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Chapters messed up in DVD full copy

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    Chapters messed up in DVD full copy

    Hello all,

    I couldn't select the prefix because it isn't available. That's the version I'm using.

    I am losing the chapter marks that I manually place, using my Funai SV2000 DVD recorder. I copy VHS tapes of musical performances into titles and then place chapter marks at the start of each song, so one can theoretically skip from the start of one song to the next. It works fine in the DVD recorder but when I do a full DVD copy the chapters get messed up. In the first title, for instance, the chapters have been reduced from 7 to 3 and the first one is at a 10:00min interval.

    What gives? Is there some setting that is causing this? How can I copy the full DVD and preserve the chapters as set in the original recording? One of the reasons I purchased DVDFab is because it was the first software I could find that would read the DVD recorder structure. DVDShrink throws up on it. I could try DVDDecrypter but I want to copy straight to an .ISO file and I don't think DVDDecrypter does that.

    Any help and/or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    It's the 1st of January, not the 1st of April!!

    You have got to be kidding, right?

    Why would Fab wast resources on such a B/S way of obtaining content?

    The mind boggles......
    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


      Thank you for the polite response.

      I don't really know what you are talking about. Could you type some reasoned sentences instead of snide remarks?

      I'm simply copying old VHS music tapes that I put chapter marks at the beginning of each song. I'm not trying to extract content in some B/S manor as you seem to think. Some VHS tapes aren't available as DVD content. Besides, THAT would be more of a B/S use of the program, even though that seems to be common.

      Wasting resources!? Not copying chapter marks in a Full Disc mode should be a default, not some esoteric bug to troubleshoot.

      I will gladly appreciate any help you might choose to offer, but do us both a favor and don't post if you can only offer arrogance.


        Some DVD recorders do use ESOTERIC DVD structures hence my comment about wasting resources. If the DVD recorder does not adhere to the DVD specs, ypu'll be SOOL.

        What I would do if I owned the content and wanted it in digital format, I would have no qualms about using the prolific torrent sites to download a good quality copy and use a media player to play it instead of burning to DVD. You would be obtaining a backup under "Fair Use".

        I really do not believe that the content is not available on DVD, it's just a matter of finding it.

        VHS to DVD is gonna give you crap quality, hence my B/S remarlks.
        "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


          I suspect the chapter/bookmarks are proprietary or specific to the recorder format and may not be fuly DVD-Video compliant. If you want to pursue this, you will need to make 2 short samples of the files you want DVDFab to be able to read, one with added chapters and one without. They need to be short enough that you can easily upload them to a file sharing site of your choosing, about 3-400MB each or less. If you can get that done, I can get it into the hands of the correct staff members in Beijing and they can take a look as time permits.

          I do agree with Greg that the quality will likely be disappointing.
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            Thank you Greg and signals for further commentary/discussion.

            signals, I think you are correct that the chapter marking may not be DVD compliant. After further efforts (read banging my head against the wall) I have verified that my BluRay player doesn't recognize the chapter marks of the original disc and neither does a second, Memorex DVD player. It's hard to imagine any manufacturer of "DVD" equipment creating something that isn't compliant in it's recording structure. After all, "Finalizing" a disc should mean compliance. I guess not though. What seems simple usually isn't.

            I discovered this after copying the disc with IsoBuster, since there is no protection in it. Heck, IsoBuster might even copy a disc like that. I've never tried. I now have an .ISO file that at least is a copy of the original -- not recognized by any player but the original recorder. Now, THAT's a waste of effort. Can't share what I thought was a properly chaptered disc.

            I wasn't shooting for HQ thus my efforts to just make a DVD to enjoy and share with a couple of friends. I wasn't wanting to make this into a project of import where I need to track down "sources." I have the VHS in hand. And I've already looked at the recording on the DVD players mentioned. I don't mind what I've ended up with as far as the video quality goes. But it sucks that I can't propagate the chapters without further processing with other software. I really didn't want to have to go that far. I've authored/chaptered another couple of DVDs this way but never checked the copies to find out the bad news until tonight. Bummer.

            And, Greg, I probably am SOOL, short of doing what you suggest. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

