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Read/Write Error with "New Moon"

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    Read/Write Error with "New Moon"


    I just got this DVD and wanted to back it up before the disk became damaged. I tried the version I was previously using and got the same error in the title line. So I decided to look at the site and see if there was an update for this, and specifically there is. However, I receive the error in the first minute or so of opening the disk and I am prompted to retry, abort, ignore, or ignore all. No matter which I choose it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions? DVDFabPasskey7 beta does the same.


    Make sure in common settings that pathplayer is set to ALWAYS ENABLED


      Originally posted by AGJ View Post
      Make sure in common settings that pathplayer is set to ALWAYS ENABLED
      Thank you for replying. However, this setting is defaulted from the install. I am open to all other suggestions.


        MAKE SURE PATHPLAYER is enabled. If so, then you have a defective DVD


          What! There are several versions of New Moon out there with dozens of people that are having the same problem with the newest update with PP enabled and you say it must be a bad disc. I have never had a new disc being a bad press but many times had to wait until there is a new update.


            Same error with "Did You Hear About The Morgans?"

            I'm using which worked for New Moon but now I'm seeing the same error with "Did You Hear About The Morgans?". Not sure how to upload logs given it doesn't get very far and logs look to be empty.


              It works!!!!

              Finally, I just downloaded the version, and finally got NEW MOON, IT WORKS, so all i need now is the reg. key, and i am all set, finally, i can relax now. and it works without changing anything


                maybe I got a bad download..., doubtful. I'll re-download 7026 and re-install it


                  Redownloaded 7026, uninstalled it, removed all directories related to the program that I could find, and removed all registry entries as well. I re-installed it and still have the same result. I was curious if I could copy it directly to another dl with k3b, the result of that was a read failure. I'm wondering if that is what is happening with 7026...?


                    I've seen a few brand new badly pressed discs. Try cleaning the disc using glass cleaner; there may be leftover residue that you cannot see from the pressing process. You might also try going back to the store and exchanging it.

                    Are you using the trial version or fully registered version of


                      same problem

                      Ok I'm having the same problem and I have tried three different copies of New Moon. The same issue with all three of them. I have uninstalled all copies of DVD fab including registery entries. Installed 7026 and still have the same problem. Considering I have tried three different copies of New Moon I do not believe this is a disc issue. I had no problem backing up copies of such DVDs as Hurt Locker.
                      Originally posted by poagester View Post
                      Redownloaded 7026, uninstalled it, removed all directories related to the program that I could find, and removed all registry entries as well. I re-installed it and still have the same result. I was curious if I could copy it directly to another dl with k3b, the result of that was a read failure. I'm wondering if that is what is happening with 7026...?


                        Do not hijack threads. This is the DVD to DVD Forum, post your problem in the DVD to Mobile forum. I will leave your post here long enough for you to copy and paste it there before I delete it.

                        jerryntenn and poagester
                        You will not get much help until you answer questions and post logs. Most of the time if something is working for everyone else and not for you it is 1) some quirk of your system or 2) something in your settings or procedures. For instance, you must install "As Administrator" for the product to work properly.
                        Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                        Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                          i know that i installed as admin, if someone can tell me which logs to post i will.



                            The default location is:
                            C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log.

                            Please just copy and paste the log(s) and post right here.
                            Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

                            Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

                            Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum



                              2010-03-24 00:07:09 ---- ******************** Log session stop 24-Mar 00:07:09.192 PID 4416********************
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info Current Drive selected : 0:0:0 - Slimtype DVD A DS8A1H WH66 [E] (Ide)
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info Using Advanced SPTI interface
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info System default language : English (United States)
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info User default language : English (United States)
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info DLL Version :
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info DLL : C:\Program Files\DVDFab 7\vso_hwe.dll
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info Version : 7, 0, 2, 6
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info ExeName : C:\Program Files\DVDFab 7\DVDFab.exe
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 Info OS : Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (Build 6001: Service Pack 1)
                              2010-03-23 23:52:37 ---- ******************** Log session start 23-Mar 23:52:37.315 PID 4416********************


                              DVDFab (2010/03/23 23:52:10)

                              0m 01.06s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
                              0m 59.56s: detected dvd
                              0m 59.65s: drive E
                              0m 59.65s: video dvd 1
                              0m 59.65s: volume label TWILIGHT_SAGA_NEW_MOON
                              1m 10.55s: got copyright 1 fe
                              1m 11.19s: got udf/iso
                              1m 52.68s: got discinfo

                              These are the only two files, and I let New Moon be read over night. Im going to check for a new beta build for now. Please keep giving ideas!

