CSS (Content Scramble System) protection is removed.
RC (Region Code) protection is removed.
RCE (Region Code Enhancement) protection not found.
APS (Analog Protection System) protection is removed.
UOPs (User Operation Prohibitions) protection is removed.
Invalid PTTs, PGCs, CELLs, VOBUs protection is removed.
Invalid PGCIs, TMAPs protection not found.
Fake vts protection not found.
Potential bad sector (vts:3 title begin:0 end:195) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:8 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:9 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:10 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:11 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:12 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:13 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:14 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:15 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:16 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:17 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
Potential bad sector (vts:18 title begin:0 end:4111) is removed.
12 potential bad sector protections are removed.
Structure protection (ARccOS, RipGuard, etc.) is removed.
Using and pathplayer enabled I see two tracks of 1:43:40 length and two of 1:44:10. Previewing them I don't see the difference, other than they all play the Spanish track, even though English is selected. When I select the Spanish track it plays English. I'm going to rip title 68(2) with the Spanish track and see how it plays.
Using and pathplayer enabled I see two tracks of 1:43:40 length and two of 1:44:10. Previewing them I don't see the difference, other than they all play the Spanish track, even though English is selected. When I select the Spanish track it plays English. I'm going to rip title 68(2) with the Spanish track and see how it plays.
Play it in your player and see what chapter is playing then use that one
Paid Not To Work
US Navy Retired ( 20 Years )
Proudly Served On
USS Coral Sea CVA-43 (VF-154) / USS Oriskany CVA-34 (VFP-63) / USS Ranger CVA-61 (VF-121)
6 trips to the Gulf Of Tonkin
Ok, glenns, I updated to the newest version of DvdFab. Tried Monsters University with the newest version and it still won't open. I cancelled it after it tried for 7 minutes to open the movie.
DVDFab (2013/11/06 16:28:26)
0m 00.38s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.38s: warning: FabPlay: invalid gpu detect handle
0m 00.38s: GPUAccelerate: 0
0m 00.38s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 00.38s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 00.38s: Graphics info: : :
0m 00.44s: Load config successful.
0m 00.44s: Windows os type is: 13.
0m 02.53s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
DVDFab (2013/11/06 16:28:40)
0m 00.16s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.17s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.29s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.29s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.48s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.48s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.49s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:\Users\Kathy\Documents\DVDFab\Log\
0m 00.58s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
0m 01.24s: fab_check_gpu run successful
0m 01.25s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 1
0m 01.25s: GPUAccelerate: 4
0m 01.25s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 01.25s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 01.25s: Graphics info: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family : :
0m 01.26s: Load config successful.
0m 01.26s: Windows os type is: 13.
0m 01.74s: Option check status: Failed
0m 01.74s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
0m 01.75s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: DVD to DVD-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: DVD to Mobile-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: Blu-ray to Mobile-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: File to Mobile-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: Blu-ray to DVD-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: File to DVD-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: File to Blu-ray-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: File Mover-1-0-215811
0m 01.75s: Blu-ray to 3D-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: 2D to 3D-0-0-200011
0m 01.75s: Blu-ray Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 01.75s: DVD Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 01.87s: Start get sys number.
0m 01.98s: Serial number is: 70-1a-04-f6-27-a0:00-26-2d-bc-42-09
0m 01.98s: Reg URL link is:
0m 01.98s: Version is: 9101
0m 01.98s: Product is: 2
0m 01.98s: Connect type is: 0
0m 03.02s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 03.02s: Parse string is: 2:1387861040
0m 03.02s: Parse string is: 1:0
0m 03.02s: Parse string is: OV:9072
0m 03.02s: Parse string is: BV:9101
0m 03.02s: Parse string is: S:99aa0084ff9aeed6916dc7848d9f71fa
0m 03.24s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 03.27s: Option check status: NewWork
0m 03.27s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-0-0-200011
0m 03.27s: DVD to DVD-1-1-20131224
0m 03.27s: DVD to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: Blu-ray to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: File to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: Blu-ray to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: File to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: File to Blu-ray-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: File Mover-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: Blu-ray to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: 2D to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 03.27s: Blu-ray Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 03.27s: DVD Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 03.27s: End check info.
0m 03.79s: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 03.79s: CommmandLine:
0m 05.09s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 05.10s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
0m 05.28s: locale: en_US lan: ENU use font: Arial
0m 05.28s:
0m 05.28s: ADMUI3Lg,ADMUI3Sm,Adobe Arabic,Adobe Caslon Pro,Adobe Caslon Pro Bold,Adobe Fan Heiti Std B,Adobe Garamond Pro,Adobe Garamond Pro Bold,Adobe Gothic Std B,Adobe Hebrew,
0m 05.28s: Adobe Heiti Std R,Adobe Ming Std L,Adobe Myungjo Std M,Adobe Pi Std,Adobe Song Std L,Adobe Thai,Agency FB,Aharoni,Algerian,Andalus,
0m 05.28s: AR DECODE,AR DELANEY,AR DESTINE,AR ESSENCE,AR HERMANN,AR JULIAN,Arabic Typesetting,Arial,Arial Black,Arial Narrow,
0m 05.28s: Arial Rounded MT Bold,Arial Unicode MS,Baskerville Old Face,Batang,BatangChe,Bauhaus 93,Bell MT,Berlin Sans FB,Berlin Sans FB Demi,Bernard MT Condensed,
0m 05.28s: Bickham Script Pro Regular,Birch Std,Blackadder ITC,Blackoak Std,Bodoni MT,Bodoni MT Black,Bodoni MT Condensed,Bodoni MT Poster Compressed,Book Antiqua,Bookman Old Style,
0m 05.28s: Bookshelf Symbol 7,Bradley Hand ITC,Britannic Bold,Broadway,Browallia New,BrowalliaUPC,Brush Script MT,Brush Script Std,Caflisch Script Pro Light,Caflisch Script Pro Regular,
0m 05.28s: Calibri,Calibri Light,Californian FB,Calisto MT,Cambria,Cambria Math,Candara,Castellar,Centaur,Century,
0m 05.28s: Century Gothic,Century Schoolbook,Chaparral Pro,Charlemagne Std,Chiller,Colonna MT,Comic Sans MS,Consolas,Constantia,Cooper Black,
0m 05.28s: Cooper Std Black,Copperplate Gothic Bold,Copperplate Gothic Light,Corbel,Cordia New,CordiaUPC,Courier,Courier New,Courier Std,Curlz MT,
0m 05.28s: DaunPenh,David,DFKai-SB,DilleniaUPC,DokChampa,Dotum,DotumChe,Ebrima,Edw ardian Script ITC,Elephant,
0m 05.28s: Engravers MT,Eras Bold ITC,Eras Demi ITC,Eras Light ITC,Eras Medium ITC,Estrangelo Edessa,EucrosiaUPC,Euphemia,Eurostile,FangSong,
0m 05.29s: Felix Titling,Fixedsys,Footlight MT Light,Forte,Franklin Gothic Book,Franklin Gothic Demi,Franklin Gothic Demi Cond,Franklin Gothic Heavy,Franklin Gothic Medium,Franklin Gothic Medium Cond,
0m 05.29s: FrankRuehl,FreesiaUPC,Freestyle Script,French Script MT,Gabriola,Garamond,Gautami,Georgia,Giddyup Std,Gigi,
0m 05.29s: Gill Sans MT,Gill Sans MT Condensed,Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold,Gill Sans Ultra Bold,Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed,Gisha,Gloucester MT Extra Condensed,Goudy Old Style,Goudy Stout,Graphite Std,
0m 05.29s: Graphite Std Light,Graphite Std Light Narrow,Graphite Std Light Wide,Graphite Std Narrow,Graphite Std Wide,Gulim,GulimChe,Gungsuh,GungsuhChe,Haettenschw eiler,
0m 05.29s: Harlow Solid Italic,Harrington,High Tower Text,Hobo Std,Impact,Imprint MT Shadow,Informal Roman,IrisUPC,Iskoola Pota,JasmineUPC,
0m 05.29s: Jokerman,Juice ITC,KaiTi,Kalinga,Kartika,Khmer UI,KodchiangUPC,Kokila,Kozuka Gothic Pr6N M,Kozuka Mincho Pr6N R,
0m 05.29s: Kristen ITC,Kunstler Script,Lao UI,Latha,Leelawadee,Levenim MT,LilyUPC,Lithos Pro Regular,Lucida Bright,Lucida Calligraphy,
0m 05.29s: Lucida Console,Lucida Fax,Lucida Handwriting,Lucida Sans,Lucida Sans Typewriter,Lucida Sans Unicode,Magneto,Maiandra GD,Malgun Gothic,Mangal,
0m 05.29s: Marlett,Matisse ITC,Matura MT Script Capitals,Meiryo,Meiryo UI,Mesquite Std,Microsoft Himalaya,Microsoft JhengHei,Microsoft New Tai Lue,Microsoft PhagsPa,
0m 05.29s: Microsoft Sans Serif,Microsoft Tai Le,Microsoft Uighur,Microsoft YaHei,Microsoft Yi Baiti,MingLiU,MingLiU-ExtB,MingLiU_HKSCS,MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB,Minion Pro,
0m 05.29s: Minion Pro Cond,Minion Pro Med,Miriam,Miriam Fixed,Mistral,Modern,Modern No. 20,Mongolian Baiti,Monotype Corsiva,MoolBoran,
0m 05.29s: MS Gothic,MS Mincho,MS Outlook,MS PGothic,MS PMincho,MS Reference 1,MS Reference 2,MS Reference Sans Serif,MS Reference Specialty,MS Sans Serif,
0m 05.29s: MS Serif,MS Shell Dlg,MS UI Gothic,MT Extra,MV Boli,Myriad Pro,Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Light,Myriad Pro Light Cond,Myriad Pro Light SemiCond,
0m 05.29s: Myriad Pro Light SemiExt,Myriad Pro SemiCond,Myriad Pro SemiExt,Myriad Web Pro,Myriad Web Pro Condensed,Narkisim,Niagara Engraved,Niagara Solid,NSimSun,Nueva Std,
0m 05.29s: Nueva Std Cond,Nyala,OCR A Extended,OCR A Std,OCR B MT,OCR-A II,Old English Text MT,Onyx,Orator Std,Palace Script MT,
0m 05.29s: Palatino Linotype,Papyrus,Parchment,Perpetua,Perpetua Titling MT,Plantagenet Cherokee,Playbill,PMingLiU,PMingLiU-ExtB,Poor Richard,
0m 05.29s: Poplar Std,Postino Std,Prestige Elite Std,Pristina,QuickType II,QuickType II Condensed,QuickType II Mono,QuickType II Pi,Raavi,Rage Italic,
0m 05.29s: Ravie,Rockwell,Rockwell Condensed,Rockwell Extra Bold,Rod,Roman,Rosewood Std Regular,Sakkal Majalla,Sanvito Pro,Sanvito Pro Light,
0m 05.29s: Script,Script MT Bold,Segoe Print,Segoe Script,Segoe UI,Segoe UI Light,Segoe UI Semibold,Segoe UI Symbol,Shonar Bangla,Showcard Gothic,
0m 05.29s: Shruti,SimHei,Simplified Arabic,Simplified Arabic Fixed,SimSun,SimSun-ExtB,Small Fonts,Snap ITC,Stencil,Stencil Std,
0m 05.30s: Sylfaen,Symbol,System,Tahoma,Tekton Pro,Tekton Pro Cond,Tekton Pro Ext,Tempus Sans ITC,Terminal,Times New Roman,
0m 05.30s: Traditional Arabic,Trajan Pro,Trebuchet MS,Tunga,Tw Cen MT,Tw Cen MT Condensed,Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold,Utsaah,Vani,Verdana,
0m 05.30s: Vijaya,Viner Hand ITC,Vivaldi,Vladimir Script,Vrinda,Webdings,Wide Latin,Wingdings,Wingdings 2,Wingdings 3,
0m 05.30s:
0m 07.38s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 23.03s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 23.61s: opening drive E
0m 23.62s: opened i/o
0m 43.26s: opening drive E
0m 45.47s: opened i/o
0m 45.47s: got media type 4
0m 51.44s: got max lba 4163807
0m 51.68s: got disc type 10
0m 52.06s: type DVD-VIDEO
0m 52.06s: volume label MONSTERS_UNIVERSITY
0m 52.08s: Open blu-ray disc expired time: 215811
0m 52.08s: opening drive E
0m 52.37s: opened i/o
0m 57.89s: got max lba 4163807
0m 58.18s: got disc type 10
0m 58.56s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/
0m 59.90s: got copyright 1 f6
1m 21.09s: got udf/iso
2m 07.70s: got discinfo
2m 07.86s: pathplayer enabled
2m 10.30s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 sector_122 count_4
2m 15.23s: button: vts_6 menu_0 pgc_1 cell_1 sector_3979 count_2
2m 18.19s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 sector_5943 count_6
5m 38.30s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 sector_7818 count_6
5m 39.12s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 sector_44722 count_3
5m 55.92s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_35 cell_1 sector_46146 count_3
5m 57.92s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 sector_34037 count_17
6m 00.13s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_40 cell_1 sector_47572 count_5
6m 00.86s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 sector_49273 count_6
6m 05.91s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_50 cell_1 sector_50973 count_5
6m 06.66s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 sector_34705 count_17
6m 07.38s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 sector_50406 count_1
6m 10.77s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_42 cell_1 sector_48706 count_1
7m 24.46s: user cancelled
7m 25.34s: failed to open 1
You could make sure the disk is clean then try again if this don't work go into Fab settings and turn path finder off and retry be sure to put pathfinder back on when done and post that internal log if it don't work.Is this the only disk you are having trouble with opening?