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gui hangs when switching between rip & copy

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    gui hangs when switching between rip & copy

    v 8.068 windows 7 64 bit
    the v8 releases all seem to have this bug.:

    I load the program ( which will default in LH panel to what I did last i.e. to the rip menu or to the dvd copy menu )

    now, if either before or after selecting my source. I opt to change that selection i.e. change FROM rip TO Copy or vice versa - dvdfab 8 hangs at 50+% CPU, and only clicking in & out of task manager getsit to respond.

    that window switching was instant in v7

    NB I have no optical media inserted , I am working only with hard drvie files and my default source & target directories are both on HD.

    if i togglle the selection several times, the program gets the hang of it & begins to respond immediately, but after close, & restart it is back to hanging..
    a more detailed walkthrouh. I open DVDfab, with task manager active. dvdfab shows dvdcopy as default selection. I don't want that feature so I click on click on dvd ripper... now the dvdcopy window blanks itself - goes plain grey - but does not change cpu usage goes to 51% and stays there. I then click white space in my task manager window & DVDFAb completes its request - shrinks dvdcopy menu, show dvdrip menu... cpu usage drops back to minimal;...

    Never seen that happen when I copy from folder to another folder on HDD using all DVDFab options. Have you tried a clean install to see if that fixes the problem. Also how often you do maintenance on your computer as it may need a defrag


      Originally posted by AGJ View Post
      Never seen that happen when I copy from folder to another folder on HDD using all DVDFab options. Have you tried a clean install to see if that fixes the problem. Also how often you do maintenance on your computer as it may need a defrag
      well v8 is a clean install - different folder to v7. no defrag is needed and anyway it has not even begin the read - write process sat that point. all it' s being asked to do is change a menu

      anyway, I just tried v7.082 which is also installed
      the menus there are called dvd to dvd, dvd to mobile. it's taking up to 10 secs to switch between menus also

      by clean installs I guess you mean a through removal say with revo, including wiping my registration data.

      I could try that with 1 of the 2 versions if there are no other suggestions for debugging.

      let's see now, I may also have dvdfab6 still installed ... yes... happens there also, not quite as slow but a few seconds lag on menu change.

      so that's a clue = it's something that all 3 programs & installs have in common that is causing the slowdown ???

      I have owned versions of DVDFab for years, & had have not noticed this bug until recently - thouuh I don't use the program very often


        I can't duplicate this with the current (8070) version, but I have seen it (and a few other odd GUI things) once or twice in the past; usually a cold re-start type reboot fixed it for me. I think this type of problem relates to some graphics settings, such as your desktop resolution and possibly the text size setting (DPI) in windows.
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          Originally posted by signals View Post
          I can't duplicate this with the current (8070) version, but I have seen it (and a few other odd GUI things) once or twice in the past; usually a cold re-start type reboot fixed it for me. I think this type of problem relates to some graphics settings, such as your desktop resolution and possibly the text size setting (DPI) in windows.
          ok FWIW - I run at 1920 x 1200 , win 7 64 bit - normal DPI - ATI card latest catalyst drivers- pretty sure reboot will not help as today was for use the 1st time for months that I'd tried fab6, and I am sure I have seen this before the last time that the PC was shut down. I see that it happens with any menu change e.g. If I go to the blu ray options which I'd never use, the same delay / freeze is present. leave it for long enough & the new menu appears. it looks like the problem is with the program waiting for the current menu to minimise - as soon as that goes, the new one expands immediately

          NB there is a purple bar with an up-arrow on it at the bottom of the main menu list - clickign that seesm to force an immediate refresh so that's a workaround.


            Hi cybmole,

            Please upgrade your memory to larger size to see if you still get the same "delay / freeze navigation bar" issue.

            Last edited by sunny; 04-21-2011, 02:15 PM.


              Originally posted by sunny View Post
              Hi cybmole,

              Please upgrade your memory to larger size to see if you still get the same "delay / freeze navigation bar" issue.

              What - I have a 64 bit O/S and 6GB of RAM already !

              but just for giggles, let's observe with task manager - dvdfab8 is using about 48 MB ram - little change when I click menus - goes up to 50Mb- PC has 4.5GB unused ram -
              the program is hanging & using all of one CPU core - but any change of focus ( ie change of foreground task) causes it to complete the menu swap

              next idea please ?
              Last edited by Guest; 01-17-2011, 07:58 AM.


                Hi, cybmole

                1. Please reinstall grapthics driver to retry.
                2. If fail, please post the screen shot.



                  Originally posted by katiekim View Post
                  Hi, cybmole

                  1. Please reinstall grapthics driver to retry.
                  2. If fail, please post the screen shot.

                  1. no way !- there's nothing wrong with my graphics driver - ati catalyst 10.12
                  that suggestion is about as sensible as adding more RAM to my existing 6GB !

                  2. there's nothing to see - I cannot grab the frozen window - the screen grab , when pasted into picture manager, always shows shows the menu windows in a "good" state

                  I can live with the bug - I will let you , and other sufferers work on debugging it.


                    update - I have "almost " completely diagnosed this.

                    the freeze is only when the mouse is left hovering where it has just clicked i.e. on the dvdripper or dvd copy header in LH panel,

                    it is as if the window underneath the mouse cannot move because the mouse is pinning it in place.
                    simply moving the mouse out of the DVD fab windoe onto empty desktop space is all that's needed for the menu swap to complete

                    so - dvdfab cannot refresh its screen when it is underneath where the mouse cursor is - does that make sense - can anyone else reproduce it ?

                    maybe the aero desktop 64 bit is also needed for the issue to show up

