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Why Does FabHD need Internet

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    Why Does FabHD need Internet

    I've submitted this question several times - maybe someone on the forum knows the answer and a work around. (and yes, I have disabled the "check for updates" option).

    So - why must DVD Fab have internet access when ripping Blu-Rays? I finally purchased a two year subscription to see if this problem goes away in the registered version - it does not. I am also seeing it both under Vista and Windows 7 as I have tried different machines to see if the OS makes a difference. It does not.

    I am now using the latest version (, and for ALMOST any Blu-Ray I try to copy to hard drive, it insists on being able to access the internet. This creates big concerns:

    1 - WHAT is DVDFab sending to the internet (spyware?) since there is no reference to this requirement anywhere and their main competitor - XXXXXX - does not need this;

    2 - Internet access is not always available. Internet access for activation is annoying enough but Internet access to RUN the program every time is unbelievable and unworkable.

    3 - Fengtao may not always be in business. I hope they are, but if they are not, all our investments in buying their blu-ray program are gone.

    The message I get if internet is off OR if I have the firewall up is: "Internet is required to open this Blu-ray disc." Then it stops - doesn't crash - just stops and won't rip until I give it internet access. Then it moves forward.

    I own about 30 Blu-Rays so far and MOST (not all) of them seem to do this. These are all region 1 discs. I would understand very recent titles (like "2012" or "Sherlock Holmes") but it is also doing it with titles out for half a year (like "Star Trek IV" and "Star Trek") and titles out more than TWO YEARS (like "Live Free or Die Hard" and "Independence Day") (I chose these to highlight because none of them are obscure titles).

    First I was told this was because of the UDF 2.5 parser - which is obviously NOT the answer (and lousy code if it was/is). Then I was told to turn off "checking for updates," which I did but which triggers a different message anyway if enabled and internet is unavailable.

    Either Fengtao is unwilling to give the real answer or the people answering don't know and need to find out. I think this is a big deal for the 3 reasons I mentioned. I do not regret paying a two year subscription (this program REALLY works great for it's intended puroses(es)), but I will NOT renew and will tell others they shouldn’t buy the program either if we don't get good answers (and the ability to disable this requirement with maybe the exception of very new movies).


    Last edited by Guest; 04-03-2010, 11:50 PM. Reason: Removed mention of other software

    At one time I saw a post somewhere that it needs to get the various codes for BR, but being that I don't do BR or allow FAB acess to the internet I don't know for sure (sorry) maybe a MOD knows for sure
    Last edited by Jimbo; 04-03-2010, 11:29 PM.
    Paid Not To Work
    US Navy Retired ( 20 Years )
    Proudly Served On
    USS Coral Sea CVA-43 (VF-154) / USS Oriskany CVA-34 (VFP-63) / USS Ranger CVA-61 (VF-121)
    6 trips to the Gulf Of Tonkin


      Strange that you say you have asked the question several time but the forum stats show that this is the only post you have ever made on this forum
      and that today the 3rd is the day you signed up on the forum.

      The question has been asked by others and answered by others.
      Do a search.

      I deleted over half of the length of your title.
      Last edited by Guest; 04-03-2010, 11:42 PM.


        Thread moved to Bluray forum.


          You are correct but I am not sure why you are surprised, this is a known fact and has been since the Blu-ray option was added to DVDFab. I think it is done this way to be able to have immediate updates for new protections without the necessity of a new release of the software. Some of your other assertions sound a little paranoid. DVDFab is not spyware. If you look at the internal log you can see the result of what it sends and receives. As to the lifetime license and whether the developers will be there to support it, you take the same chances when you buy a car (with far more at risk). After the second year, you have broken even if you have the lifetime license. Take it easy, enjoy the product as everyone else does.
          Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
          Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


            This is the first time I posted the question on the forum but I previusly sent the question in to DVDFab support directly - which is where I got answers, for example, like the one from Sunny Fan suggesting it was the udf 2.5 parser. So answers like that from the support team started to make me wonder a bit.

            That's also why I then came here. I've searched for answers and apologize for not being able to find this issue - a link to a relevant thread would be great.

            I DO understand the benefit for brand new protections and brand new discs - but why could this not be supplemental/optional as opposed to required for nearly all Blu-Rays? We're talking two year old Blu-Rays that you can't do anything with if you're not on the Internet....Movies like "Live Free or Die Hard" and "Independence Day" do not have remotely new protections and means the program is unusable if you're not on line.

            Are there options?

            (understand the car point, but if the maker goes out of business, the car doesn't stop driving like this program basically would. Big difference)


              The car stops if you can't get parts for it. The point is, it is done this way because that's how the developers chose to do it. Not doing it would require them to maintain the database as part of the DVDFab installer, and for users to store it on their systems. Not to mention the ridiculous bloatware complaints they got when the installer went from 5MB to 7 (and is about 14 now). I have never asked because it really doesn't bother me and I trust that they will be there to keep it going. They have a long track record in an industry where developers come and go. I have had enough contact with Fengtao over the years to know that he is fiercely dedicated to the DVDFab family of products. In time you will I think share this impression. It seems to be working well and I seriously doubt it will be changed (but you never know!).
              Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
              Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                Bottom line, then, any time you want to use the Blu-Ray program, you need a live internet connection and Fengtao's servers up and running....Wow....

                He/they have the right to do it any way they want - I have no issue with that (and it does work well). BUT, those caveats are important and unsual. At the very least, they ought to be MUCH CLEARER in the requirements section (all it says is internet connection, which can many anything and with most programs has to do with things like activation, not running the bloody program each time). I feel misled, even if not deliberately - though, for now, I probably still would have bought it. But that almost certainly will keep me from renewing.

                I also suspect that as Blu-Ray gets deeper penetration, this "difference" with Brand XXXXXX could become a competitive disadvantage. If I were Bramd XXXXXX , I'd make a HUGE deal about it and all the scenarios in which you would likely be unable to run the program. (Internet not up? Sorry. At a cabin without net access? Sorry. On a long overs-seas flight? Sorry. Visiting mom and dad in the country? Sorry (probably). At the office with a restrictive corporate firewall? Sorry...)

                People who are backing uip their own discs are paranoid enough to begin with. It will resonate with many. Hope it changes. The data-base - at least as an OPTION - would not be that big or inconvenient. Doub that's the issue and it hasn't been with Brand XXXXXX.

                Last edited by Hans Roehrig; 04-04-2010, 04:43 AM.


                  Under the info page for Bluray to Bluray at the bottom of the website page for that under System Requirements it says

                  ◦Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 (32-bit/64-bit)
                  ◦Pentium II 500 MHz
                  ◦512 MB of RAM
                  ◦50 GB of Free Hard Disk Space
                  ◦A Blu-ray Drive
                  Internet Connection

                  Here is link to website page that has that if you bought without reading what was required then that not DVDFab's fault but only your fault


                    Also, there are a lot of pluses the way Fab are doing it also.

                    Not having to update the software to get the key, quicker response time with new keys, etc. etc.

                    Get into the 21st century and cut out the B/S scenarios.

                    How often would an average user want to rip a Blu-Ray while travelling on an airplane????

                    C'mon now!!!!
                    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


                      My Blu-Ray pc doesn't have an Internet Connection and never will and that is why i use the competitor.

                      And that is why i will not buy DVDFabPasskey as the program is unusable if you're not on line so i use the competitor.

                      I would enjoy the product if i did not need a live internet connection and then i would not need the competitor.


                        I think you guys are missing the point. Boostman and I aren't the only ones.

                        I fly oversesas to Tokyo and London on Busines - I WOULD use the programs. I not only do backups, when prepping backup, I play with tweaks, may do some edits. LOTS of time to kill. We were on a one week vacation in Florida recently -not only had to pay huge daily amount for interent - but it was inconsistantly up and down. Voila - program can't even run.

                        A lot of times if you have your lap top and some down time somewhere (maybe not at home), it's not unusual to not have internet. These aren't BS situations in the 21st centurey (what a ridiculous adhominen as a response). Not to mention that despite the unflagging confidence in Fengtao being around until we're all dead - companies much bigger and stronger than his do go under all the time. Again, you'd be stuck instantly (silly car example clearly does not apply here).

                        The value of quicker access to keys is GREAT- all I'm saying is create some flexibility so buyers don't end up with one of the only stand alone programs that won't even run if it's not connect to the net....That disclaimer on requirements does NOT make it clear.

                        If there are other motives (like making sure that the copy doing the ripping is legit) - say so or implement differently.
                        Last edited by Hans Roehrig; 04-04-2010, 02:19 PM.


                          Fengtao is the only person capable of making the requested changes.
                          He will or will not implement these changes, but substantively, there is little to nothing to be gained here by continuing.

                          This thread has run its course.
                          If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                          You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).

