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Burning closes DVDFab?!

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    Burning closes DVDFab?!

    Since I press "continue" button to start copying the process of analyzing starts just for a second exactly and then DVDFab closes itself . This happens to all discs (I have tried three). I've changed installation of DVDFab and retrived also knew key.
    Below there are info from DVDFab log:

    2010-01-16 10:51:49 ---- ******************** Log session stop 16-sty 10:51:49.324 PID 240********************
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info Current Drive selected : 1:0:0 - HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4080N 0X21 [D] (Ide)
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info Using Advanced SPTI interface
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info System default language : Polski
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info User default language : Polski
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info DLL Version :
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info DLL : C:\Program Files\DVDFab 6\vso_hwe.dll
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info Version : 6, 2, 1, 8
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info ExeName : C:\Program Files\DVDFab 6\DVDFab.exe
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 Info OS : Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Build 2600: Dodatek Service Pack 3)
    2010-01-16 10:28:34 ---- ******************** Log session start 16-sty 10:28:34.923 PID 240********************


    DVDFab (2010/01/16 15:12:29)

    0m 01.96s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
    0m 11.92s: detected dvd
    0m 11.98s: drive D
    0m 11.98s: video dvd 1
    0m 12.00s: volume label JOSH
    0m 12.15s: detected dvd
    0m 12.20s: drive D
    0m 12.20s: video dvd 1
    0m 12.20s: volume label JOSH
    0m 24.84s: got copyright 0 fd
    0m 25.31s: got udf/iso
    0m 25.79s: got discinfo
    0m 29.54s: got dvdinfo

    Does anybody has a clue what is it about??? Please, help!

    This can be caused by many things, including conflicts with other software. Have you installed anything new that accesses optical drives for reading or writing? You might also try:
    disabling read ahead cache
    disablling Preview window automatic start
    disabling GPU acceleration
    try ASPI I/O control instead of SPTI as a workaround
    The controls for these items are in DVDFab Common Settings.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
    Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


      Thank you for your answer, but it has not resolved the problem.
      Besides, reading the forum I come to a conclusion the DVDFab software from 4th edition up should be freeware!!! Don't you think the same, do you?



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