bdcopy manager
8m 38.54s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
8m 38.54s: info: estimate copied other streams size(6004 MB), estimate output video size(16099 MB)
8m 38.54s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(21174), lr-encode(no)
8m 38.54s: info: video codec(28)
8m 38.55s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1,4353.1,4354.1,4355.1,4356.1, 4357.1,4608.1,4609.1,4610.1,4611.1,4612.1)
8m 38.55s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00800.m2ts]]])
8m 38.55s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
8m 38.55s: info: bitmap index = 1
8m 38.55s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(21174) crf(-1) interlace(0)
8m 38.62s: info: processing source(00800.m2ts)
17m 45.09s: error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
17m 45.12s: reauthor clip 800 error: 105
17m 45.22s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 2
17m 45.22s: blu-ray full disc control graph control_filter_error error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
17m 46.28s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2
17m 46.28s: UILog:Run Work to end.
20m 36.14s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.14s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.14s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.17s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.17s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 36.20s: Source manager

20m 36.64s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 38.62s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
20m 38.62s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
20m 38.62s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
20m 38.71s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
20m 38.71s: UILog:Run current Work.
20m 39.15s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
20m 45.99s: UILog:start running at thread.
20m 46.00s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
20m 46.01s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
20m 46.01s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
20m 46.01s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
20m 46.01s: bd-fulldisk : RunTask 3 audios
20m 46.02s: Blu-ray Copy: Origin Custom Disc
20m 46.02s: Source: F:/BDMV/
20m 46.02s: SourceSize: 28428 MB
20m 46.02s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
20m 46.02s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
20m 46.02s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 535 MB
20m 46.02s: OutputDisc: BDMV
20m 46.02s: OutputTarget: BD25
20m 46.02s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
20m 46.02s: Origin custom playlist:
20m 46.02s: playlist: 800, status:1
20m 46.02s: playlist: 250, status:1
20m 46.02s: playlist: 11, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 1002, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 1003, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 51, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 53, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 55, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 56, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 57, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 58, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 60, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 95, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 94, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 61, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 62, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 63, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 73, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 64, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 87, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 67, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 68, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 70, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 69, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 74, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 75, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 76, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 77, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 78, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 79, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 80, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 81, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 82, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 83, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 59, status:1
20m 46.03s: playlist: 84, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 85, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 88, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 89, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 91, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 92, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 90, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 96, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 97, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 98, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 65, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 99, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 103, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 100, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 54, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 1004, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 104, status:1
20m 46.04s: playlist: 105, status:1
20m 53.71s: Output group estimatedblock size
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 72, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 32
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 93, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 53
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 105, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 65
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 114, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 74
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 123, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 83
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 135, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 95
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 144, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 104
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 159, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 119
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 165, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 125
20m 53.71s: EstimatedBlocks: 168, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 108
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 174, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 134
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 183, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 143
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 106
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 126
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 192, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 152
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 213, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 153
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 258, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 198
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 12840, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 11642
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 12879, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12672
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 12975, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12767
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
20m 53.72s: EstimatedBlocks: 13323195, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 10248836
20m 53.72s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
20m 53.72s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080077
20m 54.07s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
20m 54.07s: RealOutputBlocks: 72, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080037
20m 54.15s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
20m 54.15s: RealOutputBlocks: 165, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079997
20m 54.20s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
20m 54.20s: RealOutputBlocks: 261, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079957
20m 54.27s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
20m 54.27s: RealOutputBlocks: 357, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079917
20m 54.37s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
20m 54.37s: RealOutputBlocks: 462, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079877
20m 54.42s: to estimate the size of the group, index:6
20m 54.43s: RealOutputBlocks: 576, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079837
20m 54.51s: to estimate the size of the group, index:7
20m 54.51s: RealOutputBlocks: 699, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079797
20m 54.62s: to estimate the size of the group, index:8
20m 54.62s: RealOutputBlocks: 831, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079757
20m 54.73s: to estimate the size of the group, index:9
20m 54.73s: RealOutputBlocks: 963, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079717
20m 54.88s: to estimate the size of the group, index:10
20m 54.88s: RealOutputBlocks: 1098, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079677
20m 54.94s: to estimate the size of the group, index:11
20m 54.94s: RealOutputBlocks: 1236, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079637
20m 54.99s: to estimate the size of the group, index:12
20m 54.99s: RealOutputBlocks: 1374, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079597
20m 55.10s: to estimate the size of the group, index:13
20m 55.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 1512, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079557
20m 55.20s: to estimate the size of the group, index:14
20m 55.20s: RealOutputBlocks: 1653, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079517
20m 55.31s: to estimate the size of the group, index:15
20m 55.31s: RealOutputBlocks: 1794, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079477
20m 55.39s: to estimate the size of the group, index:16
20m 55.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 1935, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079437
20m 55.45s: to estimate the size of the group, index:17
20m 55.45s: RealOutputBlocks: 2079, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079397
20m 55.53s: to estimate the size of the group, index:18
20m 55.53s: RealOutputBlocks: 2226, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079357
20m 55.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:19
20m 55.58s: RealOutputBlocks: 2373, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079317
20m 55.70s: to estimate the size of the group, index:20
20m 55.70s: RealOutputBlocks: 2520, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079277
20m 55.90s: to estimate the size of the group, index:21
20m 55.90s: RealOutputBlocks: 2667, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079237
20m 55.98s: to estimate the size of the group, index:22
20m 55.98s: RealOutputBlocks: 2814, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079197
20m 56.07s: to estimate the size of the group, index:23
20m 56.07s: RealOutputBlocks: 2961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079157
20m 56.17s: to estimate the size of the group, index:24
20m 56.17s: RealOutputBlocks: 3108, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079117
20m 56.26s: to estimate the size of the group, index:25
20m 56.26s: RealOutputBlocks: 3255, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079077
20m 56.33s: to estimate the size of the group, index:26
20m 56.33s: RealOutputBlocks: 3405, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079037
20m 56.44s: to estimate the size of the group, index:27
20m 56.44s: RealOutputBlocks: 3555, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078997
20m 56.50s: to estimate the size of the group, index:28
20m 56.50s: RealOutputBlocks: 3705, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078957
20m 56.61s: to estimate the size of the group, index:29
20m 56.61s: RealOutputBlocks: 3855, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078917
20m 57.17s: to estimate the size of the group, index:30
20m 57.17s: RealOutputBlocks: 4005, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078877
20m 57.38s: to estimate the size of the group, index:31
20m 57.38s: RealOutputBlocks: 4158, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078837
20m 57.49s: to estimate the size of the group, index:32
20m 57.49s: RealOutputBlocks: 4311, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078797
20m 57.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:33
20m 57.58s: RealOutputBlocks: 4464, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078757
20m 57.64s: to estimate the size of the group, index:34
20m 57.64s: RealOutputBlocks: 4620, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078717
20m 57.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:35
20m 57.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 4776, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078677
20m 57.77s: to estimate the size of the group, index:36
20m 57.77s: RealOutputBlocks: 4932, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078637
20m 58.25s: to estimate the size of the group, index:37
20m 58.25s: RealOutputBlocks: 5091, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078597
20m 58.73s: to estimate the size of the group, index:38
20m 58.73s: RealOutputBlocks: 5256, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078557
20m 58.85s: to estimate the size of the group, index:39
20m 58.85s: RealOutputBlocks: 5424, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078497
20m 58.98s: to estimate the size of the group, index:40
20m 58.98s: RealOutputBlocks: 5598, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078457
20m 59.15s: to estimate the size of the group, index:41
20m 59.15s: RealOutputBlocks: 5781, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078417
20m 59.22s: to estimate the size of the group, index:42
20m 59.22s: RealOutputBlocks: 5967, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078337
20m 59.24s: to estimate the size of the group, index:43
20m 59.24s: RealOutputBlocks: 6153, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078277
20m 59.36s: to estimate the size of the group, index:44
20m 59.36s: RealOutputBlocks: 6345, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078237
20m 59.50s: to estimate the size of the group, index:45
20m 59.50s: RealOutputBlocks: 6558, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078177
20m 59.63s: to estimate the size of the group, index:46
20m 59.63s: RealOutputBlocks: 6816, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078117
20m 59.63s: info: create bdcopy config
20m 59.63s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
20m 59.63s: info: create bdcopy manager
20m 59.64s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
20m 59.64s: info: estimate copied other streams size(2 MB), estimate output video size(17 MB)
20m 59.64s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(459), lr-encode(no)
20m 59.64s: info: video codec(28)
20m 59.64s: info: streams(4113.2)
20m 59.64s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]])
20m 59.64s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
20m 59.64s: info: bitmap index = 1
20m 59.64s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(459) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 00.01s:
DVDFab (2016/05/24 07:09:06)
0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled.
0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish.
0m 00.01s: App info: 2016-5-13
0m 00.01s: App info: 9243 Beta
0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled.
0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
0m 00.06s: autostyle : use qss file :/Resources/style.css
0m 00.14s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.14s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.14s: App info: client type 2.
0m 00.16s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.23s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.23s: set code page : .0
0m 00.23s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.23s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
0m 00.23s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
0m 00.84s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 02.71s: info: check_gpu run successful
0m 02.71s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 4
0m 02.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X303F
0m 02.71s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X2038, 0X2038
0m 02.71s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X1
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M : : 3.0
0m 02.71s: GPU check: Graphics info 2: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : : 17,5
0m 02.73s: Init process: Load config successful.
0m 02.73s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8.
0m 02.73s: Init process: command line in is
0m 02.78s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 20:8260762964 )( 95:8260762964 )( OV:9242 )( BV:9243 )( S:2f2ad34860b83a2be07841c97472b4b5 )
0m 02.78s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
0m 02.78s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:1 )-
0m 02.78s: App info: language type ENU.
0m 02.78s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/
0m 02.80s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled
0m 02.80s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 02.80s: connect plugin info : start.
0m 03.10s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0
0m 03.10s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
0m 03.11s: Reg check: Serial number is: 0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e2:0c-8b-fd-2c-0f-e3:ac-22-0b-af-26-15
0m 03.11s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
0m 03.31s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 03.31s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
0m 03.86s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
0m 03.88s: connect plugin info : 1:1
0m 04.37s: Burn engine: start init.
0m 04.37s: Burn engine: set log folder.
0m 04.37s: DVD: init read settings.
0m 04.37s: DVD: init write settings.
0m 04.42s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 04.42s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:dfd4378b0dfa8bc35e75d0ab1727a010
0m 04.43s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
1m 56.96s: BD: init read settings.
1m 56.96s: BD: init write settings.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: writer count 1.
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: 0- F:\ [HL-DT-ST BD-RE BE14NU40 1.01 (Usb)].
1m 56.96s: Burn engine: end init.
1m 57.51s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
1m 57.51s: QtLog Mode = false
1m 57.85s: Start show MainUI.
1m 57.85s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
1m 58.56s: allow_test : false
1m 58.66s: Init process: init main ui successful.
1m 59.14s: Init process: show main ui successful.
1m 59.14s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
1m 59.14s: DriveX msg: Init driveX E with I/O mode: 0
1m 59.14s: DriveX msg: Init driveX F with I/O mode: 0
2m 02.55s: opening drive F
2m 02.55s: opened i/o
2m 02.56s: got media type 16
2m 07.06s: got max lba 14564927
2m 08.13s: got disc type 20
2m 08.13s: type Blu-ray BDMV
2m 08.13s: volume label Zoolander_2
2m 08.14s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX F.
2m 08.14s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX F.
2m 08.14s: opening drive D
2m 08.53s: opened i/o
2m 33.57s: Source manager

2m 33.57s: opening drive E
2m 33.57s: opened i/o
2m 33.57s: Source manager

2m 33.57s: opening drive F
2m 33.57s: opened i/o
2m 33.58s: got media type 16
2m 33.99s: got max lba 14564927
2m 35.08s: got disc type 20
2m 35.08s: type Blu-ray BDMV
2m 35.08s: volume label Zoolander_2
2m 35.08s: Source manager

2m 35.08s: Source manager

2m 35.09s: Source manager: add source id 0.
2m 35.10s: bd set region ?
2m 35.10s: Source open status

2m 35.10s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
2m 35.10s: bd set region ?
2m 35.10s: internal path F:/BDMV/
2m 35.95s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
2m 36.11s: got bdmv
2m 37.71s: StealthyClone with BluPath
2m 37.98s: bd set region A
2m 38.03s: bd set region A
2m 43.96s: got bdmv
2m 49.14s: got extended bdinfo
2m 49.14s: opened blu-ray
2m 49.49s: Cinavia : no cinavia repair data.
2m 49.49s: Source manager: open successful.
2m 50.17s: Work manager: create BD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
2m 50.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.24s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.24s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.63s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.63s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 50.69s: Source manager

2m 50.73s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 55.15s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 55.15s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
2m 55.24s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 4 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.21s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 05.26s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.51s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 06.76s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 2 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.23s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 08.27s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 28.95s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
3m 28.95s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
3m 28.95s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
3m 28.96s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
3m 29.00s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
3m 29.00s: UILog:Run current Work.
3m 29.52s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
3m 32.43s: UILog:start running at thread.
3m 32.44s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
3m 32.44s: bd-fulldisk : FillWorkData 3 audios
3m 32.45s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
3m 32.45s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
3m 32.45s: bd-fulldisk : RunTask 3 audios
5m 29.37s: Blu-ray Copy: Origin Custom Disc
5m 29.38s: Source: F:/BDMV/
5m 29.38s: SourceSize: 26750 MB
5m 29.38s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
5m 29.38s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
5m 29.38s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 535 MB
5m 29.38s: OutputDisc: BDMV
5m 29.38s: OutputTarget: BD25
5m 29.38s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
5m 29.38s: Origin custom playlist:
5m 29.38s: playlist: 800, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 250, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 11, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 1002, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 1003, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 51, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 53, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 55, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 56, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 57, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 58, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 60, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 95, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 94, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 61, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 62, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 63, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 73, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 64, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 87, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 67, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 68, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 70, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 69, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 74, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 75, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 76, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 77, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 78, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 79, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 80, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 81, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 82, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 83, status:1
5m 29.38s: playlist: 59, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 84, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 85, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 88, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 89, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 91, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 92, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 90, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 96, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 97, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 98, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 65, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 99, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 103, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 100, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 54, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 1004, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 104, status:1
5m 29.39s: playlist: 105, status:1
5m 32.74s: Output group estimatedblock size
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 72, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 32
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 93, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 53
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 96, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 105, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 65
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 114, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 74
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 123, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 83
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 132, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 92
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 135, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 95
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 138, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 98
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 141, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 101
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 144, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 104
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 147, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 107
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 110
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 153, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 113
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 156, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 116
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 159, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 119
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 165, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 125
5m 32.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 168, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 108
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 174, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 134
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 183, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 143
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 106
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 186, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 126
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 192, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 152
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 213, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 153
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 258, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 198
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 12840, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 11642
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 12879, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12672
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 12975, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12767
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 17700, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 16985
5m 32.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 13323188, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 10248825
5m 32.75s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
5m 32.75s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080081
5m 33.12s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
5m 33.12s: RealOutputBlocks: 72, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080041
5m 33.19s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
5m 33.19s: RealOutputBlocks: 165, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3080001
5m 33.23s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
5m 33.24s: RealOutputBlocks: 261, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079961
5m 33.28s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
5m 33.29s: RealOutputBlocks: 357, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079921
5m 33.35s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
5m 33.35s: RealOutputBlocks: 462, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079881
5m 33.40s: to estimate the size of the group, index:6
5m 33.40s: RealOutputBlocks: 576, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079841
5m 33.48s: to estimate the size of the group, index:7
5m 33.48s: RealOutputBlocks: 699, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079801
5m 33.58s: to estimate the size of the group, index:8
5m 33.59s: RealOutputBlocks: 831, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079761
5m 33.69s: to estimate the size of the group, index:9
5m 33.69s: RealOutputBlocks: 963, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079721
5m 33.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:10
5m 33.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 1098, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079681
5m 33.86s: to estimate the size of the group, index:11
5m 33.86s: RealOutputBlocks: 1236, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079641
5m 33.91s: to estimate the size of the group, index:12
5m 33.91s: RealOutputBlocks: 1374, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079601
5m 34.01s: to estimate the size of the group, index:13
5m 34.01s: RealOutputBlocks: 1512, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079561
5m 34.44s: to estimate the size of the group, index:14
5m 34.44s: RealOutputBlocks: 1653, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079521
5m 34.52s: to estimate the size of the group, index:15
5m 34.52s: RealOutputBlocks: 1794, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079481
5m 34.60s: to estimate the size of the group, index:16
5m 34.60s: RealOutputBlocks: 1935, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079441
5m 34.65s: to estimate the size of the group, index:17
5m 34.66s: RealOutputBlocks: 2079, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079401
5m 34.74s: to estimate the size of the group, index:18
5m 34.74s: RealOutputBlocks: 2226, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079361
5m 34.82s: to estimate the size of the group, index:19
5m 34.82s: RealOutputBlocks: 2373, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079321
5m 34.90s: to estimate the size of the group, index:20
5m 34.90s: RealOutputBlocks: 2520, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079281
5m 34.99s: to estimate the size of the group, index:21
5m 34.99s: RealOutputBlocks: 2667, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079241
5m 35.07s: to estimate the size of the group, index:22
5m 35.07s: RealOutputBlocks: 2814, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079201
5m 35.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:23
5m 35.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 2961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079161
5m 35.21s: to estimate the size of the group, index:24
5m 35.21s: RealOutputBlocks: 3108, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079121
5m 35.29s: to estimate the size of the group, index:25
5m 35.29s: RealOutputBlocks: 3255, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079081
5m 35.37s: to estimate the size of the group, index:26
5m 35.37s: RealOutputBlocks: 3405, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079041
5m 35.48s: to estimate the size of the group, index:27
5m 35.48s: RealOutputBlocks: 3555, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3079001
5m 35.52s: to estimate the size of the group, index:28
5m 35.53s: RealOutputBlocks: 3705, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078961
5m 35.62s: to estimate the size of the group, index:29
5m 35.62s: RealOutputBlocks: 3855, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078921
5m 35.72s: to estimate the size of the group, index:30
5m 35.72s: RealOutputBlocks: 4005, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078881
5m 35.85s: to estimate the size of the group, index:31
5m 35.85s: RealOutputBlocks: 4158, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078841
5m 35.93s: to estimate the size of the group, index:32
5m 35.93s: RealOutputBlocks: 4311, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078801
5m 36.00s: to estimate the size of the group, index:33
5m 36.00s: RealOutputBlocks: 4464, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078761
5m 36.06s: to estimate the size of the group, index:34
5m 36.06s: RealOutputBlocks: 4620, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078721
5m 36.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:35
5m 36.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 4776, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078681
5m 36.75s: to estimate the size of the group, index:36
5m 36.75s: RealOutputBlocks: 4932, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078641
5m 36.88s: to estimate the size of the group, index:37
5m 36.88s: RealOutputBlocks: 5091, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078601
5m 36.92s: to estimate the size of the group, index:38
5m 36.92s: RealOutputBlocks: 5256, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078561
5m 37.03s: to estimate the size of the group, index:39
5m 37.03s: RealOutputBlocks: 5424, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078501
5m 37.13s: to estimate the size of the group, index:40
5m 37.13s: RealOutputBlocks: 5598, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078461
5m 37.27s: to estimate the size of the group, index:41
5m 37.27s: RealOutputBlocks: 5781, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078421
5m 37.32s: to estimate the size of the group, index:42
5m 37.32s: RealOutputBlocks: 5967, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078341
5m 37.35s: to estimate the size of the group, index:43
5m 37.35s: RealOutputBlocks: 6153, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078281
5m 37.46s: to estimate the size of the group, index:44
5m 37.46s: RealOutputBlocks: 6345, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078241
5m 37.60s: to estimate the size of the group, index:45
5m 37.60s: RealOutputBlocks: 6558, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078181
5m 37.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:46
5m 37.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 6816, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3078121
5m 37.71s: info: create bdcopy config
5m 37.71s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
5m 37.72s: info: create bdcopy manager
5m 37.72s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
5m 37.72s: info: estimate copied other streams size(2 MB), estimate output video size(17 MB)
5m 37.72s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(459), lr-encode(no)
5m 37.72s: info: video codec(28)
5m 37.72s: info: streams(4113.2)
5m 37.72s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]])
5m 37.72s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
5m 37.72s: info: bitmap index = 1
5m 37.72s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(459) crf(-1) interlace(0)
5m 38.07s: info: processing source(00250.m2ts)
6m 10.04s: info: bluray read data end
6m 34.71s: info: group(elem[atomic[00250.m2ts]]) playtime(300300 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(20 MB) bitrate(459 kbps)
6m 34.71s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 7200
6m 34.71s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(20 MB) average_bitrate(459 kbps)
6m 34.71s: to estimate the size of the group, index:47
6m 34.71s: RealOutputBlocks: 17172, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076923
6m 34.71s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 34.72s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 34.72s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 34.72s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 34.72s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
6m 34.72s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14196), lr-encode(no)
6m 34.72s: info: video codec(28)
6m 34.72s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 34.72s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]])
6m 34.72s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 34.72s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 34.72s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14195) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 34.79s: info: processing source(00051.m2ts)
6m 36.89s: info: bluray read data end
6m 38.39s: info: group(elem[atomic[00051.m2ts]]) playtime(11052 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14195 kbps)
6m 38.39s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 265
6m 38.39s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14196 kbps)
6m 38.39s: to estimate the size of the group, index:48
6m 38.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 27324, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076716
6m 38.39s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 38.39s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 38.39s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 38.39s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 38.39s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(19 MB)
6m 38.39s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14083), lr-encode(no)
6m 38.39s: info: video codec(28)
6m 38.39s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 38.39s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]])
6m 38.39s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 38.39s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 38.40s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14081) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 38.46s: info: processing source(00053.m2ts)
6m 40.58s: info: bluray read data end
6m 42.10s: info: group(elem[atomic[00053.m2ts]]) playtime(11136 ms) source(25 MB) request(20 MB) real(19 MB) bitrate(14081 kbps)
6m 42.10s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 267
6m 42.10s: compress finished: groups request(20 MB, 20 MB) real(19 MB) average_bitrate(14083 kbps)
6m 42.11s: to estimate the size of the group, index:49
6m 42.11s: RealOutputBlocks: 37479, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3076508
6m 42.11s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 42.11s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 42.11s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 42.11s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 42.11s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
6m 42.11s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
6m 42.11s: info: video codec(28)
6m 42.11s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 42.11s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]])
6m 42.11s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 42.11s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 42.11s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 42.19s: info: processing source(01007.m2ts)
6m 45.05s: info: bluray read data end
6m 46.55s: info: group(elem[atomic[01007.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
6m 46.55s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
6m 46.55s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
6m 46.55s: to estimate the size of the group, index:50
6m 46.55s: RealOutputBlocks: 51672, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075793
6m 46.55s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 46.55s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 46.55s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 46.55s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 46.55s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
6m 46.55s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
6m 46.55s: info: video codec(28)
6m 46.55s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 46.55s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]])
6m 46.56s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 46.56s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 46.56s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 46.63s: info: processing source(01008.m2ts)
6m 49.51s: info: bluray read data end
6m 51.01s: info: group(elem[atomic[01008.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(27 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
6m 51.01s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
6m 51.01s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(27 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
6m 51.01s: to estimate the size of the group, index:51
6m 51.01s: RealOutputBlocks: 65865, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3075078
6m 51.01s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 51.01s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 51.01s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 51.01s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 51.02s: info: estimate copied other streams size(1 MB), estimate output video size(26 MB)
6m 51.02s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14260), lr-encode(no)
6m 51.02s: info: video codec(28)
6m 51.02s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1)
6m 51.02s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]])
6m 51.02s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 51.02s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 51.02s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14259) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 51.09s: info: processing source(01009.m2ts)
6m 53.96s: info: bluray read data end
6m 55.23s: reauthor clip 1009 error: 105
6m 55.27s: info: group(elem[atomic[01009.m2ts]]) playtime(14889 ms) source(34 MB) request(28 MB) real(1 MB) bitrate(14259 kbps)
6m 55.27s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 357
6m 55.27s: compress finished: groups request(28 MB, 28 MB) real(1 MB) average_bitrate(14260 kbps)
6m 55.27s: not compressed 01009.m2ts
6m 58.14s: to estimate the size of the group, index:52
6m 58.14s: RealOutputBlocks: 66615, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3074363
6m 58.14s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 58.14s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 1, vc1= 1, mpeg2= 1, vencode h264= 6, hevc= 0
6m 58.14s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 58.14s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
6m 58.14s: info: estimate copied other streams size(6004 MB), estimate output video size(16099 MB)
6m 58.14s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(21174), lr-encode(no)
6m 58.14s: info: video codec(28)
6m 58.14s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.1,4353.1,4354.1,4355.1,4356.1, 4357.1,4608.1,4609.1,4610.1,4611.1,4612.1)
6m 58.14s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00800.m2ts]]])
6m 58.14s: CUDA GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
6m 58.14s: info: bitmap index = 1
6m 58.15s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(21174) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 58.22s: info: processing source(00800.m2ts)
9m 18.10s: error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
9m 18.14s: reauthor clip 800 error: 105
9m 18.24s: info: delete cuda Lightning-Shrink = 512
9m 18.25s: blu-ray full disc control graph control_filter_error error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(26), get std_exception(bad allocation)
9m 19.26s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 2
9m 19.26s: UILog:Run Work to end.
12m 10.79s: Exit process: stop running.
12m 10.79s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end
12m 10.82s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
12m 10.82s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
12m 10.82s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
12m 10.85s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
12m 10.85s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.