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John wick chapter 2

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    Log file attached
    Attached Files


      Thanks Signals! I did successfully decrypt the BD version and is playable on my Pre Feb 2012 player...just waiting for track repair so it can also be playable on my newer players.


        Java problem with John Wick 2

        I too used both version 9 and the latest version of 10 of the program to decrypt the blu Ray and both produce an ISO file. However, using my pre-2012 player that does not register the Cinavia content, after around 5 minutes into the move a text panel appears that states that it is not an original and it cannot be played. Leaving it playing, the disc continues after a while where it stopped but I am pretty sure the stop and start phenomenon will continue every so often through the playback. I assume that, as this is a Lionsgate movie, that the problem is Java related. Lionsgate just love using Java as a way of upsetting copiers. I did try the latest version of 10, the one published on the 14th of June as it announced a Java improvemen, but that did not do the trick. I will post the logs for this Canadian disc shortly.


          John Wick 2 - Logs for Canadian version

          Although the Canadian version contains Cinavia it also seems to have a Java anti-copying element as well.
          Not sure if you can see the offending information in this, but here it is:-
          Attached Files


            John Wick 2 - Log for Canadian version

            If it helps here ids the version 9 log:-
            Attached Files


              Originally posted by Movies99 View Post
              If it helps here ids the version 9 log:-

              Can you tell us the Blu-ray ID of the original disc?

              Please post your logs the default location is:
              For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
              For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
              Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
              If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



                @clwilliams and others

                You all seem to have the same version of the disc, thanks for supplying the logs. This version is being worked on now. It is important that the logs come from the original pressed disc that is causing you trouble.
                Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                  John Wick Chapter 2

                  DVD <JOHN_WICK_CHAPTER_2> would analyze as 463 or 474 MBs on various attempts.

                  DVDFab Inspector Media:

                  Current Profile: DVD-ROM
                  Media Id: --00

                  Disc Information:
                  Status: Finalized
                  State of Last Session: Complete
                  Erasable: No
                  Sessions: 1
                  Sectors: 4,169,920
                  Space: 8,539,996,160 bytes
                  Time: 926:40:70 (MM:SS:FF)
                  Supported Write Speeds: 6.0x

                  TOC Information:
                  -> Track 01 Lba:0, Adr:1, Control:4
                  -> Track AA Lba:4169920, Adr:1, Control:4

                  Physical Format Information:
                  Book Type: DVD-ROM
                  Part Version: 1
                  Disc Size: 120mm
                  Maximum Read Rate: 5.04Mbps
                  Number of Layers: 2
                  Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)
                  Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit
                  Track Density: 0.74 um/track
                  First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608
                  Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,580,607
                  Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,281,567

                  Performance (Write Speed):
                  Descriptor 0...
                  MRW: 0, Exact: 0, RDD: 0, WRC: 0
                  EndLba: 4169919 (0x003FA0BF)
                  ReadSpeed: 8310 KB/s (6.0x) - WriteSpeed: 8310 KB/s (6.0x)
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by PandaWanKenobi; 06-19-2017, 05:39 PM.


                    John Wick 2 ID

                    John Wick 2 Canadian Blu Ray ID



                      No cinavia removal, not working with 10.043 canadian version (costco) bd. Good playlist.


                        John Wick 2

                        Thanks for the update, it has removed the Java protection from John Wick 2. Keep up the good work.


                          JW 2 blu-ray

                          Can play disc, all backups and isos on hd with Powerdvd 16 latest update(Windows media player active not using on request prog PWD).
                          Dvdfab beta install. Same problems as v10.0.4.3.
                          Small window opens and msg(short): Can not open the disc. Can you play the disc? I click on ok and that's it.
                          Play yes, as above.
                          This problem started from version does not open all backups and iso files on hd. Older version v9.3.19 opens all iso and some backups(cinavia).
                          No id for the disc, written on disc Belga 08-1401
                          Took common action like new installation-cleaning etc......Goal I think, keep the fans happy and busy.
                          Problem remains, gave up.
                          Version beta no BDFix available

                          Any usefull reply?


                            Hi Meesdem,
                            Posted this in the wrong forum. If you cant open the disc, post in Blu-ray Copy forum and attach the DVDFab internal log session for the disc that would not open. See link ion my sig for log tips. For a faster reply, please use the Manage Attachments button and do not paste the log into the text area.
                            Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                            Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....

