If any of your fellow users could have fixed it they would have, so loose the attitude and go to the feature request forum and ask it be added back to the software.
is there more information you need or do I need to post it some where else ?
Since you are a new user to the forum I think that was a legitimate question.
Signals moved your post from the Feature Requests forum to the DVDFab DVD Copy forum as you were troubleshooting instead of making a feature request. So, currently you are definitely in the right place. He did ask you to mention what version of DVDFab you are using, which could help in troubleshooting, but you haven't done that yet.
Did you use the same version of DVDFab on both Vista and Windows 10. If you did, it could be an OS issue but I highly doubt it. Maybe the developers decided to remove the feature in which case you should follow 90312's advice and ask for it back in the Feature Requests forum.
sorry not taking a attitude but no where have I seen a reply. Anyway I am using the beta but also used it on vista with out a problem
I didn't notice an attitude.
My guess is that it would be an OS issue which would be really weird. I don't know what else could cause the issue. Hopefully someone else will chime in that would know. You can always email support and ask them.
This is not an OS issue, and the answer is probably not in a 3-year old thread. I no longer burn optical discs, so have not noticed any change. Will ask about it.
I had my doubts that it would be an OS issue that's why I said it would be really weird if it was. This issue doesn't affect me as I also no longer burn physical media but I'm curious as to what it could be. He is using the same version of DVDFab on both versions of Windows so my next guess would have been something in the DVDFab settings but I couldn't find anything in there either.