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Pathplayer: On, off, On again and Enable when needed

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    Pathplayer: On, off, On again and Enable when needed

    Hi All,

    I been used DVDFab for couple of years now and no major issues but I've noticed with most recent versions of DVDFab v.6.2.0.x that I've had to turn pathplayer OFF in order to backup some disks ?

    I'm running WinXP an now on latest DVDFab v. I'm not sure if it's actually Fab or more recent discs.... ?

    I tend to backup as Main Movie only and the 'symptoms' are that it's scans the disk forever when Pathplayer is always on or Enabled when needed.These are normal DVD's (not Blue-Ray) and the source discs are all new/clean.

    As soon as I turn this off it's scans quickly and all is normal -- so to me it defo seems to be a PP issue ?

    I'd have thought the most optimum setting for Pathplayer would be 'enable when needed' and Fab would work out if it did need to use it but this does not seem to be the case ?

    Not sure if anyone else has noticed this but I've read more threads recently where there's been talk of turning this on/off.

    The newer movies need pathplayer set as always enabled which is default setting. older movies disable pathplayer but some new movies like Orphan need pathplayer disabled for now so if one way does not work try the other as that what we all do


      Agree and I guess this was mainly my point....

      I'm having to manaully change the setting now and more frequently.

      I would have thought that the Enable when needed would do this switch for me automatically ?

      I guess at end of day i can still do the backups it just seems that this inconvience is happening more often


        It's all the new copy protection the studios put on the DVDs so it makes it hard for the copy programs to detect and remove it. the older movies from 2006 and older pathplayer can be disabled for them I believe but I never disable it unless always enabled does not work


          I use Always Enable. As noted, the logic that makes the "if needed" mode switching cannot anticipate every new protection before it comes out. Unless it has changed, the default on a new install is Always mode.
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            appreciate that guys -- thanks -- I think that's answered enough (for me anyway) and I think there's probably more important things out there on the devlopment front.

            Was just adding the transparancy.


              I think I read that was one of the fixes with the new official release, the pathplayer, yes?

