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Just Wondering...

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    Just Wondering...

    I have 6 30 minute DVD's that I bought at the local Dollar Tree store that have stuff on topics like the California Redwoods, the Pacific Ocean, and Fall in New England that are really nice relaxation movies. Basically it's just films of the various places with some quiet music. They repeat themselves after they finish but at just about 30 minutes each they are rather short.

    So I figured I would copy them all on to one DVD. I think the reason it didn't work right off was I was testing some DVD's my son bought me for Christmas that I'm pretty sure are crap, Memorex DVD-R disks. The process fail twice and locked up DVD Copy both times, the second time I was forced to reboot.

    Not being one to give up I then fired up DVD Copy and wrote the 6 DVD's to an .iso file and burned it with imgburn using a better quality TDK DVD+R disk that I have never had a problem with any of. (Unless my PC crashed in the middle of the burn process, which has happened but is pretty rare.) That worked pretty well, and I now have a 3 hour long copy of all 6 movies on one disk, that even still starts over after it finishes playing all of them, which even with repeat mode turned on has never worked right with my Sony DVD player.

    A few minutes ago I was reading some threads here and saw something about logs, and I looked this up in mine, and found this error:

    <b>failed to read disc key: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00</b>

    So I'm wondering, what does that mean in plain English?

    Oops... Sorry for the HTML tags.


      You should be using Merge mode to combine these. They will play one after the other, and you can set them to loop back to the first one when they are done (put a check in the box that says "Rewind when done playing").

      The log error means DVDFab could not read your Source. Post the entire log session in the future, one line isn't enough. HTML is not allowed in posts.
      Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
      Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


        I'm surprised it was the source disks because when I wrote the .iso file I used DVD Copy to do it and it had no problem. But when I tried to burn the disks with DVD Copy it crashed both times.

        I was using Merge, I just forgot to say that I was. Even though I didn't specifically set imgburn to rewind afterwards, it does. Whatever the case, I like it that it still does that.

        I figured out that HTML wasn't allowed when I saw it in the message after I posted it. I had actually intended to use BBCode, but I spaced what I was doing there. Sorry about that...

