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    What's this new single / multi-user crap? Explain.

    It is a method to confirm compliance with the DVDFab EULA, to which everyone agrees when installing and using the product. It allows transferring the authorization from one PC to another if you have a need to do it (e.g a laptop and a desktop, PCs in different rooms or locations, etc.) I would suggest you keep a civil tone in the forum.
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      I just updated to version; it asked me to authorize this computer after installing the update. However, after I entered my login information (username & password), it said "You have authorized 0/1 computer (s). To authorize this computer, you have to deauthorize another computer, reset all licensed. or to purchase a muti-license from DVDFab Member Center". Then it started in trial mode even though I have a lifetime subscription. Please advise me what to do to activate this version. Thank you.


        How do you "de-authorize" on one PC to transfer authorization to another PC? I do not see an option to "de-authorize" anywhere within the program.

        Also what happens if your PC crashes beyond repair, and say, you have to purchase a new PC. How does one de-authorize the crashed PC since you can no longer access any files or even the O/S on that PC?

        I tried to install on another PC in my house, thinking the software would give me the option to "de-authorize" the first PC. No such luck. They both end up being not authorized and they both say the software has already been authorized on another PC but no option to de-authorize either one!!!. Any help would be appreciated.


          The controls for authorization are in the DVDFab GUI if the version you are using requires it, see below:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	1-011DEAUTH.png
Views:	174
Size:	32.2 KB
ID:	345790

          If your PC crashes or is replaced you will need to log in to your account at the Member Center and click on LicenseAuthorizations, then click the button shown in the capture that will deauthorize all PCs. You can only do this once per year. You can then Authorize DVDFab on the new/replacement PC using the controls within DVDFab show above.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	1-011 MEMBERCTR.png
Views:	194
Size:	326.4 KB
ID:	345791

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            Ok, thank you! Wonder how I missed all that


              No problem, it's easy to miss since it is brand new.
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                Ok, I am STILL missing something. I have two PCs in my home. I have DVDFab installed on both of them. Both are running the most recent version of Windows 10 Pro. I was trying out the authorize/de-authorize option and BOTH PCs now tell me "You have already authorized 1/1 computer(s) with your account. To authorize this computer you must first deauthorize another computer, reset all computer licenses or purchase multi-computer license ..." etc. etc.

                Why do both PCs show as deauthorized but when I try to authorize either one, it tells me that it is already authorized on another PC. It is not. These are the only two installations I have under my account and both show deauthorized.

                I am once again very confused and very frustrated. How do I fix this. Please, can you help?


                  Ok, I ended up buying the multi-user license and that solved the problem as far as being able to do the autorization. However, when I go to the Member window and click on License Authorizations, it shows TWO authorizations for the same device (I assume the device ID is the mac address). The mac address shown is my main PC and I only have one installation of DVD Fab on that, thus is should only show one authorization, so perhaps this is some type of licensing error (maybe on the server end) and is what was causing my problem in the first place. Again, can you help fix this?


                    I was able to get this fixed through a chat session in the member section. Now my activations shows the correct number (2 out of 3). Thank you.


                      Glad to hear it. For your privacy and security, the customer license database can only be accessed from within the DVDFab offices, which means only during office hours Beijing time. You could still swap the single authorization back and forth between the two PCs but the inexpensive authorizations are clearly a more convenient option.
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